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Everything posted by wain

  1. nice one Matt, great pics and tale, thanks for the warning regarding the number of shots, looks like a boatlaod of fun flying that....
  2. wain

    XP11 Randoms

    thanks Mike, yeah 2 does look good, one of my favourite from XP11 so far. The icons are for Xlife, I haven't worked out how to hide them yet....
  3. better check he's alright....maybe the lines dropped......probably be in Airliner World next month
  4. I agree it is very brave to come out like this and pull the plug, however I also think it is going to show that for once a dev has seen the tak ahead and has been honest and walked. I am sure we have all waited for something that has come out half baked or just never been released.....I have read similar stuf over on XP about the A380, there are a few very lite versions but they are quite poor, the talk is that it would be very difficult like Matt said because of all the systems etc... Does anyone know the best options for complicated addons...64bit? outside the sim like Majestic D
  5. had a PX, originally in red, then sprayed Black with union jack side panels....early 1980's....
  6. I never even noticed them tracks....
  7. wain


    cheers guys.... we have a saying I brought to my family from the Army Planning & Preperation Prevents Piss Poor Performance... guess I should have took my own advice and slowed befroe descent, meaning I could have took the last turn better and landed correctly....
  8. nice one, great shots , thanks for the warning, worth seing on the big screen...
  9. wain


    thanks guys.....
  10. nice shots Ros, oh now you got my memory going, the Vespa was my first ever road vehicle I bought, and now at 51 I stlll look at the old ones I see on the roads...if I had time to ride I would get one tomorrow.....
  11. great shots Dolf.....love that area its a fantastic place to fly in/out of.....
  12. wain


    So after a hectic time with the business and the end of the financial year and all that I finally managed to test out the A320 and its upgrade to XP11 with a flight from Luxembourg to my home town of Bristol, doing most from memory all went well and all systems seemed to work ok, I did however come in a bit fast and sort of overshoot the runway, no pics of that though, managed to get back ok and the pax all gave me a round of applause on landing.... being guided to the runway... ready for departure though slightly off centre... leaving ELLX and the setting sun,
  13. wain


    Picked this up in the week for around £13 from Justflight, always loved this in FSX and now have it in XP11, it was made for XP10 but all works ok, apart from twitchy wheel but it does that in XP10 too.....Leaving EGCC payware and surrounding area.... I messed up and pressed wrong button, however when I tried to add pics they came on small, sorry for that won't happen again.....
  14. wain

    From Spain

    nice shots Dolf, usually great quality......
  15. saw that on TV, yeah its really good.....made me smile too...
  16. looking really good, nice work...
  17. great shots Ros, I particularly the one Joe pointed out...glad the move went well, can be a stressy time not matter how far you go....
  18. nice shots Al, thought you were goign to flap the wings to get airborne....looks like a great day for it...
  19. first time I looked at that I didn't see the greenhouse, must take more notice of what I am looking at......top up the tan whilst travelling I suppose...
  20. wain

    Twitchy nosewheel

    Not sure which catagory to put this in.....I recently extended my Xplane fleet with the Alabeo Cruz Pipersport, a very small aircraft that I really love to fly around checking out the scenery. Now not sure if this problem is the Aircraft, my hardware or if its because it was made for XP10 and I am using it in XP11. I find that the nosewheel is constantly twitching from left to right when parked and I am not touching any controls. Its has if I am twisting the grip side to side. The FSX version doesn't do this and I am using the same controller. It does this in XP10 and 11, also ther
  21. nice one, great reading nice pics too...
  22. belated happy birthday to you, hope you had a great day...
  23. binned Reshade for the moment it seems to be causing the sim to hang on shut down...dev working on it....
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