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Everything posted by wain

  1. wain

    FSX or FSXSE

    cheers guys, well after discovering with my net connection it would take 1day and 12 hours to download my FSXSE version I have gone with the classic disc, all seems to be going ok, reinstalling everyhting takes sooooo looooong, all my downloads are saved, so sim is up and running but only default AC at the mo, got AS16 and REX in along with ground textures, itching to fly now, what with being ill all over Christmas and the rebuild I have only got 3 hours in for the whole of January.....
  2. lovely shots, my last post dissappeared.....gremlins in the system...
  3. wain

    VR is here!

    seems to be moving along steadily, I couldnt even try contact lenses so power to you for having a go.....hope you get there in the end JG...
  4. some great and varied shots there.....
  5. nice one Jim, great shots, I prefer boxes as they dont moan as much...
  6. yeah I watched Froogles weekly vid and he was saying about it, not one for me though sounds like a lot of learning unless you had the previous versions....
  7. wain


    great shots, looks a great place to explore....
  8. great shots Dolf, A2A Cessna I believe, love the atmosphere....
  9. wain


    cheers guys, all going well up to now....
  10. love 'em Phil, both look great.....
  11. happy birthday Tim, bit belated, hope it was a good one...
  12. wain

    FSX or FSXSE

    I have installed all my new hardware, just simrelated stuff and other games, big question as stated above which version? Also want to make sure AS16, REX TD 4, QW 757, Aerosoft A320, all ORBX stuff and my Saitek Panels will work with FSX-SE? not really bothered which one but have both versions, none installed and a new harddrive and Windows 10 OS..... Any words of wisdom which to use, can I use DX10 Fixer with Steam or does it not need it? Thanks Wayne
  13. wain


    So I have gathered together all my new pieces of hardware, MOBO, RAM, CPU, SSD &Win10....uninstalled all the relevent things from my old SSD/HDD and ready to fit...would you believe it last night trying to finish off some work and BANG....blue screen of death on old PC....apparently my perfectly good SSD was 'Locked'... couldnt get out of it then stumbled across someone just unplugging and replugging the SATA cable, and would you believe it all sorted....finished the work and ready to dismantle and rebuild...its like the old hardware new it was going to be redundant and just wanted to pi$$
  14. nice one Dolf, great shots.....
  15. wain


    agree with that Joe, money not the issue but I do feel a bit guilty after buying something for my sim that is a bit pricey.... checked out those bits and a few other sites, considered full purchase but would have so many spare parts here so rebuild / upgrade.... yeah I will be going the win10 route, had a bad experiance previously but that was as upgrade from 8.1 , and the OS will be going on a new SSD.... been looking at some stuff today will get the MOBO then see what works with that...getting excited already and haven't done anything yet.... Th
  16. nice one Matt, so glad of the warning about volume of shots, like the format too it looks really good....
  17. wain


    So having looked around I see this as a 2 or 3 phase attack.... . 1 Cpu... Mobo.. RAM . 2 Monitor... That's what I need most direction on... . 3 gpu.. Didn't realise how expensive they are.. Maybe cheaper later in the year... Phase 1 is essential and has to be done together... i7 6700...z170 pro... 32gb not sure on make.. Cheers...
  18. wain


    I built my system about 3 years ago, recently got a new tower but over the course of this year I want to upgrade....I have an old Motherboard with an i5 3570, 16gb Corsair RAM DDR3, a MSI GTX970 4gb, 1 x SSD for windows very small 118gb, 2 x 1TB HDD for games/sims...Win 8.1, liquid cooling..... I have a 23 inch monitor but cant find the specs for it anywhere, quite keen on a curved one but dont want to go above a 27inch really as space is an issue, HDMI and DVI/DVD?..... so changing the cpu means a new MOBO and that will mean DDR4 RAM and because of XP10/11 I will take that up to 3
  19. just a little update, there I was flying along, FSX, AS16 all looking good, controls all working, I click on the menu at the top so I can request a weather update from AS16 and all controls disappear.....??????????
  20. thanks for that Quick, I will look into it more in the next few days, I currently cant use FSX at all, not really controllable without stick/yoke I will try what you have suggested but I am getting more and more fed up with the constant issues of the controllers, the sim runs and looks fine....I will leave it for a few days whilst I consider my options, the only thing that keeps me on FSX is AH/AH2 and it would be a shame if I cant use that....'sighs' very long.... I never remove any of my controllers so they are always in the same USB socket....and I turned off all the power savin
  21. wain

    OOPS, FIRE!!!!!

    I dont know if I can sale the parts as 'used'......
  22. nice one, not super whats it but must have been hell for some.....
  23. wain


    great shots Dolf, see you got another ship landing...
  24. great shots these Sam, I bought this one yesterday, only sat in it and done a walkaround, looks great though.....also XP11 looking really good, mine is only default at the moment as my installer stopped working but LR responded in 4 hours to my bug report and all ok now.....are you on PB6 yet? it appears less foggy/hazy now...
  25. great shots, love the first one.....
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