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Everything posted by petermcleland

  1. I added 208 Squadron to my website today, in the form of a flipBook:= http://tinyurl.com/208-Squadron Close the Contents Panel to make more room. Click the green "Toggle FullScreen" icon at the bottom. Then use the page turning arrows I tested it with Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer and it works fine on them. It will not work on iPad because of the Flash requirement...Unless you use the Puffin Browser on it, then it will work fine. Thanks for looking
  2. I was using the braced large drop tanks and they are cleared for use in RP and Straffing attacks...We did not actually have those braced tanks in Kenya and would have had to use a pair of the 100 gallon plastic tanks which I have used for aerobatics. You can see the struts on my big tanks if you look carefully The take-off was directed off the runway to pass through the hoop...And was also needed to avoid a head-on with Air Force One! LOL! The BEA Vintage Trident 3 operates a regular service from McLeland Field along with some other oldies like those B727s...They are all there because I lik
  3. Here is an enhanced version of my original FS9 video, that I made a few years ago, of Echo performing aerobatics at McLeland Field. The display is very loosely based on my real life solo display but of course we had no ring of fire and I was not allowed to go this low so the resemblance is a bit faint! The video runs for about 18 minutes, is in HD and is best viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked. It is my "Most difficult to make" video but I am very pleased with it...The enhancements are just to the resolution so it is very sharp n
  4. Yes there is an aerocache of the day, each day, and it says how many hours and minutes it is still valid for. There are a whole lot of other missions and tasks that I have not attempted yet so I'm not short of things to do...I got today's Aerocache and then I remembered that I had seen an award for pulling more than +10G and I did not have more than +9 and a bit, so I climbed the Icon up to 6000 feet and let it accelerate level to about 88 knots, then rolled inverted and pulled through to the vertical and held it there to wind the speed off the clock. I trimmed back but held the stick forward
  5. Brett, I have done all the doable ones in the lists (both Hawaii and Alaska)...There are the odd one or two that needs an unreachable altitude and one or two where they have failed to place the icon on the site and without that you can't collect it. However, they put up an Aerocache of the day...So I fly each day to get that one
  6. Here is a quick Aerocache in MS Flight, followed by a crosswind landing back at the start. This video runs for 5 minutes and it should be viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked. Thanks for looking
  7. Advanced AIBlast...A product that allows you to attach realistic engine sounds to AI Traffic aircraft in Flight Simulator. These scenes are at McLeland Field in Alaska. This FS9 video is an enhanced HD version of a previous video. This video runs for 9 minutes 15 seconds and it should be viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked.
  8. Thanks for the replies Gents...Yes Joe it does sit low in the water but rises a bit as you come onto the plane
  9. I enjoyed taking these two today:- I found this nice little Port with good marina parking... ...after getting the Aerocache of the day which was that White Lighthouse on the peninsula outside the port. Thanks for looking
  10. Thanks Joe...I have done that loop off a mountain top for real a few times and strangely enough it is not alarming at all ...A tight turn inside a volcano crater though can be a twitchy experience!
  11. Thanks Brett...Yes it would!...I can just imagine Daniel Craig and some delicious bird leaping out and rushing for cover as the bad guys swoop over in a straffing run
  12. Here are another two aerocaches...I should explain about the water landing at the end...I normally put the wheels down BEFORE beaching, but I got caught out this time as I was looking the wrong way! LOL! This video runs for 10 minutes 04 seconds and it should be viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked. The video gives a good idea of how the MS FLIGHT Alaskan terrain looks in July, now that the ice and snow have gone. Thanks for looking
  13. Flight manages the ice extremely well Dai, with many ice floes at sea for the Spring. However, this was the first day of Flight's Summer and I saw no sea ice on this trip, so I guess it has gone for this season (I have not checked the north Alaska coast since Spring finished). That Glacier is a very curious dome shaped one and huge to fly around...It needs care when flying low to search as the ice tends to come up to meet you. I had just found the aerocache called "The Blob", worth 5000 points and I had noticed, during my search, a small melt lake on top of the edge of the glacier and it was
  14. I found this spot at the foot of the Malaspina Glacier:- That is a slow waterfall ahead but it would take a video to show that...Anyway I have finished my hunting for the day and thought I would leave the Icon here till tomorrow
  15. I got three of these things on this flight but one of them I had to do twice as I got killed the first time! I left the crash in the video as it looked so spectacular, but I could have avoided it if I had positioned myself more carefully before diving in. Even on the second and successful go, I just clipped a tree slightly but not enough to crash...Sadly, I forgot to press the camera button for that, so you only see the crash version! The last Aerocache, at Terrace, was outside Alaska and off the edge of the map in British Columbia but as you can see, when the map stops, the scenery goes on
  16. I flew this on the 5th May and you can see how much melting is going on. I started from Barter Island (PABA) and intended to call at Point Thompson Sea Ice Airstrip (AA50), but it had melted away so that one will have to wait till next winter. I then did a touch and go at Bullen Point Air Force Station (8AK7) and finally proceeded to Dead Horse. This video runs for 7 minutes 23 seconds and it should be viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked. Thanks for looking
  17. Not unless you are good at Black Ski Runs Di
  18. Flying North from the Anchorage area, it is hard to miss Mount McKinley so I thought I would explore it. My Icon can't get much above 12,000 feet and the mountain goes on up to 20,000 feet, but I can explore around the sides of it! This video runs for 6 minutes 29 seconds and it should be viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked. Thanks for looking
  19. Here are three crosswind landings with two take-offs from todays flying...The landings are at Carl's Landing (AK19), Birch Creek Landing (51AK) and Talkeetna (PATK). The crosswinds are all from the right and require a bit of left rudder to "Kickoff Drift" prior to touchdown. This video runs for 7minutes 42seconds and it should be viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked. Thanks for looking
  20. Yes I agree Brett...It is the most realistic concrete I've seen in a flight sim, but some of the REX textures come close
  21. This Outake from my AlaskanSpring video just goes to prove that you can't expect to brush a wingtip through a tree top and get away with it! This only runs for 43 seconds but it should be viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked. Thanks for looking
  22. This only runs for 39 seconds and has no sound...But it shows the charm of FLIGHT's Hangar Presentation. The video should definitely be viewed with the Quality clicked up to 1080p and the Full Screen icon at bottom right corner clicked. Thanks for looking
  23. Yes, i have been back in Flight for the last few weeks...It is my favourite sim really. I like the quality of the flying, the high frame rates and the speed of starting it up. The Icon A5 has all that I need to roam Alaska and I look forward to a bit more melting so that I can visit more Seaplane Bases
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