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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. I'm now getting Error 404 - Page Not found. Prehaps they found this topic.....
  2. And today, in 1939, the first P-38 Lightning flew
  3. Interestingly, haven't heard a thing about the Ethiopian 787's!
  4. Superb shots - looks like fun to fly!
  5. Hmm - practise bombing run in an aircraft with fuel tanks inthe bomb bay - interesting! Superb shots Rob - looks like a winner
  6. The Wilco/Feel there product - hope you haven't put two SID's in again Joe!
  7. No shadows - it confused me! Thought you were still airborne in the second last shot! Other than that, superb shots Joe!
  8. Clouds can be useful. Hides you from the enemy Superb shot Rob!
  9. I still remember my 100th post - now it's over 6,000! Time flys when your having fun (pun intended!)
  10. Presumably of Irish decent! Superb shots there Jankees!
  11. Except the fact it's the default 747, hence four throttles! Actually, looking at the CS website, the interior has been released
  12. Presumably, they haven't released the interior yet! Great shots all the same!
  13. Stunning shots and a varied mix of aircraft - well done!
  14. Correct Rosario - Ramstein it is. The full clue is Liebe Ist fur Alle Da, the title of one of the band's recent albums. And, of course, the airshow disaster there too. Many sad facts about here
  15. Right, next one. The part around the tail is the top-down view
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