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Everything posted by ddavid

  1. Have you checked your core temperatures, Oh Mighty One?!? Cheers - Dai.
  2. ... and I thought air ships were safe ... All credit to the Ozzie pilot but what a way to go, eh? Cheers - Dai.
  3. Nice work, Micke - a good read with plenty of interesting detail. Loved the maternity ward - dont they call them 'calves'?!? Cheers - Dai. P.S. Look forward to seeing those gifs, Bri' ...
  4. Don't forget Aerosoft's Planning Permission! Cheers - Dai.
  5. Thanks, John - appreciated! Cheers - Dai.
  6. Lucky to get out unscathed: Wonder if they'll rebuild... Interestingly, she was in the UK in 2008 - transatlantic flight via Goose Bay and Narsarsuaq - and has had a terrific history. More here. Cheers - Dai.
  7. Sounds like a work-mate - mind your fingers when you fold it up! BTW, how big is your screen or are you going Triple-Head... Cheers - Dai.
  8. But will you be able to see over the top, eh?!? Love the clamps - now I know where all mine went! Cheers - Dai.
  9. ddavid

    Wish List

    ... detail ... Cheers - Dai.
  10. ddavid

    Wish List

    Well, I guess this would do... Cheers - Dai.
  11. Lucky B*gg*r! Well, it was a Birthday Treat, I guess. Tangmere's special, isn't it - must go again. Smashing pics - thanks for sharing! Cheers - Dai.
  12. Well, having failed with the repair to my old joystick's PCB - too embarrassing to relate! - I've decided to go th OpenCockpits' Axes Card route. I hope to cannibalise the joystick inards and interface them via the OC. Still at the 'thinking' stage - will post some more definite ideas as they arise... Hope the shopping went well - Bests to M! Cheers - Dai.
  13. With wheels and with a basket next to the yoke, you could even go shopping with Margaret! Now, ho's about that, then?!? Cheers - Dai. P.S. Just jealous, really!
  14. Looks good - all those knobs and dials! I'm just making some heli controls with an old joystick and the OC Axes card - when the stuff arrives ... Cheers - Dai.
  15. A question, Tom - sorry, no answer! - how long did OpenCockpits take sending their stuff to you? Or did you order from a U.K. supplier? I ask as I've only just put in an order for the Analogue Axes cards and some bits... BTW, what are you building... Cheers - Dai.
  16. Betcha don't remember this: ... it's what started me on the road to FSX! Cheers - Dai.
  17. Enjoy your Birthday, Joe - now I know where all the bottle caps came from!! Cheers - Dai.
  18. Thanks for the H.U., John - I like the rotor-craft update, just the ticket. Cheers - Dai.
  19. Great shots, Mike - thanks for sharing. And that VC is incredible, isn't it?!? Cheers - Dai.
  20. Nice work, Bri - but where's it going: front room or garden shed?!? Cheers - Dai.
  21. Latest recruit to the Mutley Crew is Spottie, from Just Flight's Traffic X. Here he is at Southampton Intl (EGHI), caught by the security camera in the Post Office car park: When approached by the Police, Spottie pointed to his Mutley's Hangar badge. No further action was taken. Good Old Spottie - Welcome Aboard! Cheers - Dai.
  22. Hi Tim Your Post reminded me that I found a book in WHSmiths a while back - "How to land an A330 Airbus" by James May. And, no, I didn't buy it, but I found this interesting perspective on its contents: PPRuNe The second post is really quite good - worth looking at, anyway. Enjoy! Cheers - Dai.
  23. What a start to your Reviewer's career, Tim - way to go, mate! Reads well and score is just right - thanks for sharing. Cheers - Dai.
  24. What about the paint pots for the D-A texture? Shall I clean the brushes, too?!? Cheers - Dai.
  25. ddavid


    Don't you have to be over 18 to use Traffic X? Mind you, I hope you opened your eyes before you turned on the AP! Cheers - Dai.
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