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Everything posted by wain

  1. wain

    Jars A330

    Thanks guys, yes I agree Matt it is looking reasonably good now, however I feel my old i5 3570 is now probably at its upper level of performance, trouble now is to upgrade that piece of equipment I will need a new motherboard, then we are talking DDR4 RAM and that will then leave my GTX970 looking a bit old, I feel a project coming on next year....
  2. wain

    VR is here!

    Bad news there for you JG, all seemed to be going so well too, hope it gets sorted and works out well for you....I think we have all gone through similar issues and it is such a headache and time consuming problem to have to reinstall everything.....
  3. wain

    Jars A330

    So I eventually got time to fly this one properly, took her down from Dusseldorf to Zurich and then on to Ibiza. Did an earlier flight in the A320 to Dusseldorf but that was testing TrackIR which now works perfect so no pics from that. Anyhow hope you like them, had an issue with Skymax Pro 3 as it was not producing clouds so weather and what you see is using NOAA and Ventura Sky, hopefully today Cameron from Xaviation will get back to me regarding the Skymaxx Pro v4 update that failed to download after purchase..... onward to Ibiza...
  4. fantastic atmospheric shots.......
  5. cheers Phil, and now that I have got TrackIR working in XP10 all seems great......
  6. wain

    Bell trip

    great shots there Dolf.....
  7. just been reading on XP Forums regarding the PROJECT X, big thing would be if they could bring some scenery that is more suited to that specific area, reading reports of Bavarian housing in the UK, and also some seasonal textures which is what XP really lacks and what I really enjoy when I jump back into P3D....all good on the other stuff too, lets hope the PP stuff gets done too....
  8. great shots, I have that but sadly its one I have not used very much even though it is a great machine to fly....
  9. wain

    VR is here!

    sale the boat? no way.... I like the look of this, thanks JG for the great insight and thanks John for asking the questions, my problem is I will need to update the PC first, only an i5 3570 here and to update will mean a new board, RAM and by then the 970 gpu might well need changing to. If it was ok with my system I would do what JG did and sell my Saitek gear to fund the OR, not sure ifthis all works with XP anyway so as XP11 is still in BETA it may be good for me to hang on and wait. Seems like you (JG) are having a great experiance with this, please keep us update
  10. I have skymaxx 3 but the clouds are dark around the edges so I removed it, v4 comes out soon and that will be fully functional with 11, Xenviro seems way to expensive and has a long list of things it wont work with. Once 11 is out of beta I will start adding my addons one by one, also will be good when the moon comes back and we get rid of the strange lines around sun up/down...however all that said I am pleased with what I have seen even on my oldish PC (i5 3570 & gtx970)....have to try Trackir with 11 as I never got it to work with 10....
  11. cheers guys, I have all in P3D except the PC12 so thats a new one for me totally.....some AC are slightly different in XP in the way things look/work in the cockpit....
  12. nice one great shots, now go have something warming to drink tea/coffee/hot choc/whiskey/rum delete as neccessary...
  13. wow thats a shocker, I use PP for most of my FS stuff, guess I will be making do with the scenery I have for the moment, seems a little like they are out of touch, maybe Stripe is an Aussie version of PP?
  14. So I decided I would take advantage of the sale and add some AC to my XP hanger, got these for roughly £7 each as I had some credit at JF..... all the above shots are from XP10, thanks for looking....
  15. nice one, good well priced purchases.....
  16. great shots, I think the 3rd really captures the size of the thing.....
  17. nice one Jim, good choice....
  18. superb shots Sam, it does look really good but still not sure on the clouds though....
  19. my daughter watched it and she quite liked it, however her other half as an Airbus employee was not so impressed....I will probably be like Al and wait for the DVD....
  20. wain

    VR is here!

    Thanks for that JG, I will be following your experiances closely, I too have a fair bit of Saitek gear, my concerns are very similar to Johns with regards to the tuning o Rads etc and GPS on smaller GA.....
  21. great shots Sam, I have just put my XP11 back to default with no addons, I am really impressed with it.....
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