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Everything posted by reef

  1. reef


    Thanks George. The location is off the coast of Hobart, Tasmania. Its all part of the FTX southern Australia package. No doubt the best scenery ive ever bought and so cheap. The water is FEX and using the OrbX colour pallete which to me is the best water ive seen to date. I'll try get some more shots of my travels around Oz posted. steve
  2. Well sorry of no help and don't expect much over at flight scenery, the developers jumped ship long ago onto other projects and only a few die hards talk over there now. Traffic X is out soon not that helps you much. steve
  3. reef


    Spent some money :shock: and bought a new Helo. Thanks for looking... steve
  4. Vibrant colour and a lovely sunset, good job! steve
  5. Composites are the hardest i feel but you have done well here. The colours are great and remind me of the old victor album covers. steve
  6. Sorry to hear your having trouble with KPDX George. Personally i used WOAI and PAI with KPDX with no issues. What traffic programs are you using ? A long shot but you don't have any static aircraft do you ? Also take a look in the manual as it mentions using a tool called scanfd to check for duplicate afcad files. Hope you get this one sorted. Flying Portland up the coast to the freeware Juneau was one of my favourite routes. steve
  7. Looks intense Dave. Good shot. steve
  8. No, can't say i do. Must be mistaking me for somone else > :wink:
  9. reef


    Thanks guys, glad you liked them. The aircraft is by Kazinoru Ito and i got it off simviation. My reason for only lightly editing these shots is they are my first attempt at doing a skin. I found it a tricky process but enjoyable. I'm still very novice but hope to learn. This will form the base of a few differently marked versions from various countries. The main problems i had were with no paint kit and the model doing unusual things with light in places. Maybe i'll try a payware model next time. Thanks again, your support is always what spurs me on :wink: steve
  10. Nice review Martin. You certainly form a good case to buy them but for me another aircraft or scenery is always going to come first. Don't think i can justify
  11. Any sparks in the first ?? Great shots :wink: steve
  12. reef


    Hey guys. Two shots of the YAK-23 Nato designation "Flora" by Kazinoru Ito. The shots are only lightly edited adding only canopy shine and slight touch of shadow. Would appreciate your comments on these aircraft not just the edits. Thanks... steve
  13. Well George, they are some of the finest full flight shots ive seen. Almost makes me want to get all my tubeliners reinstalled on FS9. The Bae 146 certainly is a quirky thing to fly especially the autopilot but thoroughly enjoyable imo. Wish someone would do a payware FSX version. A great post!! Already looking forward to the next :dance2: steve
  14. Very nice flight with some great shots I wish i could find the time to do some proper flying. steve
  15. Its free. Here is a link. http://www.simradar.com/File/2791/FSScr ... n_1_1.html The way i do it is create a folder on my desktop with fs screen inside. Then before you start FS just double click FS screen and it will open a small dialogue box which will be blank but in future show your last taken shot. You hit printscreen for a shot and it appears in which folder you put the FS screen.exe and thats it. Also you can use it for anything not just FS. steve
  16. The thing is your shots have artificing. This is caused by compresion of the picture. To reduce its size it reduces its quality. The result of this can be seen if you look closely around the btitish airways logo it looks very pixilated. The way FSscreen works is it captures everything on screen exactley as it as as a high quality BMP and does not compress at all so what you see will be exactley the same as the capture. Only through poor conversion from BMP. to JPEG for example would you get compression resulting in artiflicing/pixelation. Also poor conversion can happen with the image host.
  17. Adding one more. I must say though there are some fantastic shots arriving in, good job guys. Somwhere in Tasmania. steve
  18. reef

    GCSE results

    Hehe, if i remember right (33 old years on these bones now) mine went something like D D D E F I managed a C in Art though, i never was the academic type. Those results you have are really fantastic, i bet your family are mighty proud Well done young sir!! steve
  19. How are you taking your shots ? I use a small program called FSscreen which allows me to snap away as many as i like and dumps all the shots into the folder the program was started from. The images are the exact same i see on the screen as all it does is replicate everything on screen wether its my FS or my desktop. No installation needed at all. steve
  20. reef


    Oops late response, did not realise i had not responded to your comments :shock: but thanks anyway steve
  21. Its a great shot Marcus. Seems to reflect the weather we are having of late perfectly. Your ground reflection looks mighty fine if just a little bit true. All in all a very good edit you should be pleased with the result. Its just a shame you lost so much quality with your method of posting. I personally would of expected this shot as a JPEG to have been around 250kb mark. steve
  22. reef


    Thanks guys. Appreciate your taking the time to take a peek. steve
  23. Love these close detail shots. Another good edit sir... steve
  24. When i updated my system Joe, i simply left in the old HD but made it secondary to a new one. This way i have the 2 HDs' running and i lost none of my old stuff. When i'm ready i will format the old HD which is simple as a second, right click format. As for the OS it installed without trouble and thankfully i have a trouble free PC at the moment. All the best... steve
  25. From what i can tell Joe, because its a dual card it runs like SLI. FSX appears to be one of those titles that does not like SLI especially when using DX9. However under DX10 it runs quite a bit better but thats not something you can go for on XP. I'm not saying this is your problem just a direction you might want to look at. I only had a little time to scan over some tech forums. steve
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