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Everything posted by britfrog

  1. I was just saying the same thing on another thread about the SR22 release.
  2. i was surprised at them making this, after all eaglesoft have done it already but carenado are for small planes as pmdg are for big stuff, they are pretty good my favorite is their arrow4 (which i have several hundred hours in a real one which i used to fly) and also their 206 (which is as close as I can get to a 207 which i have really fond memories of, dropping parachute display teams all around the Uk for many years) as each new model comes out they are just getting slightly better each time.
  3. careful David you are showing your age!! a lot of these guys wern't born back then
  4. i havent found anything better, i have read one or two articles about how to set up your nvidea parameters better but find that most of them are just blowing smoke up ,,,, well you know where
  5. yeah a fair write up, being a little critical , it could have been more comprehensive, but how much do you cover of the sims potential? and how technical do you make it? a difficult question, but not bad at all, for a first review I must admit before the several rushed out fixes and service packs became available, the original issue was nowhere near as polished i have to admit crossing swords with one or two of the guys at pmdg who seem to think that a client with a problem with their work needs to be brushed under the carpet, there is no doubt that their beta testers were not on the ball at
  6. as i recall it was some months before af 447 , but if you use one of the "radar sites" on the internet you will see lots of airbus test flights daily out of toulouse that fly in our area. i took some pics a few years ago of a learjet formating on a 340 for quite a while at about 10-15k only to see the pics in the press a few days later yeah it can be "breezy" here makes riding my motorbikes interesting
  7. i had the same dream back in 71 , I loved flying, my dad was an ex battle of britain pilot, and he tought me how to fly at night and concentrate by lighting matches when i was on final and burning my legs a bit (were wore shorts in the bahamas) now 20,000+ hours later and i havent liked being a bus driver for more years than i care to think but it is a job,, the modern day sterile cockpit where one cannot speak about anything other the flight one is making,is for the birds, accountants have more power than company owners, also it is not a world for a happy marriage, especially if you go long h
  8. hopefully the truth will out because there are so many scenarios that could lead to this including something mundane such as a practiced force landing that went wrong. many years ago i used to hire an a/c at thruxton, joes stomping ground, and i well remember going off over a beautiful countryside on a perfect flying day, so i thought why not practice a PFL, well as the book says , i chose a farmers field , and using the RAF method kept the wing tip on the field as i descended, with engine cut back, except for the occasional burst to keep the cyls warm and clear, well this beautifully perfect
  9. i have quite a few vids of the 380 when it was being test flown a year or more before it came really into the publics eye.. where i live near perpignan we suffer quite a lot of wind here a wind of 70mph for 10 days is not unusual in fact we have had now over the last 3 weeks winds up to 110 mph , but one gets used to it and all the trees lean to the east, the wind is called the tramontana btw. anyway i digress because toulouse is a fairly busy airport airbus use perpignan for training and touch and goes especially when it is windy. I have several vids that i took of the 380 doing slow approa
  10. low and slow, a recipe for disaster sadly
  11. you can download a great vid of this from the ejection seats point of view also another vid showing the crash as the plane broke into its component parts nearly taking out the control tower
  12. I used to use active sky but i found REX's sea colours and clouds more realistic ok times move on and active sky have updated their effort, and it is currently for sale however REX not to be outdone is finalising an update called esential but it will be free to all existing clients which will address all current issues, judging by the various forums all over the place you have 2 camps all claiming their camp is better than the other so you pays your money and you takes ya choice However David if disk size is getting an issue I would address that problem before putting more software on board,
  13. thanks for your thoughts guys i shall give it another go
  14. ever since fsx came on the market there have been loads of people apparently having problems with the later version of UIAutomationCore, some time ago i replaced my version with an older (vista) one at someones suggestion and dont really suffer any problems, only occasional ctd's when using orbyx with pmdg unless i turn down the sliders a bit before setting off, i have a desktop cpu monitor and i can always tell when a ctd is coming cus all the processors run up to 100% so i know that the system is overloading. However it is interesting to see that others are proposing the total removal of
  15. Hi Joe, my name is Nigel just been looking at the pmdg site and while I like their products i dont particularly like their attitude to their customers, however that being said their chief poster has said 2 days ago that, In I presume, is his opinion, "The primary issue is that Prepar3d is not a consumer platform. It will never be a consumer platform. This being the case- its adoption by the mass market is highly unlikely- and that means that it is not the platform PMDG will base our development future upon." Now perhaps he is party to something we are not? and what does he know that orbyx
  16. if you havent already put your hand in your pocket I have toagree with most of what has been said in the previous email except that you must buy 16gb memory win 7 is a memory hog and you really see a difference between 8gb and 16gb, also it is well known that aces fine tuned fsx to the nvidea cards so they work with a lot less hassel, you dont need an SSD at all this is just overkill especially when you see how expensive they are and how uselessly small they are, I would also say if you are keeping an eye on money to buy a gtx 460 card there is very little perceivabnble performance difference
  17. i think you will find the reason the plane turned was that the joystick was slightly to one side (leaning) when you fired up fsim. so that when you unplugged it and replugged it in the joystick was recalibrated, i have had this a few times, any way you can get lodger to pay for a new superfandango joystick as a sorry?
  18. well loads of silence did you buy it or not? i must admit i find it very good
  19. well loads of silence did you buy it or not? i must admit i find it very good
  20. FS2 on a commadore 64 did it for me used to use it the night before my line checks as i use fsx now
  21. yeah i disagree with John as well whilst aerofly does need a lot of work to get it anywhere near as good as fs9/x when you look at the qaulity of the exterior modelling they are already better than fsx. yes not all the instruments work at the moment but that doesnt take a lot to get them programmed in. whilst I am perfectly comfortable with my current fsx setup i cannot see M.S. producing fs11 in less than 2 years even if they wanted to, and i am willing to bet the current M.S. management have no intention of doing so or they would have not sacked aces. M.S. is suffering from a well known syn
  22. here is another of andreas's vids, i am currently planning a collaboration with him for later this year. This guy makes videos like no other for glider pilots there is: check out the 3d this next one at st mays is sooo realistic i have landed there only once in a 207 in a good crosswind and the sea was just this colour the beauty of vimeo is they have far better bandwidth than youtube plus you can download them and watch them over and over Mutley perhaps these vids would be better tranferred to the videos page?
  23. i would be the first to say it is early days for aerofly there are lots of glareing shortages but if this is their first effort i think they need a pat on the back, IMHO its a whole lot better than Flight , not that that is difficult.
  24. Ted I also am not blind to another sim, in fact i wanted to be blown away whilst fsx is good it has it down sides as well which is why i tested the demo . sadly i deleted it through disgust and as i have a very slow internet access i shall have to download it again overnight and give it another go. When i have it again i will bend your ear a bit to get it set up properly
  25. Ted I also am not blind to another sim, in fact i wanted to be blown away whilst fsx is good it has it down sides as well which is why i tested the demo . sadly i deleted it through disgust and as i have a very slow internet access i shall have to download it again overnight and give it another go. When i have it again i will bend your ear a bit to get it set up properly
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