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Everything posted by hlminx

  1. Thanks guys Was a memorable one! thankfully, for all the best reasons!
  2. Hey Joe Been a frantic 6mths. Trying to get back into the swing of things:-) Need to see where the rig is...:-)
  3. Thanks John Have been missing you guys and the hangar Need to catch up Mind you, you'll have to give me a month for my rig to catch up on the million and one Windoze updates! X Minx
  4. Thanks Brett Another year older... another few grey hairs! I've had some turbulent skies in the last 6 months, but you may all be seeing me a bit more now. Need to get back into the swing of things. No idea whats been happening in the world of FS for a while.. Precis anyone?? Minx
  5. I saw the movie too last week and I've got to say that although I thought Clint and Co. did a pretty good job, it was nowhere near as immersive and thought provoking as the book Highest Duty, which I read a few years back.. If you haven't read it, I would definitely recommend it as you get a real sense of what a line pilot's life is like, even down to the fact Sully had to buy his own lunch as the airline didn't provide for the flight crew, while the paying passengers are well catered for.. Unlike the total witch hunt experienced by Peter Burkill after the BA 777 crash at Heathrow,
  6. Thanks to Jess and Linda Recipe received with thanks (especially from huz who will be chief taste tester no doubt).
  7. Thanks for updating the message title Joe ☺ For the next 6 months the windows in our house will be closed and locked, plus the pussycat will be instructed to deal with them..
  8. As a complete arachnophobe it would have been nice to have a warning first.. you know, the standard "if you dont like XYZ then look away now" disclaimer in the title... At least I was only reviewing the forum on my tablet and not my 3x32's
  9. Knock knock Jess.. got that yummy recipe?? Nom nom
  10. I'm afraid that me and the Huz are going to be no shows this year as well.. family comittments have caught up with us.. Look forward to hearing reports from those that make it to the show. If last year was anything to go by, you'll have a great time, although this time there won't be any of that yummy cake of Joe's on offer.. [hey Jess, you got that recipe for me yet?] nom nom!
  11. Bestest belated birthday salutations Wayne! Hope you didn't need to reach for the barf bag on your flight after partaking in the wobbly water
  12. Thanks Brett.. you wouldn't believe how bereft i've been without my weekly dose of FSX. Yes, you are spot on there.. only the original FSX fields were covered. Just as well that i didn't need it in the end, although it does beg the quesiton as to why ORBX haven't sorted this one out yet. Its obviously causing a LOT of agro out there in the community.
  13. Thanks Joe.. happy to be among the flying again! Yep, I was quite astounded when i read the post. I have now checked another 8 locations mentioned in the Orbx forums as having trees in odd places and they are all behaving on my PC now. You and me both!! I've updated the Orbx posts that i was involved in and shared the page with Wolter's file but not sure how many people will pick it up. If it helps more than a handful of people then i'm happy.
  14. Lol.. no offence taken. I'm still as I have always been, but you'd still rarely find me in a skirt! To be honest, I only picked this up a week or so ago as i haven't been on the forums, or on my Sim for a couple of months. Initially the issue with the trees all over the place, stranger textures, and not being able to fly anywhere in PNW region without flying into a tree, had left me rather jaded. I had reinstalled more times than i can recall, followed all the instructions to the letter and still had a dogs dinner. I decided to leave it till i got back from holiday and had a bit mo
  15. Happy birthday Needles. Hope you're enjoying yourself and being spoilt rotten
  16. Happy belated birthday John. Hope you've added a great weekend
  17. Nice one matt. Some lovely scenery over there. Thought you were going to get boxed in those mountains half way through but handy having that engine just in case :-)
  18. Very nice looking aircraft. Thanks for sharing
  19. Hiya everyone Just came across details of a sale at Aerosoft. To celebrate their 25th anniversary they have up to 50% off selected titles (a pretty short list, unfortunately) till 1st August 2016 Here is the link to their site: http://en.shop.aerosoft.com/eshop.php? Enjoy all
  20. Hi Joe Yep, hubby, the Blackbird and I all made it back safely from our European tour Have lots still to sort out with the PC, but i'll get there.. Thats such a shame that the last flight didn't make it to the boards.. If you are going to re-fly it, then hopefully I can make it this time. I was away last time you flew it. Keep me posted! :-)
  21. Hi guys Its good to be back.. the PC is in the process of being re-built and although it is early days, I'm eager to get back into it! I was wondering when the final flight of ATWC6 was going to be posted. Did i miss something during my regrettable absence? is it still in production? Minx
  22. ...cleavage [no reference to any P3 model inferred]
  23. Thanks for the support guys..means a lot :-) I really miss being on MH and miss flying, which is something that has given me very little pleasure of late. Yup, to say i'm disillusioned with the whole thing at the mo would be an understatement. I did get a reply from one guy in South Africa highlighting the complete mess the latest LIBs file is, and that it seems to be causing all sorts of problems. So question for you.. I still have a copy of the old version of the LIBS 160321 If i was to run that, even though i have run 160528 (which is the copy causing a lot fo
  24. Well, i haven't been on here for a while for various reasons, but as soon as i turned on and saw the mess that Global / Vector has casued to my system, i just wanted to shut it off again. I'm sure i'm not the only one who, due to the pressures of normal life, needs the simple pleasure of being able to turn on the PC and just fly.. The complete mess that is now my view of North America is not one that gives me much incentive to partake in, and following 2 reinstalls both from FSX upwards, i am no closer to even a passable representation of a landscape. I usually have the
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