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Everything posted by stu7708

  1. Great review Jack.. Just a question on this part.. "the engines roared into life accompanied with a bass throb reminiscent of a 70's Led Zeppelin concert." Just how would you know that young man, considering I couldn't have experienced it and feel comfortable in calling you a young man
  2. ORBX are really lining up releases right now. YPMQ Port Macquarie was released a few weeks ago, and at the moment 1WA6 Fall City, 2WA1 Diamond Point are available for pre-pay deals in addition to US CRM. Rumors on their forum (from the CEO) says that CRM is in final testing and might be released next week :icon_thumbup: They have also opened a UK office in Southampton as of July 1st...
  3. stu7708

    It's done!

    That's some serious CPU fans. And the size of the GFX board is just unbeliveble :icon_yikes:
  4. Can't beat a good Pyton clip :icon_thumbup:
  5. An old classic. But I didn't make the connection to Coupling when I first saw it...
  6. On patrol eh... judging by the video it was more of a joyride :icon_thumbup: Great shots.
  7. Hi John. Are you only using the Nvidia Control Panel for setting up the Graphics setting (AA, AF and so forth)? If so, take a look at this thread on the PMDG forum. It takes you through using a 3rd party freeware software for tweaking your Nvidia drivers, in combination with FSX, to work proper, and it gives you access to more settings than the Nvidia Control Panel. It gave me a massive boost on my computer. I'd say that I get the same FPS preformace as you do with lower specs... The only thing to remember if you use it is that you need to redo the set up of the profile for FSX if you upd
  8. I can second that statement. Sure, there might be a few rare members that are rather level headed. But in general what Dai said stands :icon_thumbup:
  9. to Mutley's Devon. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.
  10. As do I, but I guess I was just so frustrated about not solving it that I tossed it away
  11. So that's where our summer weather from last week went :001_th_smiles48: After a full week of temperatures above 30 and cloud less skies we are now back to overcast and about 18 degrees.... So, enjoy it while it lasts Brian :icon_thumbup:
  12. Good thing you had it Kieran.. it was a no show on my laptop...
  13. I guess the main reason I remember is that I was so frustrated over the fact that I couldn't solve it :001_th_smiles89: I found the topic in the screenshot forum, but the download link is broken...
  14. I'm pretty sure you published one jigsaw with the MD-80 in it a while back Joe... I'll dig through my old laptop, I think I have a copy of it there if you lost your...
  15. Good catch Dai... I just have to wonder what the jet wash did to that poor turtle that was passed by a 767 taking off
  16. stu7708


    A new teaser video of screenshots was published the other day. Looks real good. The developers estimate that they are about 90% done with the first region, but progress will be slow over the summer. For some strange reason they want to be outside to enjoy the sun rather than sit in front of a computer screen developing freeware scenery :icon_yikes:
  17. I find it somewhat curious that i'm the only swede on this forum at the moment, but two people from greenland found their way here I must try to lure some decent swedes to the hangar.. to bad I really havn't found any active swedish FS forums to recruit from.. By the way, does anyone know what happened to Fighterpilot, the only other swede I've ever seen here??
  18. Looks great Bri.. And now that it's all mounted together and have a few instruments on it for reference it looks alot smaller than I thought it would be.
  19. Well, I should know that area rather well by now :001_th_smiles89:
  20. Looks a bit like the ferry dock in Penzance...
  21. Nice little feature.. but I'm more intrigued by the non-funtioning "Free download shop" link
  22. Great review Rob. Looks like a tempting aircraft to put on my ever growing "to get" list :icon_thumbup:
  23. Looks stunning. Well defined Mesh and great looking ground textures judging by your shots.. Is it a photoreal or texture/landclass based scenery?
  24. I havn't tried this one out myself yet, but considering they make training material for one of the premier add-on developers (PMDG) it might be worth a go.. AOA Aviatior 90 tutorial
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