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Everything posted by hurricanemk1c

  1. Re-creating the famous Avro Lincoln photo with a Shackleton
  2. I'll post one in the morning - must think up of another one!
  3. Hi all, One upside of commuting to college every day is train travel. Last night was in Dublin Heuston at about 2110-2210 and got some of the following shots: https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/15526092100/in/set-72157649123185551 https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/15712508482/in/set-72157649123185551 https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/15687236396/in/set-72157649123185551 https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/15709114881/in/set-72157649123185551/ Link to my Flickr rail page - https://www.flickr.com/photos/hurricanemk1c/ Link to my Flick
  4. As someone who is in college, doing Transport Operations, we are not lazy! Anyway, barometer
  5. The ultimate in low flying - the Radio Altimeter showed 10 ft agl. Lifeblood of the RAF although even this may be a little low!
  6. I know it too, but need to think about what next, something clever enough to fox you all for a bit!
  7. Should have also mentioned both Shuttles. But how long will it take?
  8. The question is what effect has this had on public confidence? First that rocket exploding in America (private), then this (again private). Some people will now be very nervous about travelling into space on a private spacecraft. Public confidence in the DC-10 took a long time to build up again
  9. I would guess suprisingly often Brett - there's generally a trans-atlantic divert into Shannon at least once a week due to medical / mechanical emergencies
  10. As far as I know Andrew, DTG are looking to produce a completely new Flight Sim with their new super-duper game engine. How good it'll be, I don't know. The recent add-on for Train Simulator, the Class 45, suffered from stuff like poor colours and incorrect type face for numbers. Having seen this time and time again, I'm not that optimistic about the future. I'm willing to be proven wrong though
  11. But that was only after it failed Mikael, reading the press releases here - http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/MissionUpdates/Orb-3/
  12. They released a new beta of Train Sim 2015 this week Mikael, so prehaps shows a new direction for them. As for playing Brett, try the railway signalling "game" SimSig. Not really a game, more like a super-realistic simulation, made to the same specs by the people who making training sims for Network Rail!
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