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Bruce (a.k.a. brian747)

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Everything posted by Bruce (a.k.a. brian747)

  1. > "...Marmite wouldn't go amiss as a trade for the baton, you can't get it inside this prison for love nor money!" <*cough*> If pushed, maybe you should try the money first, John? Cheers, Bruce a.k.a. brian747
  2. I guess we could always ask Dai to land his helicopter in the prison yard during an exercise break and pick you up. They might not be wise to that one yet. But John, given your track record might I suggest closer attention to the rule suggested by Messrs Flanders and Swann in the wake of the Profumo scandal? "But there's one basic law that thou never shouldst flout — Thou shalt not Thou shalt not Thou shalt not be found out!" Just a thought... Cheers, Bruce a.k.a. brian747
  3. Hi, John! See also http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php/topic/15469-ezca-v1185-beta-release-now-available/#entry125967 Cheers, B.
  4. <grin> Well I'll just *hope* to see you in Tehran soon, then, John! (Don't forget it's OIII, not the more usual OIIE). But I'm sure you'll come up with something. Cheers, Bruce a.k.a. brian747
  5. Well done, John, great PIREP - although you really need to work harder on keeping out of clink! 8-) Congratulations on an "interesting" time..... ;-) Cheers, B.
  6. The battered baton WILL RETURN! :-D Well done, Ed, and congratulations on an amazing landing. Great pics, too. Cheers, B.
  7. Well done, Jim: I'm sure you're going to get there. :-) By coincidence, an old friend of mine has recently bought the Fixer (he was very sceptical about it for a long time, I have to admit), and has just mailed me to say how delighted he is that at the end of a long flight he now has well over 1Gb of VAS free (previously he was running out, and getting a CTD, at his destination). You may have to work at it, but it's well worth the effort, IMHO. Cheers, B.
  8. Hi, Matt! Great to hear your comments on the 407: it seems I got lucky with my first purchase! :-) I agree that the yoke trimming is a great feature, too: it's important to me. I'll be looking out for your other recommendations, when I'm next on the Milviz site. :-D Many thanks indeed, B.
  9. Nice shots, Matt — I'm glad they survived the cull! I'm very new to Milviz (having recently taken advantage of their 48-hour half price sale), but I have to say that I'm very much enjoying my new Bell 407. I'm now seriously considering their MD530F, too..... But I have to admit that I hadn't bought any of their stuff before, hence I'm quite impressed. So I have to assume that their quality may have something to do with the fact that you featured two of their aircraft in your selection. Cheers, Bruce a.k.a. brian747
  10. Hi Jim! > "I have followed similar guides too..." I can imagine. I feel for you, my friend! So have we all, I guess. It's all a part of keeping ourselves vlying in FSX — somehow! But since I don't use an ATI card any more I was hoping especially that the two pages in the last link I provided might be of some help. I like the sound of the coded ground polygons tweak for UK2000, which seems to have potential. As far as Orbx goes, I have a full house in terms of Global / Vector / OpenLC, and the lights seem fine to me. (Although since you're using a very different graphics
  11. Hi Jim! Many developers have issued patches for their airports to make them DX10 compatible, so if you're having problems with a specific airport it's always worth (as you have already done with UK2000) checking that developer's web site and/or support forum to see what's available. Unfortunately, FSX does run more readily on NVidia cards than ATI, so it's true that there is not as much support for ATI users with all sorts of add-ons, the Fixer included. On the positive side, though, using ATI means that you don't have to mess about with Inspector settings. But as with all techn
  12. Hi Geoff! You're welcome, mate. It's not often we get the benefit of a 744 Captain's advice about how to do it properly, that's for sure. Incidentally, the go-around (part 1 of 2) video is up, as is one discussing cold weather operations. Cheers, B.
