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Everything posted by ddavid

  1. ddavid

    A bit of fun

    Don't forget, it's the Leading Lady that gets the Oscar........ :yes: Sch-yeah!?! :mrhappy: Cheers - Dai. cool
  2. Thanks for the Heads Up, Kieran - you're getting quite lyrical in your old age! :mrhappy: Cheers - Dai. :dance: P.S. Dang-nabbit, there Mutley - you done beat me to it agin there, Boy!! (I bet you don't remember Deputy Dawg or maybe you do?!?)
  3. Hi Rosario - nice shot! Make yourself at home - it's good to have you aboard. :mrhappy: Cheers - Dai. :dance:
  4. Here you go - no edits up my sleeve, just FSRecorder - 2 Westlands conquering Everest, as Sir Chris Bonnington would say, The Hard Way! Bet they're glad they super-charged those engines........ Cheers - Dai.
  5. Downloaded and installed Zattoo.com's TV facility to see the prog. As you said, Steve, quite a low-key, sympathetic treatment really - no gung-ho bits and an interesting conclusion from the guy himself reflecting on the non-destruction of the Sorpe dam.... As for you, Joe, never miss a TV prog again! Here's my FSX running whilst I watch my hero - Huge Fearnley-Whittingstall: Cheers - Dai. :mrhappy:
  6. Thanks for the link, John - and pass my thanks also to 'gmillion' - I guess he's one of your local members? Cheers - Dai. :mrhappy:
  7. Just a heads up for a TV program on the Dam Busters, tomorrow night: Not much good for you John - unless you've got a particularly powerful antenna! Nor for me, 'cause we ain't got TV....... Anyway, let us know what the prog's like! Cheers - Dai. :yes:
  8. Well, duvets not actually pillows! It seems that the boys at the MoD don't like Next using the RAF roundel on its latest set of duvet covers for boys. Here's the Guardian article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008/jun/12/next.retail If you search a little further, you get to an official website selling casual clothes - all with an RAF connection: http://www.rafcollection.com/ecart/control/main?CURRENT_CATALOG_ID=MENS_WEAR How's that for an edit, Steve?!? Hey - the skies the limit, eh?!? Mind you, we could start a Page Three thread for the Hangar: http://www.rafcollection.com/ecart/
  9. Loved the eyes opening wide on touch down! I don't think our cat would be that happy... Cheers - Dai. :nervious:
  10. Could that be your Grandad's profile in the top left corner?!? :nervious: Only joking, Ken - cool idea though. Cheers Dai. :yes:
  11. Now then, even us 'oldies' have got to learn - so here's a first attempt at real editing: Have you any suggestions, please? (Constructive ones! - Ed) Thanks...... Cheers - Dai. :mrhappy: p.s. Sorry about the VA advert (again) Joe!
  12. Sounds like a nightmare - this from The Telegraph: Wonder what the inspection will say? Cheers Dai.
  13. Where would we be without you?!? Have a Great Day, Joe!!! Cheers - Dai. :dance:
  14. No, not you, Mut! :dance2: I found this in an old vintage car magazine, earlier in the week, whilst I was waiting for the Land Rover's service to be completed: When the garage owner (another Dai!) saw what I was reading, he let me take it with me - mind you, the mag was 2 year's old (Not quite a vintage, then! Ed). Have any of you heard of The Flying Flea? Answers on a P.C. Cheers - Dai.
  15. Thought you all (particularly John) might be interested in this snippet: Taken from my institution's 'In Flight' magazine! I wonder what other surprises are in store.... Cheers - Dai.
  16. Many thanks, everyone - she's a great girl and I'm very, very lucky!! Cheers - Dai.
  17. Dear Mr Lawford, I understand that you recently received a book, namely 'The Cloud Spotter's Guide', which was incorrectly addressed. I have been in touch with the supplier - they have admitted their mistake and will be sending me another (unused) copy. Please retain the book, if you have any interest in meteorology, as I have heard that it is an excellent reference and guide. That is why I ordered it in the first place, of course. Best wishes, J. Lawson (MIET and Bar)
  18. You are most welcome, Cap' - make yourself at home and do post some screen shots from your travels! Cheers - Dai. :mrhappy:
  19. Looks like we were in the same area yesterday! Sorry to have missed you - an exciting set of landings too - I trust you see that the maintenace guys do their job O.K.!! Don't want the AC falling apart, do we?!? Cheers - Dai. :mrhappy:
  20. Sometimes you read a book and you want to go there yourself - well, I recently finished Dan Fesperman's The Prisoner of Guantanamo in which the hero, an FBI agent/interrogator, flies from Jacksonville (FA) NAS to Guantanamo Bay or Gitmo, as it's known. Anyway, that's the excuse for this FSim flight...... Taking off from KNIP: Leaving Jacksonville: Grand Bahamas to port: North east coast of Cuba: Flying into the sunset: Approach to Guantanamo Bay from south to avoid Cuban air-space: Guantanamo Bay to starboard: Flying over the beacons on the east side of the bay: Base l
  21. Hi Wayne! Welcome to the mad-house that is Mutley's Hangar - a far cry from VA, I think!?! Cheers - Dai. :mrhappy:
  22. Well done, Sir, on your well deserved promotion! You have my full support and I wish you all the best in your new duties - Sch-yeah!!! :yes: May I just say ' G'Nite - John-Boy! :mrhappy: Cheers - Dai.
  23. :?: :!: :?:Would a "Sooty" T-shirt be O.K.? He's got a magic wand...... My mind is gently boggling! Cheers - Dai.
  24. Welcome to the Hangar, guys - make yourselves at home and join in the fun. :yes: Cheers - Dai.
  25. Hey, John - what an excellent day out - and a terrific post. I remember your FS-9 scenery shot post, so I had deja-vu when reading this - if Florida wasn't so far away.... :sad: Some of those close ups are amazing - you're right, they do look after those ACs. But I couldn't work out why you concentrated on the art-work on the B25 - did I miss something?!? Looking forward to Part 2 - and thanks for sharing. :yes: Cheers - Dai. :yes:
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