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Everything posted by brett

  1. Not a place I would want to be with a powerplant failure. Another enjoyable video Frank, thanks for the views.
  2. Tough strips, gorgeous country, what's not to like. Thanks for the views Frank. Hitting those strips for a job is not one I would enjoy but if I had to, it would certainly not be in an under powered plane with so-so brakes like the C152.
  3. Just wondering... How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
  4. The A2A Comanche is just four dollars more than the Arrow, both are great aircraft but I think A2A has always brought out more in their offerings. Certainly more than the four extra bucks. That said I know you have always been a fan of the Piper Arrow line.
  5. Before watching any accident video I always first think of those on board and their families, sad all around. We can learn from the mistakes of others and should, yet I always feel like I'm experiencing that human trait that causes us all to slow down on the highway to look at accidents, we are all a curious lot. Thanks for the video Doering, it reminded me of when I first started simming and wasn't ahead of anything on the aircraft. I would like to read the final report because there are a bunch of unanswered questions in the vid as far as, why was the pilot in such a hurry, who wa
  6. Welcome back Phil, looking forward to future content.
  7. That must have sounded great going overhead.
  8. Sorry Arnie, didn't want it to seem I was hitting you on the head, it was a general statement for all based on my opinion. Peak Toothpaste
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