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Everything posted by reef

  1. Cheers for the comments guys, always appreciated. I'm still looking to improve my rain with probably a full aircraft sat in rainy weather. Quite possibly an airliner though Joe, just fancy one for a change :clap: Keep that critical eye open though WMP, always looking to improve and just because i think its right don't make it so and always happy to get constructive thoughts. Glad you liked them both FP, although the first is stock FS to show where my shot started. Thanks again chaps... steve
  2. Ok i know i said i was going to stop for a wee bit but after the downpours ive worked through over the last couple of days this was something i wanted to try. Essentially i feel quite confident now doing wet but rarely have i done raining and i'm not talking about those massive blobs MSFS produces. Anyhoo, my first attempt at rain on the ground and i know its only a small area but start small less distance to fall :dance2: Critiques fire away (cough*WMP*cough) :clap: Before... ...and after. Thanks for looking... steve
  3. Nice shots Joe and i think you have stretched my monitor :mrhappy: steve
  4. Very nice Joe, reminds me of Airfix box art from back when i was a kid. Seems the realair spit has a large following already. steve
  5. Thanks guys. WMP. I did not mean others should post more only that its usually my mass of posts pushing others down. I think i worded it wrong and totally understand not everyone can get to a PC when they feel like it. The start surface was concrete and was supposed to be after a heavy downpour hence the heavy reflections. Still trying to give it texture to avoid the glassy look but not found a way yet. Point taken though. steve
  6. reef


    Jesus!! That is some approach!! I've seen shots before of this scenery but this angle really shows how awkward it is. Did you make the landing ? Takes me a while to stop a spit without bending props. Great shot!! steve
  7. Hey guys, Gonna make this my last for a while as i feel i'm over posting even if your too kind to say so :roll: Be nice to see a few others posts for a change :mrhappy: Practicing my reflection work on this shot, feel free to critique... Thanks for looking... steve
  8. Nice work ! Dont forget you can free trial each of Photoshops software packages so if you do them one at a time thats 3 months of free photoshopping. steve
  9. Ooops did not notice the post pop up. Nice work on a nice flight....good job ! steve
  10. Thanks chaps. Personally i thought they were getting a little bright with the haze that the weather chucked up that day but glad you liked them. Hurricane its the Emil from the Wings of Power Fighters pack. Play.com
  11. Hey guys. Just 3 shots flying about the French Channel coast. The aircraft is the Messerschmitt Bf109E-4/B, Yellow 7 of LG 2. Feel free to be as critical as you like. Thanks for looking... steve
  12. Cheers guys, should be a few more soon. Phil, will have to have another bash at fighters sweeping by and see if i can't improve. Maybe the blur does not work so well making them feel not part of the same picture, Let me know what you think. steve
  13. Hey guys, Just messing around with this shot. Fire away critiques :mrhappy: steve
  14. The 3 Gnats are great!! Keep em coming. steve
  15. Way to go Fighter Pilot and a great entry !! Well done to the other entrants, thanks for taking part steve
  16. reef


    Thanks guys. Appreciate your feedback and am always happy when i get it right Imagine, Once you learn the basics of PS the rest is easy. Simply take a look outside and see how light effects things, shadows, haze, reflections, how things in the distance look more muted and apply to your editing. I'm still learning all the time and often suprise my self with something new or make a complete hash of another. I've been editing about 6 months now but feel i have much ground to cover yet. Just enjoy what you do, take on criticisms and i'm quite sure you will improve. Joe, i agree the VC is grea
  17. Good job to all that entered and good luck !! steve
  18. reef


    Hey guys, just 2 more to bore you with Loving cloud9s' Phantom right now and edited up a couple of shots. She flies great but landing is interesting. Fighters just don't seem to like going slow Anyhooo the shots... Critiques fire away !! Cheers.... steve
  19. You could always save to another filename before you flatten. I usually do all my editing to get the image right, then flatten, then work on finishing touches. Generally if i don't get a shot right when posted, i take on the criticism and put it into my next image so having to go back to a flattened file is less of a problem. Best of luck I'm happy to answer to the best of my abilities any problems or ideas anyone has if i can so always feel free to ask. steve
  20. Hey guys. No problem doing this post, always happy to help if i can and just glad it is of help to somebody Imag. I often run curves over one layer maybe to make it stand out but take care with you cutting otherwise you will get borders. I would maybe do this to enhace an aircraft while leaving the background as it is. If its for an overall effect, either remember what curves you apply and add to each layer or merge first. Hope this helps a little. steve
  21. Hey guys. First off if this is a double post i am sorry. I thought i posted this today but when i got home from work it was not here. I'm guessing Preview then closed by mistake :doh Ok, i was asked if i would show an edit from start to finish so here it is. This is not a photoshop lesson so if you can't use PS it will not be of much use. This post will show the process i might go through for an edit. I say might because i rarely edit 2 shots the same way and am always experimenting. Hopefully it may give you some ideas. 1) Ok to kick off i took 3 snaps of the Wings of Power spitfire I.
  22. Great work, look forward to seeing more. Probably one of the best i have seen from you, good job ! steve
  23. reef

    Sat in the shed.

    Cheers guys. I know its not going to be to everyones tastse but is a good exercise in practicing lighting. Here go Chris, before and after just for you :mrhappy: As you can see its mostly just lighting work with the window reflections added in. I do plan to do a from start to finish edit in steps soon so keep your eyes peeled :mrhappy: I shall provide the origional image also so others can have a bash at it. Thanks again guys... steve
  24. Hey guys, Not my usual style but just fancied having a bash at this. See what you think.... Thanks for looking... steve
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