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Dear All,   I would like to invite you all as Mutley's news hounds!   We all have our own connections, media feeds and FS site favourites etc. so if you see any interesting or entertaining news th

This one is for Matt, another dive bomber to deliver frozen fish...

just a quick Heads up to anyone with REX TD HD, 2gig update, part of which makes it p3d4 compatible.....fire up REX, you will get told there's an update, no report yet just downloading now........whoo

ORBx just released Cloverdale, Ca. o60



I spotted the announcement 7 hrs after the release...so my download looks like it is only 10 minutes. :D


Regrettably it gets stuffed into storage next to Friday Harbor till I get a new SSD...sigh...the download for Cloverdale is 1.1gb.




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Any fans of the Grumman Goose will be interested in this reworking of the Default FSX Goose:-  fsx_grumman_goose_v2_1.zip    a FREE download from  www.flightsim.com   This reworking of the full aircraft was uploaded on the 20th Feb 2016.


You do need to be logged in at FlightSim to acquire the download (75.8 MB)

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I have been using the OZX Grumman Goose HD Redux at SOH for awhile now and it is pretty nice. There are also more other mods like improved sound files to improve on that release. The only downside, if you can call it that, is that the Redux package changes the files of your original default Goose. Still worth it as it was that good. :) 


Anyone test both yet to see which is better?

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2_1 version is a reworked Flight Dynamics and Engine Management.  You do need to go through all procedures to get it airborne and stay there. 


Quite a complex aircraft now and fully standalone.  So it doesn't interfere with any other variant that may be installed, including the default or OZx version.  Not too keen on the supplied paint jobs, however, you can always mix & match with the default or OZx versions.


I think the OZx version is more cosmetic reworking if I remember rightly...been a while since I flew it.


Worth downloading (174 MB unpacked) if only to read the supplied manual.

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  • 5 weeks later...



Henrik Nielsen (KL791) has released the totality of his AI Ship Traffic in one file. 


This package contains more than 600 AI ships and AI ship traffic routes for the entire globe for P3D and FSX. It is a stand-alone package comprising all my AI ship packages and fixes released until April 2016 including 86 new models released in 2016. The package includes cruise ships, ferries, container ships, oil tankers, bulk carriers, tall ships, fishing boats, destroyers, frigates, patrol boats, icebreakers and more. Many of the ships have helicopter platforms. You can land on all ships with an H painted on decks or hatches. Routes cover all major harbor cities including e.g. New York, Boston, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver, Seattle, Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taoyuan, Manila, Jakarta, Sydney, Auckland, Ushuaia, Buenos Aires, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Panama, Chennai, Mumbai, Dubai, Cape Town, Lagos, Dakar, Las Palmas, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, London, Copenhagen, Aarhus, Gothenburg, Gibraltar, Barcelona, Istanbul, Marseille, Athens, Napoli, Bergen, Oslo, St. Petersburg, and many more. 


Global AI Ship Traffic P3D FSX V1 - 411 mb


Available at Avsim, FlightSim and Simviation.


I've been using this Ship AI Traffic myself for a long time and met many ships everywhere ( even on the Amazona during my adventure there...)

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What a relief. I have wanted those ships since you started posting them, but the multiple files were messing badly with my dyslexic lack of patience with organization. Will definitely be seeing more ships in my pics soon. :)

Thanks Loic!

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Utility also available today :


Locator for Henrik Nielsen's Global AI ship traffic V1


This is a program that can help you find the many vessels in Henrik Nielsen's wonderful "Global A.I. Ship Traffic". It covers the latest download, Version 1 and all of the previous programs and updates. It displays the routes on Google Earth, the route number and a list of the ships that can be found on that route. There is a separate file containing their departure and arrival times on each of the routes, with instructions on how you can locate them. There is also a full list of the names and types of all the ships that are in the program. Thanks to Henrik for all his hard work. This download was created by Carl Vokes.


Available at Avsim and Simviation.

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I installed the Global AI ship traffic V1 in FSX-SE last night and have been poking around. It's pretty neat and works as advertised. I've seen several kinds of freighters, one ferry and a tug pushing an oil barge, just searching around more or less at random. The ship models are pretty good.


On the Great Lakes I've seen two examples of bulk carriers that are pretty much unique to the region and the ship names reflect the area.  I'm officially impressed.


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For those like me who like old planes, a very good freeware by Jean Michel Castagné : Morane Saulnier MS 317 





Available at : http://ms-317.blogspot.fr/


Go to page "Telecharger MS 317 pour FSX/P3D" -  On that page use the link under " La nouvelle version R9 : F-AYHF "


This is in real life a restored plane flying at La Baule - Escoublac LFRE in the west of France





Edited by Corsaire31
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  • 3 weeks later...

Users (including myself) are reporting that the Orbx unified "fix" does nothing to address the problem of incorrect ground textures showing up outside of FTX regions when FTX regions are active (which, in the case of the unified version of FTX Central, is always). It is also being reported that the problem existed prior to the release of the unified version of FTX Central, but it was correctable by deactivating FTX regions in older versions of FTX Central.


Flight Simulator X code is able to display correct textures when no FTX regions are active, There must be a way for Orbx to correct their code so that it will display correct textures when FTX regions are active.

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I'm at the moment doing many flights between France ( where I use UTX + GEX Europe ) and Britain ( with FTX England ) and I have not seen any texture problem so far. ( even when flying in France only outside of Orbx regions )


A possible solution I've seen is to use Scenery Config Editor to generate different scenery.cfg files with Orbx regions active or not. ( which helps also for loading times and VAS as any declared scenery, even not activated is scanned during loading and libraries used by these sceneries are loaded in memory )

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