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Everything posted by Gunner

  1. Wow...at a first glance , thought that is a April 1 leftover...
  2. What if you tell what plane you need, i'll zip the folder and upload it for you. You copy the folder back in the Airplanes folder. It would work?
  3. I hope that i look at the same thing about you are talking, click on the "date" to reverse and forth ... everything should jump back at his place. Eddie
  4. If anyone interested, i use this for backing up the Company folder in AH ( plus a lot of things at work). http://www.fbackup.com/ Easy to set up, works great and its free. regards, Eddie
  5. "..wages must be paid, base rental also,this pencil tip is aga..."Fi-ive Hundred!! CLIMB! Trees. They give oxigen. Also blocks runway. Must be cold. No girls on the deck.
  6. Was'nt that cargo a full batch of Super Glue?? Sorry... . I remember that it happened some time ago to me, when i opened AH, it said "There is cargo onboard in this plane" -or something like that, but when i checked, it was nothing in there. Eddie
  7. Lol, good decision. What it works for me - i hire pilots with the lowest rank possible, reputation around 75-80%. They get the 172, and no other plane until they reach 90 - 95 %. It seems to work nicely.I really don't need a captain for a SkyLane . Right now i have three pilots, 2 of them are all ready 1st officers. Hired them with CPL ME/IR. Still flying in the bushes , two of them with 182, the last hired is with the very first Skyhawk (though he's rep is 100% now).When i will buy a bigger plane, all of them will step up one on the ladder . Eddie,
  8. 8G!...needs a lot of training to take that.
  9. Hehe, for me its Ultimate Traffic. Even if its bites my frames, i just really hate empty airports.
  10. Oh, is that your work? Great one, very beautiful!
  11. Wow, congrats...it is really worth that money . Have to plan a trip to Vienna
  12. Lol , nice one, made me laugh loud
  13. Gunner

    Crop Dusting

    Great set of shots! Vegies are important, it's good to see , somebody is taking care .
  14. Gunner


    My best was , when i received a mail from Bank of England, claiming that they will make a refund for me , in a total value of 750.000 pounds. All i have to do is to contact the manager in South Africa
  15. Well, i reached 100% rep a few times with AH and the only problem (it happened once) i experienced, that the list of the pilots who wanted work, got so large that it took 10 minutes to load AH...but other than that, no issues. I'm using both default and addon AC-ts, so i think that the problem is not in AH. I don't have REX , so i can't say anything about. I got a crash of FSX with AH, maybe once or max. twice.
  16. Great video! can i ask you , what is your scenery for the Marble Canyon?
  17. Cool shots and the scenery is awesome!!
  18. Get well Jim! The 737 becomes rusty if it stays too long grounded.
  19. Ummm, i don't have the PMDG 737, but 185 sounds way too high for landing. You should aim for 140 - 155, depending on weight. As for speed brakes, there should be no need for them, only in emergency slow downs. Which gives a hint , that you are "coming in a little too hot". Try to start your descent in time and the plane should slow down without the speed brakes.
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