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Everything posted by reef

  1. reef

    F-86 Sabre.

    Just the 2 shots of the Sabre (freeware) let me know what you think good or bad. Thanks for looking... steve
  2. Hehe Joe, pretty much explains it :mrhappy: Glad you got to see them Panos. The model is freeware by Eduardo Fadul with a skin by somone else. Take a look over at http://WWW.mirage4fs.com This model is the F5 but the F1 is also very good. Both come with multiple loadouts and nice animations. There are some other mirage aircraft there but i have not had a proper look at them yet. Merci....Etienne.
  3. Hey Panos. Don't worry your not missing much. As others can see them i'm not sure whats wrong, i have not changed anything at my end since i posted. steve P.S. Doh 2 just disappeared. Still showing ok at Screenshot world so still not sure what the problem is. Your still not missing much though :mrhappy:
  4. reef

    AA Settings

    Hey Kieran. AA or anti aliasing is a graphics card setting that keeps edges nice and smooth. The more AA the more smooth the edges will look. The down side is the more AA the less fps your going to get as it uses more graphics processing. So basically you need to find a balance between looking nice and game performance. There is an option within both FS9 and FSX but avoid it if you can leaving it off. To set the AA you will need to find your Graphics card control panel. For me with a nVidia card you can find it in your control panel. For other makes of card i don't know but should be simil
  5. You do a great job with the site Joe and working as well generally leaves little personal time in anyones life. Thanks for looking the shots over guys and yes i had to edit the reg. Very nice freeware imo. steve
  6. Hey guys. Just the 3 and as i see not much but my name in the post list my last for a while. I think i have been posting too much lately anyway or so my wife says Freeware Mirage 5. Cheers... steve
  7. Hey guys. Just posting up a few shots of a very enjoyable flight. The flight was from Yakutat Alaska to Juneau. My aircraft, the sim-outhouse A-26 Intruder in civilian 70's livery conair. We would head down the coast before turning for juneau to avoid crossing mountain ranges. All shots are very lightly edited (i don't go nuts on 18 shots) so please forgive if the look a little unpolished. Enjoy.... Thanks for looking....steve.
  8. Love the thinking behind this shot and looks great. Nicely done... steve
  9. Hey JPS. Nice shots especially the first. Nice to have you posting at Joes' too. steve
  10. reef


    Now that looked Awesome! Glad you had a great time steve
  11. Hey chaps. After mooching through some freeware i found this excellent little craft the PZL 104 Wilga. It comes with a nice VC and some sweet effects and is fun to fly. Heres just 2 shots of me messing really. Not impressing the local aviators. Not impressing the flight school. One thing that impressed me, the flowers at Pearsons field are part of the scenery. All this time ive had KPDX and never flown to Pearson Thanks for looking... steve
  12. reef

    Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii?

    The wife got me a 360 for christmas. I played it a while but its been about 3 weeks since i had it out. 360 is the inferior in terms of power but the 360 has a huge following of developers and a great many titles compared to the PS3. If enough quality titles appear for the PS3 with graphics that shame the 360 it will have a good run i reckon. To be honest i think GTA IV is the only title i'm looking forward to seeing and i'm not even sure if there is any difference between the two versions. steve
  13. reef

    Wake up Call

    Oooo who else has Il-2 ?? Maybe a "Mutleys' Il-2 Sturmovik Monthly Online Battle" or "MISMOB" England versus Foreign Folk (Thats Welsh too :rofl ) The Welshman, Yank and the Greek versus Blighty lol. Anyhoo, thanks for the comment, i'm glad you liked it....now post yours! steve DOH ! P.S. yes i got it from Game for 14:99. I ordered it online and 2 days later i'm playing it. Thats faster than and cheaper than Play.com. Also if you spend
  14. reef

    Wake up Call

    Hey guys. A long time ago, 7 years i think, i picked up Il-2 Sturmovik and was probably my first try at PC flying. For whatever reason i never went beyond Forgotten Battles. I just picked up Il-2 1946 as it was cheap and has great reviews and well.....i'm a combat pilot again i'm very much looking forward to BoB so the practice will be useful. Heres just 1 shot from my first mission to bomb Pearl Harbour. Its only a quick lighting edit and obviously a 7 year old sim is not going to look as nice as FSX. It was a good mission where i dropped my payload portside of a big fat battleship hitti
  15. reef


    Hey Joe, Thanks for the comments. It was very much a learning project anad i learnt a couple of things i could do better. Them props are a little annoying and my own fault. I actually created a layer for the props as i lost them when i cut out the second aircraft. They looked pretty good for my first attempt and i merged it all in again as i thought i was done. Then i came back to it and changed some lighting and managed to lose my props again without realising :yes: Live and learn. I know what you mean about the sky and i almost did not do this edit as it felt quite an average view. I'll n
  16. reef


    Hey guys. I have been enjoying any decent WWII freeware just lately and i think the Simouthouse A-26 is pretty good. I have also been trying to get a little more involved with my edits also. Not great but going in the right direction, let me know what you think. Cheers... steve
  17. A great flight you pulled off there with some nice shots. Good job... steve
  18. Nothing like taking a simple topic and creating a political debate.
  19. Hey Tap, Great job on that leg! Nice commentary, nice shots, with nice editing and a nice flight. You have done us proud. Great stuff... steve
  20. Excellent work WMP. Reminds me i have simwings Nice and i never fly there Great job... steve
  21. Great flight thus far, must have taken an age getting all the ATC written down. steve
  22. Poor exscuse wisemanp. My shots are freeware from Aeroplane heaven and there is an absolute ton of quality freeware from sites such as Avsim, Simviation etc. So anyhoo, i look forward to your entry steve
  23. 1980ish and i was about 5 up at Newcastle visiting my Aunt Nancy with my Grandad. He took me to Newcastle airport for the day and on the walk down he told me to run up an embankment. As i reached the top an aeroplane flew directly over my head after taking off. I had been stood directly in line with the runway! The strange thing is, i can remember the day, i can remeber being on a viewing balcony and being with my Grandad. But i don't remember the aeroplanes. He died 2 years ago and i miss him alot but we had good times. steve
  24. Hey guys. To quote Joe "on this first competition only minor editing is allowed" so if you feel this is not minor editing, kick me out the competition :wacky: The only editing here is color values, the shots are pure FSX oh and i added the borders. To me a minor edit but to others a monumental undertaking :sleep: So anyhoo just 2 shots. A MkI Sea Hurricane of runs a dangerous recce of the German coast. (just realized this is Navy and its a RAF screenshot contest) Training over England in a MkIIc Hurricane. Even if disqualified i hope you enjoyed them. Thanks for looking... ste
  25. Nice shots but Dawn Raiders is the one for me. Great work. steve
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