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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. I'm waiting for the sequel. Rumour has it they are using Orbx's Zombie Flow...
  2. I like the reg... it's usually what I shout just before I crash! (well, something similar anyway)
  3. Welcome! You could always point out to her that there are other "interests" you could take up that she would hate more.... On second thoughts, perhaps not!
  4. Tim_A

    Treescapes FSX

    Treescapes makes a world of difference, and is worth every penny. In fact I'd heartily recommend any of Darren's sceneries. I'd also suggest if you buy them you get them direct from EarthSims site -- cut out the middle man... http://www.earthsimulations.com
  5. Nice approach; first time I've seen it done RW I've flown it a few times in FSX over the years, although the scenery is nothing like as good (wonder how Iceland X compares?). It's basically a VMC only approach at the end -- if you can't see up the fjord, you don't go up the fjord! Then basically you hug the right side of the fjord and do a tight 180 at the top to land. It's actually not that hard in FS, and there are track lights on the ground for you to follow (although I think that may have been an add-on).
  6. You can use iBooks, which is built in, or any number of pdf readers from the app store. For transferring them, use iTunes, or some will also let you use Dropbox, or you can even email them to yourself as attachments...
  7. Good grief! Are they also to be castigated for not having a temple to Jupiter at one end and a basilica at the other?
  8. Avsim are entitled to do what they did. Microsoft are entitled to do what they did. If people don't like it they can vote with their wallets. Microsoft obviously don't want my money, which is fine with me. The latest build of XPX is looking pretty good, and it runs quite nicely on my Mac...
  9. Fairy snuff. Must admit, I don't often click on things in the VC as I have proper knobs and switches for most everything I need. I do think it would benefit from a better fidelity G1000, but then Carenado has no track record in that field, and it would be much better coming from, say, Flight1, who do.
  10. No they don't do the same thing. Ultimate Terrain is a terrain vector enhancement (coastlines, rivers, roads etc), and Active Sky is a weather engine, with some replacement sky and cloud textures.
  11. Why? There's already a perfectly good Kodiak from Lionheart. It would only be yet another duplicated (= wasted) effort.
  12. If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well it were done quickly... as it were. In other words, better to put new disc(s) in before you install even more stuff that you'll only have to reinstall. Unfortunately the unglamorous bits on infrastructure also cost, but if it need's to be done...
  13. Today's flight takes us up the coast to Kaikoura, a town famous for its whale and dolphin watching. And we'll make a couple of stops on the way...
  14. Today's flight we'll be exploring the area around Christchurch and the Canterbury plains. The flight takes us out over the city for a quick look at Lyttleton harbour and Akaroa, before doubling back up the coast to Rangiora. Hagley Park and the city The pre-earthquake cathedral is somewhat generic Lancaster Park, and AMI stadium. This is closed RW, due to earthquake damage, and may well ultimately be completely demolished. Heading out towards the Banks Peninsula, we come to the town and harbour of Lyttleton Looking back across the city Akaroa, at the heart of the Ba
  15. Fun isn't it! (although you're a bit high for my liking!)
  16. Some time ago, while I was out in New Zealand, I got to have a go in one of the big 737 simulators they have out there One thing that the instructor said that has always stuck (it was being applied to the 737, but it applies to a lot of other planes too): " You can either go down, or slow down. But not both."
  17. Lake Brunner and Arthur's Pass Today we're crossing to the East Coast, and Christchurch. We'll be crossing the Southern Alps via Arthur's Pass, which is the highest of the three road passes that cross the Alps. There's also a rail link through the pass between Christchurch and Greymouth (I rode that train in 2002…) Postcard: Otira viaduct, in Arthur's Pass
  18. I'm sure it'll say in the readme what the correct procedure is.
  19. What mesh do you have? I've just flown leg 6 and I had rolling hills...
  20. I've looked at some of the new high intensity LED landing lights now available, and they are *stonkingly* bright...
  21. Good start - and nice to finally see the plane in daylight!
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