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Everything posted by Sabre

  1. Funny that with one of my first attempts I started at KORS - probably like you because you're wanting to utilise the Orbx airports. Only thing to watch with KORS is Air Hauler seemed to present me with quite a few jobs in that area that needed a bloody seaplane. Not funny in a 182 Are you missing deadlines or cancelling jobs? I thought the reputation went up 0.5% for every complete job? It looks great mate - real good job
  2. Oooooh that's a very nice looking cockpit compared to the one I'm looking at with the same aircraft in Air Hauler. Great job Jim - I'm extremely jealous
  3. A BIG thank you to everyone for the input into trying to resolve this problem. I did an extended test last night with two Air Hauler trips covering 250nm in total plus a couple of flights in the A2A P40 and a short flight in the Katana all flying over Orbx scenery and so far so good no "fatal errors" or crashes. In addition to specific things mentioned above I also tinkered with the scenery settings and it now seems to be back to running smoothly - time will tell. Changes made: Purchased a registration for FSUIPC and set-up autosave (not specifically helped fatal error but a very neat ba
  4. "Ugly Money Thompkins" - I think I'll stick with Sabre, I'm too long in the tooth to change now Nice post
  5. Thanks again Mike I appreciate your time explaining this stuff to a techno-numpty I'll do some testing tonight when the wife's out Cheers Graeme
  6. I've downloaded it Mike thank you for the link. At the risk of making myself look an even bigger dummy is this 4GB patch worth doing if I install more RAM?
  7. Thanks gents - I've registered my FSUIPC and now have the additional options etc to save flight and so on. Should also come in handy for fine tuning my controls, might even get my yoke and throttle quadrant set-up correctly now. I checked Plan G and did have it set up correctly so I guess I must have read the manual at some point Thanks again for all the help.
  8. I didn't know that and I've been thinking of putting more RAM into my rig anyway so this may give me a bit more incentive to part with my money. Thanks again John that will certainly help so I'll register FSUIPC. Do you know if it just gets installed over the top of the free version? I don't want to mess up Air Hauler. More questions Mike I'm afraid. What do you mean use Simconnect for Plan G? I do run Plan G on the same machine. Also what is the 4GB memory fix? I'm seriously thinking of increasing RAM but what is this fix? Thanks for that - yes it helps I'll take a look at REX as I
  9. Thanks John apprecaite your input as always - I'll be interested in how this works as atm that is the most irritating aspect - it's cost me reputation and money the last FSX crash happened only 7nm from home base as well. I'm still interested in any general FSX input though if anyone else has any just in case this becomes more frequent.
  10. Well my minor trials and tribulations seems to be continuing. I'm now getting the occasional "a fatal error has occured" message in FSX which results in a lock up in FSX (PC continues to work so no CTD) FSX then restarts!! At present it is a random thing and does not occur every flight. Unfortunately it's happened on two recent Air Hauler trips which have subsequently meant I've missed the deadline because I didn't have time to re-fly the route before the deadline passed. At present it is in the mildly irritating category but I wondered if there are any suggestions of things to check in cas
  11. I posed this question in Rob's screenshot post but thought I'd ask it here also in case it gets missed. Are there many/any advantages in opening a couple of bases if you are intent on operating as a one-man operation. I just enjoy getting around all the different locations and I'm content to keep the buiness small with small aircraft and currently have no intention of recruiting AI pilots. What would another base bring other than more monthly expense? I assume more job choice as I imagine AH will generate more jobs plus jobs from both bases?
  12. A2A have released another update to the Accu-Sim expansion pack for the Wings of POWER II: B-17. This update includes the previous v.1.1 and v.1.2 update, and can be run over a fresh installation or a previously updated installation. Changes v.1.2 to v.1.21: - Re-wired manifold pressure selector for independent manifold pressure regulation - Crankshaft wear and tear simulated More information and download is available here
  13. LOL that picture is pretty accurate - you really were very nearly home. PS hope Dai happens along soon you must be freezing :rofl:
  14. Sabre

    PNW Hauling

    Rob are you just flying yourself with no AI pilots? If so how does it work out with two bases, what's the main benefits. I was thinking of doing this to maximise my use of the Orbx sale airfields I bought but not sure how cost effective it would be
  15. Superb Sam, great video with excellent weather effects
  16. Welcome home Alan - I mean here at Mutley's of course :rofl:
  17. Another masterpiece JK your paints really are quite remarkable - fantastic work as always
  18. Edit - posted at the same time you don't hang around Jim If you've got a centurion in your hangar already I guess you haven't started in career mode mate. Joking aside Jim it's each to their own. If you want to fly nicer aircraft from the off stick with non-career mode you have way more cash for buying stuff. Like Graham say the flying and jobs are the same I believe. We both have the Carenado 182 RG II as advised by John which you can swing at the start of career mode if you sell the default 172 and go into a bit of debt. Enjoy - whatever you decide
  19. Don't you just love it when a plan comes together ....................... or not in this case - G-Force eventually managed to synchronise time zones and life to attempt our first multiplayer flight of the year. So the plan was for us to check out the P-40's and throw in another recent purchase Tongass Fjords for eye candy. The planned flight from PASI Sitka Rocky Gutierrex via Thorne Bay and on down into CYZP Sandspit was around 270 nm. At this point the plan fell apart when a schoolboy error occured during the flight set-up - a great numpty (that'll be me) forgot to change the time of day
  20. Get it in career mode and earn your hauling stripes the hard way :D :D jk Good luck Jim - happy hauling
  21. What Dai said ^^^^^^^^ except I know I won't be converted to tubes Great shots though - excellent looking aircraft indeed
  22. Sabre

    P46T Shots

    "Shift P" for backing out of places with any aircraft - 1 turn left 2 turn right
  23. Sabre

    PNW Hauling

    Indeed - until my dispute with Fall City management I was even hauling out of the same airfield. Now I'm up the road with Jim at Darrington :D Would be great fun if we could all haul for the same company and pick up jobs all over the place Great shots Rob. Good job Great minds think alike http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php/topic/7363-hauling-the-pacific-northwest/
  24. Aww I hate these topics They always seem to cost me money Do you use REX at all Joe? Now you lot have made me watch the Activesky 2012 video I really tempted. RC4 I've looked at time and time again, just always found something else to spend my money on.
  25. Sorry Frog I can't shed any light on your weather troubles. I run REX without any problems with Air Hauler. REX would be one of my must have addons for FSX. Hope you find a fix soon.
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