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Everything posted by britfrog

  1. it was on its inaugural flight on this route so perhaps under pressure to get to the destination, it appears that he had lost control and was trying to regain control when they hit the ground he should have been at 1700 feet not 200 feet. There is nothing wrong with old aircraft being used after all look how many dc3's are flying safely however Pakistan has a poor reputation for maintenance hence the only pakistan a/c allowed in europe are those maintained by a western FBO. Apparently another airline had inspected the a/c with a view to buying/using it but refused it as it was grounded, also
  2. when i first saw this story i thought there was more to it than they were letting on, up to about 15 years ago the standard squawk for a vfr a/c was 1234 nice and simple but noooo the Cancel All Aviation people in their infinite wisdom said it must be brought into line with other squawks so they made it 7000. (the rest of Europe is 7001) Brilliant !! so what happens when a vfr a/c fitted with kKng turn the knob radios , it is very easy when turning the LH knob to turn both the inner and the outer at the same time, result? 7700 = mayday , discover your mistake , turn the knob and immediatly it
  3. that was proper simulator software nothing amateur like fsx for a start the visuals are on a projected screen using raster driven visuals not like fsx each pixel of light can be controlled in luminescence and colour. if ever you want a go in a sim i have a friend near biggin hill who has a few i shall post pics later, 1 is a trident full motion sim with visuals from an air india 747/400 another is a bucaneer, a third is a phantom which is a real phantom that belly landed in germany so they cut off the wings and stuffed it into a trailor the pain is that the sim takes 2 operators on the compute
  4. Many years ago--- as the story starts (just after the war) we used to live in Nigeria when it was a peaceful colonial country, and the stories my parents and i can recall would keep you all amused for days, despite being asked on many occasions they never wrote a book of their experiences there sadly, so it is down to me to remember them. I was brought up on a compound of 8 houses in the bush my father was charged with mapping nigeria and the cameroons and opening up mail routes etc. he never trusted snakes cus they would get everywhere on the planes and they were mostly cobras or worse! How
  5. "We are not in this to go into the consumer marketplace," said Chester Kennedy, vice president of engineering not allowed more like !! If it gets better than fsx i will no doubt give it a try however it is a long way from there at the moment in the meantime I pin my hopes on M.S.
  6. I dont necessarily agree with you here, whilst i was disappointed that flight turned out not to be fs11 M.S didnt give LM the rights to sell prepar3d to the general public hence all these weird scams to sell it to as many as possible (students/ developers etc) to get a ROI as there are not many large companies that would pay large sums of money to use it for proper training and fsx will never be allowed to be used for professional training for a whole variety of reasons so maybe LM has bought a pup? there are already lots of professional computer based simulators, but they are not interestin
  7. Looks very nice! someone put a lot of effort into the the layout and landscaping, the only negative point from my point of view is that white stuff outside, i dont do cold
  8. nice pics. shame about the mra 4 being cancelled as it was a unique a/c. It was a completely new design sharing virtually none of its components with the original comet airframe although it still looked similar. so now we have an early warning a/c that cannot fly below 5,000 feet because it would corrode to quickly leaving us with no long distance air/sea rescue service at all. so next time a plane ditches 300 miles out in the atlantic and people survive, they better be good swimmers because our pathetic helicopter force can only go out 180 miles at some feeble speed. Also we no longer have
  9. excellent scenery who makes it? it is certainly very close to ftx stuff.
  10. yeah i know Joe but it destroys the market place. i think they are cutting their own throats by doing this, i would much prefer to make a sale at 80% of normal pricee than no sale at 100% but this has to be from the start otherwise the next time you release a product noone will buy it because they know a month or two down the line you will be able to buy it much cheaper. Perhaps they are already suffering from this reaction as they have had sales in the past? I was thinking of buying it a month or two ago when it came out, but have rex installed and couldnt see the point of having 2 weather p
  11. snakes can never be pets they havent the brain for affection, i used to catch snakes for the audobon society and the local museum when i lived in the bahamas when i was a kid luckily they were all constrictors, we had nothing poisonous there, but they could still give you a very nasty bite. one day a friend of mine and I were talking to some locals about a "large snake" that had been seen that they wanted taken away from their houses, we went across some bush to a large pile of old trees and stuff that had been bulldozed into a pile and sat there waiting for dark. As night began to fall this l
  12. so i guess sales are not up to expectations? i would be a trifle p-- off of i had paid full price last month
  13. why dont all creators of software release a free trial version? I have bought one or two terrible add ons that went straight into the bin and will now only buy when i am sure it is a good product. the last version 2 of this regions was super buggy.
  14. Ahhh the famous paint kit there's the rub, but the pictures you posted looked great, I have used the multiplayer bit a few times and found it quite good and a bit freaky when one of you is on the other side of the pond Thanks
  15. thanks Joe, I want to try to do a repaint of the plane my dad flew in france before dunkirk sowill need an sdk or a sympathetic company i guess. he always said that the hurricane was a much better plane than the spitfire to fight with, it was a more solid gun platform, more forgiving and could take more punishment which is why when he was tranferred to fly with spits and bader he arranged to get back on hurri's.
  16. who makes the best hurricane at the moment?
  17. britfrog

    DC6B Flight

    when i were a lad, as the saying goes we used to come back to the uk for our hols (we lived in the bahamas-) i well remember when the main terminal was along the A4 and we were flying back via shannon, goose bay and new york (the regular route then) the plane was late arriving, then the plane went tech with a 4 hour delay which became an 8 hour delay because of an engine change, well eventually we boarded , got to the end of the runway and rolled along only to have the brakes come full on at the last minute, we then retraced our steps, and had another go, at this time i was all of maybe 10 but
  18. very nice now how do i get a copy?
  19. there is no way flight could ever be conceived as anything but a childs game it is most certainly not a simulation as for tom allensworth? well i promised Joe i would not be controversial - - - - -
  20. I am looking for a really highly detailed old RAF base specifically with war time hangers, i have uk2000 vfr stuff and it is quite good but i am looking for something better, along the lines of ftx stuff does anyone know if such a thing exists. I have a project in mind.
  21. if you are right then orbyx must be planning to be uk ministers cus they are famous for giving with one hand and taking away with the other.
  22. it will be interesting to hear what you think of prepar3d once you get it all working. especially the problems you experienced
  23. as i mentioned in another thread tonight, new eurolaws will take the power away from the software mafiosa in the near future it will be legal to sell your copy of fsx or whatever to anyone you want and the eula owner will have to allow access to the new owner. quite right in my eyes as these shysters want their cake and eat it as well.
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