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Everything posted by J G

  1. Hmmm..... I don't think anyone has come up with an F.B.I. sim, so you are safe for the time being.
  2. I have this as my default aircraft. A real beauty, and great screenshots!
  3. Thanks John. I have been away this weekend at the seaside! Topical, but lets see who makes me laugh the most!
  4. I love my coffee machine, and I am lucky enough to live around the corner from https://www.redber.co.uk/ where I go to stock up on my drug of choice, freshly roasted, sometimes specially for me. Personally I love central American coffees the most.
  5. We have all heard of the films Goldfinger and, the man with the golden gun. What would a film be called of this little endeavour? Gold sphincter? The man with the golden bum?
  6. I have this on my Nissan Qashqai, its a great feature. In Malta last week we hired a Peugeot 107. A nasty little under powered tin can with no bells or whistles on at all. It had an old-fashioned manual hand brake, which I forgot to release on a number of occasions. Not that it made much difference.
  7. I have only ever had one automatic car. I hated it and couldn't wait to get back to a manual box. I like to tell the car when to change gear and not to have the car do it when it feels like it. There is no fun in that at all. I have driven a lot in Europe, USA and Canada, these places drive on the wrong side of the road. I have also driven in Ireland, Australia, India, Thailand, Malaysia and just a few days ago, Malta, all of which drive on the correct side of the road. Other clever peoples, most of which were good enough to be part of the British Empire also drive on the proper
  8. I reckon it was an Albatross having a hot flush.
  9. Personally I hope his bollocks were severely burned in the original incident. I don't subscribe to the death penalty, but as for him whinging about his rights, as far as I am concerned he forfeited all rights except to that of life the moment he tried to kill the passengers on the aircraft. With any luck his burns still hurt. If he believes in God, then he still has a lot of burning to do.
  10. Yes, so I recall. Still there are lots of people just itching to get one. I understand that a certain Private Parts has been awarded this medal more than anyone else.
  11. That's a very long chock, and why is it hissing?
  12. Fantastic read Andrew. As you know I am fond of a bit of subterfuge my self. I had no idea that Cambodia could be a bit like Thailand's Patpong area. Many years ago a Thai friend took my wife and I for a tour of Bangkok which included the Patpong area. We were both amazed and partly horrified with what can be done with a pingpong ball, some razorblades and a birthday cake.
  13. It looks very good, I have spent many happy holidays in Southern Germany. I would like to get this and Northern Germany, they would go so well with A2A's Flying Fortress
  14. Blast! I missed out on "Jayne Mansfield Airways takes to the skies for the first time"!
  15. Glad to hear you got the manual. Would you care to share how you got it? I to visited their site and can verify there is nowhere to register. I know the content management system they are using, the registration link should be to the left of the login link at the top LHS of the page. It seems to have been disabled. It is always nice to see the manual before spending hard earned cash on an aircraft. Also I would just like to point out that I am English and I can trace my Englishness back to the year 1510. I think tea is the foulest most disgusting beverage the world has ever
  16. Great PIREP Steph. Rather you than me with the bungee jump.
  17. Great repaints Matt! How about a cappuccino repaint? nice coffee fuselage with a creamy frothy roof!!
  18. I have the JF version but an looking at the India Foxtrot Echo version.
  19. An interesting one that. Climb it and you will have a heart attack getting to the top, eat it and you will have a heart attack getting to the bottom. Emm the word association bit...... footwear.... blister
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