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Everything posted by Sabre

  1. Sabre

    Mooney M20J

    Very nice Max, made it look very easy.
  2. I can add completely free of any bias whatsoever that I completely agree with you. Horizon Photo Scenery transforms the FSX experience for me.
  3. Very realistic shots Charlie great job.
  4. Nice shots Sam, the scenery looks very good indeed.
  5. Sabre


    Excellent shots Joe - don't let work know your moonlighting though :D
  6. Very strange indeed I can't think why it would change the colour of the snow!!! I've had none of this trouble at all the cahnges for me are quite subtle but really do give FSX are more realistic look. I'll have a bit dig around see if I can find anything for you.
  7. You've done something wrong in set-up or you haven't set it up - RTM Easiest is to hit "Set and Forget" in GUI unless you fancy yourself as an artist and want to tinker. I just use defaults and it hasn't changed any colours just adds really good shade effects
  8. Great shot well done, captured the theme perfectly
  9. Cough cough ..................... my memory must be dimming with old age as I seem to have only visions in my head of sitting on airfields wondering if my flying buddy was ever gonna come down and join me. I thought you were the pilot that disproved the argument that "what goes up must come down" as I seemed to remember taking off with you quite a lot but landing all on my lonesome Of course if could just be my age :rofl: :rofl:
  10. Jim has summed it up pretty well. I've posted this elsewhere so apologies for the cut n paste but it sums up my take on it. Personally I just decided which areas I wanted to fly initially so that's how I ended up going down the Photo Scenery route with the Horizon packages for the UK and Ireland, throw in the UK2000 Airfields and then Earth Simulations Treescapes and you end up with a superb flying experience. You do however also end up with bulging hard drives and a very low bank balance. I still wonder to this day how I ended up buying FSX for £14 and then manage to spend several hundreds
  11. Couldn't agree more, for the money it's well worth it even if you just use the default settings.
  12. Never been much into RC Flying but someone I know sent me this link and I found it very entertaining. (Joe if this is in the wrong place please just move it)
  13. Wishing you the best of luck Alan, hope all goes well for you on the 12th and you have a speedy recovery. I'll keep an eye out for more interesting aircraft posts in the new year some time. Best regards Graeme PS sniff as much glue as you like, it might help
  14. Nice shots and video Soya great job. Still has a strange quirky look about this aircraft for me though, almost as if it's been made up of parts from different aircraft and stuck together.
  15. Love it Joe - Merry Christmas to all and happy flying :pilotic:
  16. Excellent video Angel a nice blend of great shots and music.
  17. Well done John, excellent work - that is some milestone, I know you enjoy it but it's still quite an achievement - Bravo
  18. So far so good Jim - the F33A is a smashing little aircraft.
  19. I know I'm a bit late into this one Jim and I see you have a work around anyway but have you tried scrolling the mouse wheel when hovering over the switch? Apologies if you've tried it.
  20. I really, really, really, really don't need you to produce a shopping list. I already suffer from a double whammy with a wife who is also a Bank Manager :stars: Plus I'm more than capable of getting into enough debt with my own list :rofl:
  21. Simply amazing what Orbx are managing to achieve with their scenery - great work May have to re-consider my list for Santa Claus - again!!!!
  22. Sabre


    It's here Jim Mogwaisoft - Shade the link to the site explains what it does and has some screenshots. You can customise it although I've just used the default to date which I do find adds a more realistic feel to FSX. I'll dabble more with it when I get time. Check out the screenshots in the link.
  23. Sabre


    Another purchase prompted by our resident bargain hunter PanzerFodder (Graham) so I figured I had to take her up for a short spin. I quickly plotted a route from CZPC Pincher Creek (to keep Graham happy) that would head west towards Sparwood before turning south over Hosmer, Fernie eventually landing at a little strip 88M Eureka (couldn't resist when I noticed it). I know it's been highly recommended in other topics but this is one lovely little aircraft. A lovely evening flight into the sunset - I love this sim
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