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Everything posted by reef

  1. The last DC8 shot really jumps out of the screen but a little small. Nice work. steve
  2. reef

    A300 Edit...

    Excellent!! a constant improvement from you. steve
  3. Nicely done, nice when you can edit shots :clap: steve
  4. reef

    no fly zone

    hey guys, Well seems my pc after only 2 years does not like me any more. As i am currently putting money into getting my house right a new PC is far from priority at the moment and i don't want to spend money repairing a 2yr old rig. At present i'm typing on my brothers short term loaned laptop hence not a chance of flying up in silicon clouds anytime soon. When i do return to the FS world it will be in a new rig and i'm thinking FSX only as it seems to have finally matured into something worth flying. I may pop in when i get a chance to say hello but that depends on access to a pc. I saw the
  5. reef

    USS Enterprise

    Thanks guys although my last for some time as my pc is a wreck. Not sure wheni'll be up and running again but hopefully not too many weeks :mrhappy: thanks again steve
  6. Hey guys.. Not a great deal of time at the moment but enjoyed doing these edits as they are a little different to my usual. Thanks for looking... steve
  7. Its a very nice edit but one thing i know for sure would improve it and maybe all your shots. You are losing a ton of image quality in your shots. What i mean by this is if you look closly at your shot you have a ton of fragments where colors change. This is caused by the format and size you are posting ie maybe 70kb ? I genrally post between 200-500kb. As i use photoshop i convert to what size JPEG i want but there are also other programs that allow you to choose the size in KB. I hope this helps as i know it will improve your shots, i hate to see nice edits spoilt this way. steve
  8. Spot on AL. Must admit i don't fly Airbus often but you showed her off well. Good job ! steve
  9. Thats great news Dai, cheered me up :yes: steve
  10. reef

    Pea soup...

    Thanks john and in answer to your question i have no idea. The shot was inspired by a real world photo in which the c130s' all were sat flaps down. steve
  11. reef

    Pea soup...

    Hey guys, Not a great edit but an edit no less. Just something i felt like trying... steve
  12. Looks good to me, nice lighting and colour. Good job! steve
  13. Well thats different but yellow ?!? what were they thinking ? Loving the experimentation you guys are doing lately. steve
  14. Nice shots but not sure about mutleys love for ugly fat gals :yes: An aviation wonder no doubt though, thanks for posting this gargantum. steve
  15. Cheers guys, your too kind :dance2: steve
  16. Nice to see a little experimentation, nice work :dance2: steve
  17. Hey guys, After spotting this crate and what with Dai and Joe often joking about his tractor i just assumed he actually has one (I could be way off the mark :yes: ) although he is often not happy about my grass being long so maybe its a farmer thing :shock: Anyhoo, here is just about as close to a tractor i have ever seen but with wings. Brace yourself Dai, i purposely did not cut the grass :dance2: And here is just an off topic shot rather than a new post (still trying to cut down my forum flooding) Critiques fire away... steve
  18. Never worry about picking faults with my shots, i take it all onboard and try to improve. The water edge is a bit odd i know but i have not found a way to convicingly convey a damp edge yet. When it was sharp it looked odd so this is the lesser of two evils. Something for me to work on. cheers... steve
  19. I often offer tips or advice where i can and please don't take it as me putting a shot down as its far from it. Its great to see people progress in editing shots even if it is just a perfect crop John :dance2: steve
  20. A little heavy on contrast but looking good. steve
  21. Nicely done and a great subject. steve
  22. An interesting flight and so close to home. Loved the landmark spotting especially waddington. Here is hoping the RAF airshow does not get a cancelation this year. A great post Dai, again. steve
  23. Heh Theo, none of the above. Full time scaffolder often working 7 days with a 2 1/2 yr old to keep an eye on. I started editing FS shots about 9 months ago and have been learning Photoshop by trial and error with some good advice from others. I simply enjoy doing it and as for time, once you know PS the hard part is the ideas. This edit took under an hour in total and that included a complete mess up where i got the aircraft reflection angle all wrong and had to fire up FS to get a few more shots Its all good fun though. steve
  24. If your going to edit then you don't want to spoil your work with FS text at the top. Also getting rid an excess of something like sky or ground can improve a shot ie, get rid of some of the grass in the 737 shot. Keep going, looking good so far. steve
  25. A great first entry into the editing world, good job !! steve
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