  13. For the sake of completeness: he's now up to beta 16! <gulp> Beta5: 0.2-0083. Bug cleared: Modification 0.2-0081. blanked the PW's N2 tapes. Beta6: 0.2-0084. Modification 0.2-0046. caused slight A/P rudder oscillation in severe crosswind; this is eliminated now. Beta7: 0.2-0085. Network: Tiller injection is now reset only when the rudder pedals are moved, not when any flight control is moved. Beta8: 0.2-0086. RR: Thrust derate TO-1 is now set to -10%. 0.2-0087. RR, PW: Thrust derates TO-1 and TO-2 re-adjusted. Beta9: 0.2-0088. Bug cleared: APU FF was multiplied by amount of
  14. Hmm, I assume that you're referring to http://forum.avsim.net/topic/461729-08feb15-p3d-pricing-policy-some-facts-on-this-issue/#entry3173088 , Kevin? (TBH I avoid going onto the PMDG forum unless I absolutely have to — it's such a fractious and dysfunctional community that it wearies me very quickly). It seems to me that the only valid argument he makes for charging twice (i.e. not giving a discount to FSX owners) is that "... there really is no precedent for it in PMDG's market history...". But since they haven't produced add-ons for two platforms before, that's not a particularly str
  15. Randazzo has always had a weather eye out for the main chance, and the rise of PMDG is a testament to that. But if he is in fact abandoning the volume market represented by mainstream simmers in favour of the training market, then he deserves not to succeed, if only for sheer disloyalty. But I wonder, is he really that stupid? Cheers, B.
  16. Hmm.... $90 USD until March 7th, and then $135 (especially if you've alread paid $90 for the FSX version???). It's a great aircraft, no question; but come on, PMDG, you could be pricing some of us out of the market! (And this is a *friendly* comment from someone who rates PMDG aicraft very highly....). Cheers, Bruce a.k.a. brian747
  17. Stop press: Two more videos now available (from the same link given in the first post in this thread). These are of specific interest to Big Boeing vlyers, since they give details and inside information about the THRUST LIM page and the TAKEOFF REF page on the CDU. The next video is already in the works and, like the first one about the sidestep manoeuvre, is of more general interest, since BritJet will be talking about go-arounds. Cheers, B.
  18. > "If it took BritJet1 3 or 4 attempts to successfully complete the procedure we're doomed!" Nah, not at all (honest, guv) — it's amazing the difference it makes when you follow the correct procedure, i.e. the one the pros use. Although I do have to confess that all my past attempts at doing it my own way *have* been pretty much doomed, though. But not any more. Cheers, Bruce a.k.a. brian747
  19. In this excellent video, a former 747 Captain shows you exactly how to smoothly execute a runway sidestep manoeuvre. Here's a link to the video (from the first posting in the thread on the PSX site): http://aerowinx.com/forum/topic.php?post=25379#post25379 Cheers, Bruce a.k.a. brian747
  20. <grin> Well done, TRB / barron / barren / Baron (sheesh, and I thought I had a list of aliases).... Congratulations on having survived a trip with FrightninAir, too (with that lot, the jump seat has to be much more comfortable than being down the back, which says a lot, really), and good luck for your encounter with Boeing tomorrow! Great shots — I look forward to hearing about your next leg. Cheers, Bruce a.k.a. etc. etc.
  21. Well done, Martin — glad everything is now OK (and long may it remain so!). That NGX is a lovely aircraft to vly around in. Cheers, Bruce a.k.a. brian747
  22. Postscript to the above: I have now had a reply from Hi-Fi — "You will need to first reinstall ASE if you are having trouble installing the AS2012 upgrade. Since it is a new system there is no registry information regarding your previous product prior to the upgrade product." Grrr.... I seriously do not understand why the AS2012 update would need anything at all other than the previous serial number — what is this "registry information" of which they speak? And furthermore, if that is the case (and it evidently is), why is there not an error message which explains the situation cle
  23. Agreed, Chris! When the very first IBM PC came out (I bought one, which dates me a bit!), Norton Utilities was a godsend. Since then Norton [anything] has increasingly become the worst kind of bloatware. I have many home and even corporate clients who rely on MSE. But personally, I prefer a firewall I can configure and control. Just saying.... Cheers, Bruce a.k.a. brian747
  24. That EZCA thing is so distinctive that it's something you can't mistake after the first time you see it. You just have to remember to re-run the setup *every* time you add a new aircraft. :-) Your other problems, though, are more puzzling, although they do remind me of another classic - this time it's a conflict of mappings. Obviously I can't be too sure (your screen's a bit fuzzy from here), but I would seriously suggest checking your key and button mappings (axes usually look after themselves, since there's fewer of them so the problem would be much more obvious). If you have a given button
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