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Everything posted by Corsaire31

  1. I use a small utility called FSX Borderless which makes FSX look like full screen while still operating in windowed mode, allowing me to have a Plan G or FSC 9 window opened on a second monitor, or access during flight to any other window (checking screenshots, looking for something on the net, access to FS Real Global Weather window, etc...) Works great.
  2. 1st of November report In Europe, Aurigny Xpress keeps on developping, with a new base in Wales at Swansea (EGFH) A newly leased Trislander G-BDTO has been based there with a new pilot. In Canada / Alaska, West Columbia Airways was reorganized, the Beechcraft D18 S encountering technical problems ( the windshield and windows were becoming solid blue as soon as it started raining ! ) and being dropped from leasing. The Tundra Skywagon has been brought up to Cordova for the winter months, the Goose has been based in Prince Rupert while an amphibian Skywagon has been sent down to
  3. Thanks all for viewing... Early morning return :
  4. To change from Africa, a short cargo flight from Cordova PACV to Gulkana PAGK with some computers on board. First snow for me this year and - 8° C on landing. Now back to the 35° C in south Morocco !
  5. Must have been a sign, got for the first time last night a take off on 27 !
  6. Nice vids ! I have often landed there day and night as it is one of my Air Hauler bases, and never got yet to land on 27, it seems for me 09 is always on ! Was nice to see what it looks like the other way around.
  7. There is one being restored here in Toulouse, I'll try to make some pics next time I go to Blagnac.
  8. Hi I had the same kind of pb when installing my Pro Flight Saitek yoke. No ATC voice anymore and general sound volume going down. I discovered that to solve it I had to declare in FSX parameters Sound which output I wanted to use (in both windows general sound and ATC voices). ( Realtek output speakers or my Logitech G35 headset speakers) The problem happens if I leave the "Default device". Hope it helps...
  9. Thanks for the info ! I am on manual updates as well and will wait for some more info.
  10. I can understand, my personal opinion was only applying to myself ! Each of us is free to use his hobby time as he likes, and I am glad that mine is not very limited since I stopped working earlier this year !
  11. Some simple-minded people like me consider they bought a flight simulator and use their precious time for flying rather than spending time downloading Gigas of stuff, installing and tweaking the PC files, trying to figure out for hours (or days) why it doesn't work and spending other hours reading pages of forums to find a solution. Reminds me the saying about wedding : " Getting married with someone is learning how to solve together problems you wouldn't have if you stayed single..."
  12. The british weather gives you a good excuse for spending more yearly time on your PC and flight sims...
  13. I have only 27 near Toulouse and the beach is a bit far away ( 2 hours drive for me ) but I will spend some of this coming week's afternoons in my favourite natural reserve, trying to shoot some migrating birds, but with my Nikon... Coming from the Channel shores, I will agree with you that life in the south is great, if you pick up the right spots ! Heavy rain episodes on the Cévennes, Montpellier and Nîmes region have been lasting for centuries (since the mountains are there in fact) difficult to claim you didn't know before...
  14. Nice start... I already have the Beech C99 in my hangar, ready to be used when necessary. Also have the Short 360, ready to get working with Aurigny Air Xpress... It is next step after the Trislanders and before the ATR.
  15. Welcome to this nice place ! You should post in the Hardware/Cockpit building section, it is where you find the specialists ! PS : on a first post, it would also be nice to give us a small introduction about yourself ... This is a forum and not a support platform.
  16. Chris, when you want to post on the french Pilote Virtuel forum, I would be more than glad to assist you with translation... Your last news about Night Environment Norway looked like the notice of a chinese electronic device !
  17. A visual proof of what I always said : sport is dangerous !
  18. OK ! No picture, only have a drawing ...
  19. Nice set ! PS : all the screenies I have the time to do these days are in my blog !
  20. Nothing like starting over ! And nice Cessna !
  21. The yearly amount of money allowed to FSX has been totally used since July, so it's all freeware until the end of 2014. So no Twotter for now, will have to do with the Twin Beech... But anyway because of my Aeropostale aventure eating most of my flying time until year's end, the Air Hauler business will be mostly run by my pilots. I will do the daily dispatch, take the investment decisions and make a flight here and there when time allows.
  22. 1st of October report Due to my "Aeropostale 2014" adventure, I had to cut down on Air Hauler activities. I chose to close my first company, Brittany Air Freight, which had anyway reached the original goals and was only running as planned. European activities have been re-centered on the development of Aurigny Xpress, my Channel Islands company. We have on October 1st put a first foot on the continent, by opening a new base in France in Rennes Saint Jacques (LFRN). A new Trislander G-BEDP has been leased and based there, with its new pilot Zachary Bell. West Columbia Airways
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