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Everything posted by ddavid

  1. After our fantastic success at GAAR 2011 when Team Mutley swept the board to become World Champions... Seriously, though, I'm hoping to raise another team to represent our Hangar on MEBAR 2011. Same routine as GAAR 2011: 1. Fly the Test Flight and record individual times - this will be averaged, 2. Each team member to fly 1 Leg, We'll need to fly the same aircraft type - with GAAR 2011 we chose the DC-3 - but we've got time to decide on an alternative. Please let me know if you're interested - thanks! Cheers - Dai.
  2. Abso-bl**dy-lutely, mate! This trend towards VC only is for eye candy wallahs - some VC's are so complex that you can't see the instruments to fly with. I found this problem with the AH DC-3 and, I'm afraid it's going to get worse. O.K. - end of rant! :wink: Cheers - Dai.
  3. Come in number 38 - your time is up... Cheers - Dai.
  4. "Torpedos Löss, Herr Kapitan!!" A really comprehensive Review there, Boss - worth reading before buying, eh? Cheers - Dai.
  5. Welcome to Mutley's - and thanks for posting your screen shot. Good Luck! Cheers - Dai.
  6. Thanks, Kieran - I've put some posts up at Aerosoft, Earth Simulations, Vorona Aviation, Flight Simulation Forums, Sim-Outhouse Forums... The more the merrier, Lads! Cheers - Dai.
  7. Hi Lads (and Lasses!) You will have noticed that the Hangar Banner has changed now that Mutley's Easter Bunny Air Rally has gone live. Before asking you for your help in promoting MEBAR 2011, can I thank Joe and Andrew for all the work that they've put into this? Without Joe's seemingly tireless efforts, we wouldn't have the new MEBAR website - and without Andrew's generous assistance and technical advice, we'd never have got off the ground. So, a Big Thank You to you both! Right, now this is where you all can help. I'm sure you are members of other flight sim forums, so could you possibly
  8. Coffee time - found this - thought I'd share it... Hope you like it. Cheers - Dai.
  9. Back in the stack for me, too! Nice HU to SKYbrary.aero - thanks, Ros! Cheers - Dai.
  10. Catch me in Morrisons on a Sunday, Gabe! Cheers - Dai.
  11. ddavid

    My Subject...

    Sorry about the swearing, but this is bl**dy funny: Please remove if too offensive! Cheers - Dai.
  12. Ah yes, the Tre Cime de Laveredo, where Fuente beat Merkcx in the 1974 Giro de Italia! Have a look at this Now, where's my bike?!? Cheers - Dai.
  13. ddavid

    My Subject...

    Cosmology is such an incredible subject - and those links are well worth looking at, Phil. I sometimes wish I was back at college... Mind you, all that dark matter and dark energy (both hot and cold, etc) does leave a little to be desired in the way of explaining the universe, eh? I remember asking you if you'd come across plasma physics - is that part fo the syllabus? It's a bit crude, but it does make a change from neutron stars and black holes revolving at incredible rates. Maybe I'm just clutching at straws? Anyway, great to know you're finding the course so interesting - wish I was the
  14. Wot, no photo's?!? Great to hear from you, Phil - enjoy the break - it'll be back to work soon enough. Cheers - Dai.
  15. Don't fancy trying that wing-tip trick myself, Rob! And you a Van Halen fan too... Cheers - Dai.
  16. Let's go way, way back for this one: A Mark V Whitley, by Armstrong Whitworth (model by Ted Cook - Thanks, Ted!), making a slow fly-past at her old airfield at RAF Sleap (scenery from E-Scapes-Shawbury Fields by Earth SImulations - thanks Darren!). Although Whitleys were called 'Flying Coffins', this was because of their shape rather than any aeronautical short-comings. Whitleys were used as tow planes for Horsa gliders, and played an important role in the D-Day invasion and, later, at Arnhem. Well, now you know, eh?!? Cheers - Dai.
  17. Reckon you're right there, young Kieran! Go to the top of the class, mate - well spotted... Mind you, Tony Madge's models and textures are pretty good, too. Cheers - Dai.
  18. Love the song - great shots, too - but what's the sim? Not HJG - Capt SIm? Thanks for sharing! Cheers - Dai.
  19. I've had InstantScenery 1 for a number of years and it's one of the best scenery building (NOT design!) apps around. I didn't think it could be improved, but 5 minutes with IS-2 have negated that impression. In fact, IS-2 has quite blown me away - it's brilliant. And thanks for the HU on the Review, Gabe, it'll be most useful. As for the time aspect, JD, you're quite right - InstantScenery is addictive! Cheers - Dai.
  20. Don't worry, Ros - John will soon let you know how to make a million! And welcome to the Air Hauler club - fantastic app, isn't it, eh? Cheers - Dai.
  21. Instant Scenery 1 was my favourite tool for spicing up screen shots - looks like I'll be raiding the piggy bank again!! Cheers - Dai.
  22. O.K., maybe I can re-phrase the question... If I've got a large image, stored on, say, photobucket, together with a smaller, thumbnail (also on photobucket), can I post the thumbnail with a hyperlink to the larger image within the post (using html-ese, I guess)? If not, don't worry, it's just that this is a question I've been asking myself for sime time (Amongst others! - Ed). Cheers - Dai.
  23. Glad to see you up in the air again, Boss - some nice shots, too! BTW, how do you attach thumbnails in a post? Or is it magic?!? Cheers - Dai.
  24. Tantalising, Brian - looks to kill, eh? Thanks for a really informative Review - got to raid that piggy bank! Cheers - Dai.
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