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Christopher Low

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Everything posted by Christopher Low

  1. Do you know if there is a way to disable those waves? I am not sure that I like them.
  2. Kevin, Have you completed a full reinstallation, or just updated the client software to v3.2?
  3. With a name like "Spirit", you would have thought that they would want to have a more ethereal colour scheme....
  4. When I played first person shooters, I did not see the virtual people in these games as real human beings. I saw them as obstacles to progression. Nothing more. To be honest, I have became bored of the "shooter" part of first person shooters in recent years. I prefer to avoid combat whenever possible, but that isn't particularly because I had a problem shooting virtual people. It's simply because having to shoot stuff every five seconds is annoying. I like to have the time to survey my surroundings, and make decisions. The stealth approach is a much better alternative for me, and is actually a
  5. You think that people play computer games to develop skill sets? Why would they do that? They play them to have fun.
  6. For the record, I hate the 2D people. I would rather see no people at all.
  7. In my defence, I do not use ORBx England, so that job was left to others. However, as for the leaking water tank......guilty as charged
  8. Brian mentioned several small issues in his review...... * the water tank does indeed appear to have leaked! * I do not see any holes in the ground anywhere, so I can only assume that it is a conflict with the ORBx England scenery (I use VFR Photographic) * The "small bridge" that he pointed out is not in my version, so again this must be an issue associated with ORBx England
  9. I wish you the best of luck, Stephen. I admire your commitment and determination
  10. I am experiencing a problem with the 3.13 installer. It is asking me to tick the version of Scotflight that I have installed, so I selected "version 3.0 or 3.1x Photo" and also "RAF Collection" for P3D, but I am getting the following error message.... "An existing Scotflight installation for the flight simulator that you requested was not found in the registry. Hence this install wizard is unable to proceed" Any suggestions?
  11. Iain, I am slightly confused. There is a patch to upgrade v3.1/3.11 to v3.12, and another patch that apparently upgrades v3.12 to v3.13. However, they both have the same filename, and they both have the same readme file that states "upgrade 3.1/3.11 to 3.12").....
  12. Thank you, Iain. Looking forward to checking out the new goodies!
  13. My finger is hovering over the purchase button for the P3D version of the Comanche 250....
  14. I have to agree that the updated Star Trek movies are not as good as I had hoped, but I have high expectations for this new Star Wars movie.
  15. I have just done a quick circuit at the Scotflight version of EGOY RAF West Freugh, and I noticed a problem with the shoreline textures at this particular location. The slight "bay" area in the centre of the screenshot has very low resolution textures compared to the surrounding scenery. I have never seen this before, and they did not get any sharper when I hovered over them in "slew" mode. Can someone who uses the VFR GenX Volume 8 Scotland South photoscenery please check to see if you have the same problem in this location? It is the shoreline directly south of EGOY RAF West Freugh. http
  16. I will let you know about compatibility with VFR GenX and ES Shawbury Fields, Kevin. I took an 8 quid gamble on it, and installed it over the weekend. I haven't checked it yet though. As for the very low chance of seeing any more ORBx UK airfields, I think you know my feelings about that
  17. FTX England/Scotland/Wales may have lots of trees and buildings and a few landmarks, but it could hardly be considered the best option for VFR flight in the UK. PlayHorizon GenX photoscenery with ES Treescapes is the best option, since you are able to identify major landmarks/towns/lakes/golf courses etc. from the photo images. I also use the FSX Power Project electricity pylon network (including substations) and wind turbines, and also a nice little file that Darren Vincent gave me that includes some power stations and radio transmitter masts. I would love to see lots more major landmarks lik
  18. It almost looks like it belly flopped onto the ground.....
  19. I might be tempted to purchase REX4 Texture Direct if I knew that it included decent wave animations in P3D v3. Unfortunately, the water textures look utterly static with REX Essential Plus SP3 (which is supposed to include improvements in that department), so I really don't know what to do. Are there any videos of the REX4 water animation in P3D v3?
  20. The Vulcan Aviation Academy and Heritage Centre (presumably at Doncaster Sheffield Airport) will apparently be the home of XH558 in the future. I think we can be confident that she will remain one of the most treasured pieces of aircraft heritage in the UK for a very long time to come
  21. It was me being stupid again. I had forgotten to click on "Settings" first
  22. It isn't working with P3D v3 on my PC. I can't remember how I generated the database in P3D v2.4, but it just hangs at the start with v3.
  23. Is there a version of Plan G for P3D v3? If so, where do I find it? I can't see anything on the website.
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