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Everything posted by ddavid

  1. Welcomre to Yorkshire, Lad! Nice, smooth flight - thanks for looking after us... heers - Dai.
  2. O.K., Philistines! Listen up - Guitarists: 1. Jimi Hendrix - who else? 2. Eric Clapton - Cream years.... 3. Keith Richards - yeah, the sixties stuff.... BTW, I have replaced my wind-up gramophone with a vynil deck, recently..... Cheers - Dai. p.s. Have we a 'smiley' for Dinasaurs, Boss?!?
  3. The Pembrokeshire Show attracts almost as many visitors as the Royal Welsh - but is much more friendly and accessible - well, to Pam and me, anyway! It's also held on the tarmac of Haverfordwest International (EGFE), covering most of 03/21. Today it was wet - and I mean wet, even for Wales! There was mud everywhere - even on the raised walkways and in the tents. If you didn't have wellies - you had wet, brown socks! Anyway, a few 'snaps'- Here's one vintage tractor for John: And a couple of horsey ones for you know who, Boss- The first of a delightful Mare and Filly: And a pair of ma
  4. Love that Antonov - must take 5 minutes to stow the under-carriage, what?!? Also, an excellent 'air-show' fly-past - and glad you had the under-carriage down again - just in case.... :dance2: Thanks for sharing. Cheers - Dai.
  5. I dunno, Martyn - I've still got my X-ray spec's that were free with The Beano! Cheers - Dai. :dance2:
  6. Thanks for those Cooperisms - even my Pam was belly laughing! :dance2: Cheers - Dai.
  7. This is amazing: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/7568045.stm And they walked.... :dance2: Cheers - Dai.
  8. No more free boiled sweets for the descent, then?!? Excellent vid, Joe - thanks for sharing.... :sad: Cheers - Dai.
  9. ddavid


    10/10 for realism, Boss - and, yes, it is raining now...... :sad: Cheers - Dai.
  10. This E.S.P. stuff is getting out of hand, Boss! Are you following me, or something?!? :sad: Absolutely right - as usual - over to you...... :yes: Cheers - Dai.
  11. Whilst we're waiting for Martyn...... :shrug_no: I thought I'd share this with you: And, if you're really interested, the clue is "VA1552 Go Around - Go Around!! Cheers - Dai.
  12. Oops - sorry if I spoilt the suspense, Boss! Didn't know you hadn't finished it yet.... :shrug_no: Mind you, the return flight to Ascension is pretty exciting too....... :yes: Here's XM607 on final approach at FHAW: Cheers - Dai
  13. Nice one, Phil! I've only just finished the book - the refuelling was easily the most exciting bit - after that, the Stanley bombing was almost an anti-climax! :shrug_no: Thanks for sharing - cheers - Dai.
  14. Nice edits, George - does Steve know you've 'borrowed' his grass?!? :dance2: Cheers - Dai.
  15. Here's another from me - coming round Table Top Mountain at sunset, before arriving at Cape Town International - the third largest airport in Africa - and that's a FACT! Cheers - Dai. :roll:
  16. No country for old men...... Cheers - Dai. :roll: p.s. Don't see the film before you read the book.
  17. For me it's got to be 'The Dam Busters' - I saw it at the Leicester Square Odeon with my Mum and Dad back in the ****ies (no, not forties, you young whipper-snappers!). The place was as quiet as a cathedral until that point in the film where they're practicing getting down to fifty feet over Ladybower, and someone over the intercom says "This is bl**dy dangerous". The whole cinema errupted with roars of laughter - remember, you weren't supposed to swear in them days! Mind you, I'm with John on 'No Highway in the Sky' - James Stewart's drawl and Marlene Dietrich's legs - wow! A very close se
  18. Hi Phil - welcome back! Only just had time to see your pics - excellent set - thanks for sharing. I've always wanted to get to Garda - now there's no excuse - also enjoyed your creative use of binoculars - hey, that's good. :yes: Cheers - Dai.
  19. Only yesterday, George Monbiot slated, amongst others, Julie Burchill: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/aug/06/activists.kingsnorthclimatecamp Personally, I'd side with George against Julie, despite her size advantage! And, just to set the record straight on what Joe Public thinks: So, who do you believe, eh? I guess we all have a conscience, don't we? And, I guess we ought to look after our Planet - else what will we have left? Mind you, being organic does make you see things differently....... Cheers - Dai.
  20. Yeah-but, I think the A/C might have been a clue....?!? :yes: And we've all been reading that book, haven't we..... :wink: Cheers - Dai.
  21. Spot on, Old Spot!! Cheers - Dai.
  22. O.K., Boss! Here's one for you..... Now, just pay attention - and all will be revealed! Cheers - Dai.
  23. Ch-ch-chinook..... Ch-ch-cheers - Dai. :dance2:
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