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Everything posted by CSoul

  1. TSR2! You don't see that everyday. Great flight. :001_th_smiles89:
  2. Right, on account of the short distance for this leg, I thought I'd try something a little different - the BF 109! And since this is the Around the World Challenge, I thought I'd do something challenging...and decided to fly this leg during a major thunderstorm, fabric covered elevators and all. The aircraft is from the JF 70th Anniversary package (which I picked up at a local shop, amazed, as FS add-ons are rare here). The flightplan is as follows: Herrara Intl to MDST flying a heading of 338 From MDST turning to a heading of 016, and flying 21nm to MDPP From MDPP its a long 106nm on a
  3. CSoul


    Beautiful plane. Kinda ironic choice, actually, considering what I used for my leg. Great flight, almost like being there for real.
  4. What's the status on the ATWC? I see Leg 045 is delayed. Must I go ahead and post mine so long?
  5. CSoul


    Una looks like she knows something. Secret agent, perhaps? Great flight, and a great plane.
  6. Impressing the locals. Who says you can't bring life out of old stones? You just need the right motivation. Choose your friends carefully...
  7. CSoul


    Good stuff! Nothing like an exciting landing to wake you up in the morning...except of course if you prefer coffee. Great leg!
  8. Well deserved win. I would also have picked that one. Really great!
  9. CSoul


    Aw. I was looking forward to a heavy landing at Toncontin. Nevertheless, great shots. I'm tempted to buy the MD-11 now.
  10. I'd be willing to fly two legs, if needed.
  11. Thanks. Was a little confused as, when I did some research, I saw that there are floatplanes, flying boats, seaplanes and amphibians, and the definition doesn't seem to be clear as to when one stops and the other begins.
  12. Here is mt first shot. Sailing with my fine...er, flippered friends. Buzzing some holiday-makers! Early morning takeoff in Seattle.
  13. I like it! Night flying is my favorite time to fly, so I enjoyed that dusk landing. Great leg.
  14. Great shots. I especially like that last one.
  15. Fantastic shots. I haven't played racing games for a while, and then primarily rally games, but now I'm sorely tempted. Could I request a shot from Spa-Francorchamps, flat out through Eau Rouge?
  16. CSoul

    Quest Kodiak

    Here are some shots of the Lionheart Quest Kodiak, a fantastic little STOL aircraft and my first ever downloaded payware aircraft! My PC really doesn't do the aircraft justice, though, so don't judge it on these shots alone. An interesting quality of the Kodiak that surprised me was how fast it stops. If this Kodiak is realistic, then this plane can stop, quite easily, within what seems to be 50-100 meters. It's take-off run is longer (rotation speed is 75-80 knots), but it can still take off in a hurry. Here's a video clip of the real Kodiak doing a STOL demonstration -
  17. Thank you for the positive comments! I don't think my commentary worked very well, so next time I'll try something more interesting.
  18. My first ATWC flight, and I'm going to keep it simple. I've provided a Youtube link to some theme music, for a bit of atmosphere - Since the flight is primarily over water, and for interest's sake, I've split the leg into four smaller legs, each flown with a different aircraft. Flightplan: Leg 1 - Rarotonga (NCRG) to Tahiti (NTAA), 615.8nm in the default 737-800 Leg 2 - Tahiti (NTAA) to Mendoza (SAME), 4382.6nm in the JF/CLS A340-300 Leg 3 - Mendoza (SAME) to Punta Arenas (SCCI), 1214.1nm in the CalClassics DC-6 Leg 4 - Punta Arenas (SCCI) to Mount Pleasant (EGYP), 458.3nm in the Tim
  19. Brilliant! I have only one gripe... ...the suspense is killing me!
  20. Great! Thanks. I think I got it now.
  21. I did an experiment in FSX, with a stationary Airbus A340 sitting on the active runway. With a 36knot headwind, IAS and TAS showed 36knots. With the wind blowing from behind, you get IAS and TAS at 0knots. The reason is obvious; IAS pitot tubes face forward, not back. It also mean that TAS is linked to IAS, and is hence not the true velocity of an aircraft over the ground (the Airbus was still i.e. GS=0knots). Wikipedia says this about GS: "Ground speed is the speed of an aircraft relative to the ground. It is the sum of the aircraft's true airspeed and the current wind and weather conditions
  22. Mmm, that A320 is still light and nimble. Imagine letting the autopilot fly a beast like the A340-600 down the glideslope. I did it once, for the first time, into La Mercy (King Shaka) airport, and my goodness, I was thinking "How is this thing ever going to stop!" But great shots, really great.
  23. Here're my three. The Tiger Moth might not have fought in the BoB, but it did serve as a trainer. (It is allright to use it though, right?) My favorite one, this.
  24. Night flying! I like it. Don't often see night shots.
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