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Everything posted by hlminx

  1. Fantastic write up JG, and thoroughly entertaining (well, it would have been if I hadn't been there too) Thanks for getting me to Panama City in 'style'... always had a soft spot for the L1011 Joe, I think I deserve a rest! Getting the snakes and "Baton" (cough) to Eldorado was one challenge but then having to do the quick change into my alter ego Sharon, beating JG back to the airport, and then getting straight back on the Tristar without any (beauty) sleep...
  2. I'm ON it ! Just finishing off clearing my outstanding crossgrade licences (2 to go) but now i know what i've got, its a teeny tiny excuse to take advantage of the offer..
  3. OK guys (and gals), i have the solution.. easy lemon squeezy!! put [ followed by img and then ] at the start of the html link, then after you have your file type (.jpg or .png etc.) put [/img] You can then complete the Word or text document with all the links in as above and copy/paste it all in one go
  4. Why is it that you always get a phone call just when you are right in the middle of an important negotiation? The mechanic from ACME Air Maintenance, or whatever it was called, was giving me the run-around, and I wasn't even wearing a skirt! What is it with mechanics and women? There was no way he was going to charge me 30% more for the privilege of changing a landing light! I was determined to ignore the buzzing of my mobile until this guy had lowered his extortionate price. Even though I wasn't paying for it, I’d be damned if I was going to be fleeced, even
  5. Yeah I tried that but all I could see was the html link. So peeved.. worked fine in the past and now it's not argghh
  6. Linking images - quel nightmare! HELP!! i can't post my PIREP.. can't get the images working since FS snaps went, and whatever i try isn't working.. Questions: 1. can i link .PNG ?? if not i'll have to go back and re-save all the pics 2. Regarding the link.. i used to post with at the beginning and end of the http link but thats not working. What am i doing wrong? Any ideas guys?? driving me bonkers as there isn't a more up to date explanation of how to link for 'numpties' Cheers
  7. anyone got an img of the baton that i can paste? i don't have fancy pants software so its Paint or nowt
  8. Another great PIREP there.. Don't they call them 'man-bags' .??
  9. Great PIREP Tim and a joy to read. Always liked the look of the phenom and seems a nice bird to fly. Glad you got there safe.. Hope the goons don't spot the handover!
  10. Brilliant PIREP and some stunning pics. Nice to see ORBX has made a good job of Rio even if there are a few misplaced items. I was looking hard to see if I could spot Roger Moore sliding down the cable at the sugar loaf mountain but alas that wasn't modelled..
  11. Lovely shots there, and an enjoyable PIREP. Good on you for stepping in for the leg. Hope the tooth isn't still giving you grief
  12. if only my coding included all those systems.. what wouldn't i do to be able to go for that.. would be a dream come true.. in the meantime i do SAP stuff..hmmm
  13. Good one Chuck.. I never tire of seeing the 'bird' in action
  14. Great pirep jess and a very entertaining read. Fantastic shots too
  15. Dammit Janet.. I'm going to miss it. Got a friend round for dinner tonight. Will have to catch up with it on YouTube Hope it goes well
  16. Stick the Peacock on the first class menu, and put the woman in the hold (stuitably bound and gagged).. She is obviously off with fairies..
  17. hlminx

    triple fun

    Beautiful.. Nice formation flying and a nostalgic pick-me-up Love it
  18. Agricultural (Love my Cessna Ag Truck! Kept me in the game with ATWC)
  19. Hi Johan Its such a long time since i set it up, and i've kept Win7, so im not sure how much i can help, but the user guide is pretty straightforward. You need to make sure you have the Matrox Power Desk SE software installed, and GXM from the disc that came with the hardware. Make sure you follow the connection instructions for the cables as per the User Guide. One lead from the PC, then 1 lead from each of the ports in the TH2G to each monitor. For me the Windoze settings were Display: 1 device on DVI, Res = 3072x768 and Orientation landscape. That will
  20. I use a Triple Head to Go for my 3 screens... but I've got a less meaty graphics card. Welcome to the 3-screen gang.. you won't be disappointed!!
  21. Thanks for the birthday wishes boys. Was a great day
  22. Happy birthday Tim... belatedly! Im celebrating the day the Stork brought me today.. well, droppedme from height, which is where i obviously got my love of flying from, lol. Hope you had a great day my fellow Aquarian
  23. Sorry i'm tardy with my reply.. Grand PIREP Mike... not sure what worries me more.. the scary face icon or the scary flight calculations. I was always a lover of detail.. you smashed it
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