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Everything posted by SEATAC

  1. I'm all for it. As long as it's open to third party developers and we are not restricted to purchasing everything via steam.
  2. I second this. Great joystick. Lots of configurable buttons and switches. Integrated Throttle, twisting is great for helos. Great price.
  3. Beautiful, but it looks very arid. Makes me thirsty.
  4. Good job. Nice to see that you're on top of things
  5. A bit of Sunday morning carrier practice in the Buckeye. Not sure how realistic it is, but this aircarft seems to get a little squirrely at times. Launch went fine, and I thought I snagged the arrestor cable on landing but missed it and had to abort so I landed at the NAS.
  6. Great shots. That plane looks really great. Maybe this should be renamed Down Under Tour
  7. Here ya go Alan. All the flyable carriers in FSX and their schedule. http://www.simtours.net/defaultaircraftcarrier.php
  8. Just messing around with the T2-Buckeye I got for $15 from RAZBAM. Still learning all the systems, but I did a couple of test flights. So far, I am very pleased with the quality. This baby has droppable ordnance! I'll have to see what I can blow up! Got her up to 622 knots at 4,000 ft!
  9. I have the non-HD version of this, and typically, once you calculate the V speeds (which can be done with the FMC), you would set the auto-throttle to V2+10. Set the flaps to takeoff position, 15 degrees is a standard setting, Elevator trim to 4 units up. Now this one does not have a functional TOGA to my knowledge, so I manually advance the throttles to 70% N1, wait for the gauges to stabilize and release the brakes and then full throttle, when I pass VR I pull back on the yoke, and she lifts off beautifully. Engage the auto-throttle, Gear Up, Hold the nose at about 15 degrees pitch, When s
  10. Mel Blanc was the real voice of Bugs Bunny. This guy never quite sounded the same
  11. I use the free version of FSUIPC and my Saitek panels work great
  12. Love the Corsair. My favorite warbird. Great shots
  13. I have the DC-10 F-Lite. You need to adjust the trim wheel to the take off position prior to take off. Off the top of my head I cannot remember the exact trim setting, but if you have it properly trimmed prior to take off you should be ok. The user manual has a training flight which specifies the proper setting.
  14. All RAZBAM downloads have been reduced to $15. Pretty good deal. Just picked up the T2-Buckeye and the Fairchild Metroliner SA227-BC Head on over and grab yourself a few! http://www.justflight.com/category/razbam-simulations
  15. Took the P-40 out for a bit of bomb practice on some old Aircraft Carriers. I only managed to score one hit but that's better than none! These are the ones moored in Norfolk. I tried bombing the mothballed fleet at Suisin Bay, but it turns out those ships have no substance. The bombs fly right through them, in fact I flew the P-40 through them as well.
  16. Yes, it was their own money that we released and in exchange they get to keep enriching Uranium and if we hadn't done that they'd still be holding our guys.
  17. From 1944. B-24 Liberator: "Ditching of a B-24 Airplane into the James River. Pretty fascinating to watch how it hits the water and the fuselage cracks in two. Then she floats for a bit as one of the pilots takes a moment to comb his hair for the camera. There is some good slow-speed camera footage. Guess it makes sense to use a B-24, the fuselage resembles that of a boat
  18. My next objective is to take out the demented man-child with the Moe Howard haircut in charge of North Korea. After that I'll be happy to take requests.
  19. SEATAC


    Nice shots. Love the DC-10
  20. Nice shots. Great looking aircraft
  21. Yup, made it back just fine, thanks. Not sure what happened. no birds ingested. having a great time with this baby and the Tomcat.
  22. So after refurbishing and repainting the reposessed F-14, I decided to take out one of the Iranian offshore oil platforms, just for some target practice. Target sighted. Missile streaking towards its target. Direct hit! Flyby confirmation of the burning rig.
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