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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Superb shots Alan - a fitting tribute
  2. Great shots Graham - not big big 'whirly bird' fan myself!
  3. The last shot is superb John! And you can just imagine in the Connie - 'Nearly home!'
  4. I know full well what this is, down to the mark. But since I'm going on holiday today I'll leave it for someone else! Looks like a nice model, if that's what it is
  5. Looks good actually, well, the water does!
  6. My three this month A Royal Nepal Twin Pin high in the mountains A VC-10, used for many overseas trips And a University Air Sqn. Chippie, flown by a Prince, buzzing the house
  7. Correct! Clues - Right Continent - North America, Close relationship with the Bristol Britannia (some say it's the same aircraft built in Canada, but that's wrong) 4 turboprops Canadair now build Canadair Regional Jet's (CRJ's) for Bombardier Your turn John!
  8. They are jets with props Mickael......... but you'll find the company making CRJ's, but under the Bombardier name.......
  9. Superb sunset Alan - and loved the others!
  10. Pretty cold - hope they installed a basic heater
  11. As far as I know, unless you have SP2 installed, Acceleration just installs on top - just more missions and planes basically, along with SP2
  12. 'Tower, I'd like to report that there is 2 high flying people and a bike on the end of the runway'
  13. OK - next clue, it's a close relation to the Bristol 'Brit', to borrow a railway phrase
  14. Thanks all! John - I wonder why you needed the route from me................ Dai - Nope, only fuel, unless Nicko got some more vintage wine..... Brett - the last few rows were converted to a 'cargo' part. It was the first conversion to come under the EASA (European Air Safety Authority) and confirmation that it could fly with full passenger and cargo was given at 2am that morning! Joe - yep, very heavy. I was about 200lb under the MTOW! Colin - that's great! I'll try and get to Mumbai today!
  15. Great shots Alan - there's a Phantom confirmed for RIAT, but sadly only static display
  16. Hi all! Following a recent forum question on the aircraft of Iron Maiden's 'Somewhere Back In Time 2008-2009', I've decided to re-create the aircraft tour. I'll be following the 2008 tour, using the Captain Sim 757-200, with a repaint of 'Ed Force One'. Although the actual paint is for the 2009 aircraft, it is more-or-less the same, just different places and the year. Here's the overall route, complete with fuel stops And yes Tim - I know it's V2! And so, on a cold January morning in 2008, the band arrive to see 'Ed Force One' for the first time. Well, except Bruce ****inson. He was the
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