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Everything posted by Tristarcaptain

  1. Thanks to all of you guys who have responded. It has given me something to work with and your help is truly appreciated. Martin
  2. I did not instruct it to load automatically and stopped it loading when asked while loading FSX. Martin
  3. I got an error message yesterday: 'Local variable overload. Please reload aircraft carriers' It crashed FSX. Is anyone familiar with this one? I use FSX Gold, and I do have TacPack (although it was not activated for that session). Thanks in advance. Martin
  4. Isn't that the ideal time to go on Flight Sim.......?!
  5. Looks very nice John. I must admit that it is one that I find tempting. I do not have any bi-planes in my collection! And yes, you are right...Douglas Bader did loose his legs in one of these...but then he was showing off!!! Martin
  6. Well Chief.......I had to wait 48 years. I got married for the first time when I was 48 and never lived with anyone beforehand, so it was a long time coming!
  7. Actually, the first country to go wireless was Israel...it is called prayer!!! It came about sometime B.C.
  8. My wife tells me that I am hot....I don't think that it has anything to do with the weather!!!!!
  9. Birds go cheep!!! 16 port switches are not cheap!! The spelling police are out........
  10. That reminds me of another golf joke.... A Vicar and his friend were playing golf.....the friend took his first swing....'Darn! Missed'.......second hole was the same and so on until the Vicar finally spoke up. 'You know, I really do wish that you wouldn't keep saying that...I find it offensive and annoying'. A few moments later, the sky turned very, very dark and a thunderbolt came from above and the struck the Vicar dead. A voice from on high said 'Darn...missed!!!' (OK...bet you saw that coming!!!)
  11. Sadly, I thought that may be the case. I looked at the site that you said and was unaware of the Flyfreestd MiG 29. It looks like nice eye candy, but I must admit that I have never heard of the company. I was aware of the AFS Designs offering but I have heard that the original version was a bit lacking, but I see that they have updated it recently...... Thanks for the info anyway, Joe.
  12. A few years back, I bought the M2M Mirage 200C, which is pretty good. At the time, they said on the website that they were developing a MiG 29C for FSX. Anybody have any idea what is happening with this? I ask as I am reading a MiG-29 book which I recently bought and like the idea of a decent '29 in my hanger.... Martin
  13. I am also new to REX Skyforce 3D and am trying to set things up as they should be...... So, the said program can be used in real time mode (which I love) when the program is running in the back ground. But what if the program is NOT turned on and you use a weather theme in FSX....? Do the cloud textures in the FSX themed weather revert to the native FSX texture offerings, or do they use the ones generated from REX Skyforce 3D? Thanks in advance. Martin
  14. WOW! This REX Sky Force 3D is GREAT! Okay, I am still learning as there is a lot to take in, but the clouds are so realistic and the thunderstorms are much better than the native FSX ones. What I really like too is that I am getting better FPS than the standard FSX weather, even when getting full cloud cover! It like the difference between an old TV set and a 1040 HDI TV!! One of my best add ons...........! Martin
  15. Thanks to all you guys for your input!!
  16. One of my favorite anecdotes from WWII was given by USAAF bomber pilots....... "If you ever get lost over Europe, look for the biggest, blackest cloud and under it is sure to be England" Martin
  17. LOL @ Needles. I went to Scotland a few times when I was in the UK. At one point, I had a driving job and had to drive all the way from Nottingham to the east coast of Scotland in the evening, stay overnight then drop off at Edinburgh and Glasgow and back to Nottingham. Shame that the weather wasn't better!! Martin
  18. Great read, Needles! It shocked my American wife when I took her to the UK and she saw that there were hardly any Union Jack flags. Here in the USA, the American flag is everywhere and it is a very patriotic country. I must admit that I like that!
  19. I had seen a review of Pilot 2 ATC in PC Pilot, and it looks to complicated for me! Thanks for your reply though! Martin
  20. Ok...so the ATC is not that good in the native FSX. What alternatives are there? Please note that I do NOT have a head set, so I would need something that gives written instructions, like FSX. Thanks. Martin
  21. Belated birthday greetings, Chief! Hope you had a good one! Martin
  22. Ok.....I decided to invest in REX Sky Force 3D and have just installed it today. By what I have seen so far, I am impressed. It certainly does a 'mean' thunderstorm, that's for sure. I guess that I should say thanks to Jessica and her review in PC Pilot, which persuaded me to make this choice!! Martin
  23. Thanks John. That makes sense, as I seem to recall when I got FSX about 9 years ago, the real time weather was not too far off. I start to wonder when London has snow in June, though! Thanks for your help guys.
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