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Everything posted by britfrog

  1. britfrog


    air hispania make a load of stuff and most of it is quite good here is a link to the whole of spain which is freeeeeee http://www.airhispania.com/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=17 here is a different link: http://deckard.uv.es/index.php?dir=SPAIN_PHOTOSCENERY%2F
  2. i have found the ranges in FSX to vary from reality for example when crossing the channel from Deauville to Biggin I would tune one nav radio on DVL and the other on SFD however using the carenado a/c they do not pick up the signal over the french coast as one could in reality you have to wait till mid channel before you can receive SFD of course in reality their range is affected greatly by how many stations are interrogating the VOR
  3. whilst i do not absolutely agree with the title of this video there are none the less some very realistic and colourful sequences, it is well edited as well
  4. my joystick has a button giving one the choice of ps2 or p.c. which occasionally gets switched on by accident , leading to much headscratching and swearing as virtually nothing works correctly and you lose many of the joystick functions , so i doubt it will be a simple as getting a ps2/usb adaptor
  5. Having installed my IOM scenery i thought i would take a flight from the IOM to Guernsey in the aerosoft airbus to celebrate. So downloaded a flight plan went through all the preflight checks and was about to pull back from the stand when i noticed the central upper and lower eicas were not working, strange! no matter what I tried they would not work so presumed it was a faulty a/c so fired up another airline with the same result. so nothing for it but close down a restart FSX and go through the whole process again, sadly with the same result. So off to the aerosoft forums where a few others
  6. we had an iris in full flower last week but since then the temps have hardly risen over 5deg combine that with 75 mph winds and i havent poked a nose outside.for 4 days
  7. so mothballing the sites for a century is a solution when the half life of plutonium 239 is 25 thousand years???? the sooner people realise what a liability nuclear power is the better off the world will be , it was a quick fix and that is all, there is no nuclear plant that could ever make a profit if it was run on sound commercial basis, the french have realised this and their nuclear plants currently supply 80% of our electricity, hence the enormous profusion of new wind farms and tidal barrages. France is aiming to be non nuclear in less than 10 years, and they are on target. all you
  8. chris , thanks for the thought but since writing the previous answer i have managed to arrive at a solution, mind you it has taken most of the day i thought i would copy all the cab files from the cd's into a temporary directory and try to exe them from there, so while they were copying from the cd's i had another idea! i went onto the ES website through the es installer and asked to download the iom scenery, naturally it asked for the key , so i gave it the key that i had received for the cd's and it worked!!!! so i was able to download the es pack , which does take a while, and install
  9. I use rex4 for my weather and also pilots fsgrw, and have no problems with them at all, which is why i was a bit surprised by this new release. I thought i would sit back and see what others make of it before buying it. From the feedback that I have seen so far there are mixed opinions of how good it is, but most drop on the side of it being ok as it isnt expensive. As it is a stand alone program perhaps it was aimed at those that dont have a weather prog to introduce them to better clouds? i must admit I was a bit surprised at it being released as in some ways it would appear to compete wi
  10. Hi Chris no I havent, after installing the first 3 disks which all work correctly i enter the 4th disk and after a while get a message which says the file isle of man download z19 cannot be installed because it cannot be found in cabinet esi 119 cab now when i look at the disk 4 at esi 119.cab it contains download z20, download z19 can be found on disk 3 under esi 118.cab perhaps there is an easy solution and Darren could solve it but I have no idea how to contact him directly i have writte to flightstore this morning hopefully they can solve it tomorrow but as you say I
  11. to add to our misery I received today my disks for the IOM from flightstore and guess what? it will not install !! am I a happy camper or what? before i go totally over the edge i will see what flightstore will do, as there is an empty directory on the last disk, probably not their fault , but so far I have bought 3 ES products and all of them have been a saga, sadly Never again will I buy their stuff even if they do work for orbx ARGHHHHHHH!
  12. Never a truer word said in jest, I am also perfectly happy with my fsx with dx10 fixer in various versions on various drives it does what it says on the packet, and is virtually bullet proof , for the life of me i cannot understand why some still persist with dx9. my p3d will now have to wait until they release the 64bit version, i no longer intend to keep installing petty changes which take a day or two to reconfigure.
  13. Punch line of an old, old aviation joke - - - "Yeah, but it sure is wide." John this could certainly be said about Manston
  14. Joe I use shadow play and it is years better than FRAPS you get no fsp drop at all, well not that I noticed
  15. the Grizzly, or Atlas as they now seem to call it, is a regular sight here as it runs through its flight test regime, it is by far the noisiest a/c in the sky except for the military jets that fly down our valley at 300feet but it seems to be quite a performer!
  16. the guys at PT scenery have released another section of their excellent photoscenery around lisbon to download see: http://ptsceneries.blogspot.pt/ the files are quite large and their server is not the fastest but it is worth the wait
  17. the tramontana is blowing again at up to 60 knots or more over the next 4 days at LFMP so an ideal time to see if your weather prog works correctly. I have used both FSGRW and Rex this morning with my 210 and found the wind was pushing me backwards on the runway !
  18. it falls over like fsx does in earlier windows when using the wrong uiautomation.dll
  19. John you can turn off each or all of the flight control computers on the rhs of the overhead panel, if you turn them all off you are left with elavator trim and rudder as your sole source of control , but this is only if you have hydraulics --- no hydraulics and no computers means that you have just about enough time to put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye. I dont know if any of you have ever been on the flightdeck of an airbus , but it is much smaller than say a boeing 737, if you are tall , like myslf it is not easy to get into the rh seat and it has been documented
  20. Interesting Chris, i also have win 8.1 and whilst I also have customised my desktop to look much like windows 7 it will not run fsx correctly , no way, it has a higher VAS signature than win7 thus reducing what one can run in fsx , sadly my pre beta version of win 10 is not that much more different to 8.1 , yes i will play with it and use it, but my fsx will be under win 7 for the foreseeable future. As for antivirus/ internet protection i dont think you would last 5 minutes without one here in France perhaps europe with the amount of phishing and attempted back door entries that go on.
  21. I have to say those cloud effects from fsfx packages are very good and give a more heightened, moody, and realistic experience thanks for sharing, i look forward to when they make stuff for the ngx and airbus
  22. Chris there is more to this than meets the eye, are they scared of Apples gains? however every add on is payware and third parties need not apply, so perhaps they are expecting to catch the unaware like that?
  23. I am not playing this game for a while as i cannot fly airliners with it, plus it looks like I will now have to buy it again, but the academic version, so that i can one day use my pmdg stuff.
  24. being an ex-pro I will add a little bit here but await the cvr translation. John the circumstance that you are referring to is called deep stall it can be suffered by any T tailed a/c it is what happened to the trident that crashed near Staines some years ago , I learnt about it at an early age flying B727's however it cannot happen to a conventionally tailed a/c From the info that has bled out so far it would appear that there is no doubt that the airbus climbed (for what ever reason) at a rate that may have been uncommanded , but for too quickly for his already abnormaly low airspee
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