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Everything posted by brett

  1. Has it really been 50 years already? Nice tribute Doering, not a bad little turboprop either. Thanks for the views. Some people take pills to relax but a LazyBoy recliner, great headphones and a pristine vinyl album of Dark Side of the Moon will melt you into your chair.
  2. Some real nice approaches over water to a few of those aerodromes and it sure does look sweet in MSFS. Thanks for the views and ideas for some flights Frank.
  3. You sir are a dangerous pilot but I love your videos and enjoy seeing all these airstrips and their creators. Thanks for the views Frank.
  4. Just wondering... We call it an eyeball yet it is not round like a ball but more of a Spheroid.
  5. Just wondering... How did the man who made the first clock, know what time it was?
  6. When I first saw it the first thing that came to mind was the EA-6B Prowler with its distinctive windscreen.
  7. Liked the combination of drone, sim and real world footage Frank, thanks for the views. That P-750 is probably a good workhorse but dang it's ugly.
  8. Not a place I would want to be with a powerplant failure. Another enjoyable video Frank, thanks for the views.
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