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Everything posted by brett

  1. A couple of the prettiest sunrises I have seen in screenshots. Thanks for posting these for my viewing pleasure.
  2. Company update for SoHigh Air Services Well it's been a little more than a week since opening my new company. I flew the C172 for seven days and had enough. Granted its a fine AC but even with an engine improvement it was a bit boring and slow. One thing it was good for was it's ability to land smoothly with no load damage while in use. I missed flying my dh2 so went out on a limb and leased a sweet Beaver with tundra wheels(Aerosoft). Much nicer to fly in, with a big load handeling ability. Sold the C172 as there was no need for it. I have kept most of my flights to a limit of about 150nm fo
  3. Thats a good story. I find real life drama just as or even more exciting than fiction. I could just picture that little guy running loose in the plane.
  4. Congrats to all the prize winners. A nice topping on the cake after flying a fun rally. A big thanks go out to SimStop,com for providing the prizes.
  5. I'll tell you what I could really use here, is the ability to use my Google toolbar spell check. For some reason this is the only site it does not work on and I am a horrible speller.
  6. I like the first post at the top of the page. If I have been following the thread and am familier with it I just hit the End button on the keyboard and scroll up a bit to see the last post. Sometimes I like to start at the begining and scan or reread them from top to bottom , it's just easier for me. Sites that do have the last post at the top, I usually change it so it is reversed again(if they have that option) I guess it is just a personal preferance and having the option, to do as you please, at the bottom of the forum page, is nice to have.(see flightsim forum for example) I also have a
  7. It didn't look anywhere near as beautiful as what I saw in your pic's but I have a good imagination plus your visual aids made for a good trip. I like to look over my flight areas using the hybred selection in Google map and see what things really look like. There were roads and the lakes to use as guidence for the flight. Must have been exciting having to alter your flight plan due to the wind and weather and land on the shorter runway. That is one big airport, quite a taxi from parking spot 1 to the threshold of 23.
  8. Looked so good I decided to fly it myself, just happened to have the Warrior in my hanger. Thanks for showing your route, that along with PlanG and on on my way....
  9. Saw them in the background and figured it was the final, under the table payment plan for the jet.
  10. brett

    BAD or MAD?

    I guess Mr.B is in a really good mood, nothing like a relaxing weekend. Sounds like a fun party to crash, I have a load going to the area, maybe I'll just sneak in once everyone is tipsy...........
  11. Wow, eyepoping scenery and an excellent video to boot. Thanks for the entertainment.
  12. Sorry this is so late but I really wanted to add this here. This was a great rally this year. Team "A" from Mutley's Hanger did a great job flying as a team and I was happy to be part it. A big thanks to Keiran and Rob for all there help with my many questions. A super big thanks go out to all the organizers that make this rally the fun time it is. I'm already looking forward to next years. BTW I guess the youngsters did pretty good keeping up with the "B" team's seasoned veterans, ay?
  13. brett

    BAD or MAD?

    Congrats on your promotion to Captain, now you have to go down with the ship when Mrs.B finds out about the Holly/Victoria trip.
  14. brett

    Double Trouble

    Good stuff, enjoyed the video which was nicely edited. Kudos.
  15. Things are looking rosey under the big top, glad to hear it. Congrats on the new aircraft and the expansion, your company will soon be the Barnum&Bailey of the freight hauling buisness. Good luck Panz Mr. Fodder.
  16. brett

    Dawn Delivery

    Welcome to Concrete, lunch is on me. We will eat while they unload your plane and I'll even have Rufus clean your visors(they could use a little work ). What I use as my AH base sure looks better in your PC than mine. Cool to see what it could look like. I had to go to default scenery because of the stutters Great video, like what has already been said, the music fit perfectly and I felt like I was flying the plane myself.
  17. That sure does look like a heck of a lot of fun. BTW Who do you have to grease to get one of those fine shirts?
  18. That was an exciting ride aboard the B-25 with all those different views. You get a really cool look down the length of the wing toward the cockpit and how it cuts through the air. Being in the nose gives you one heck of a panoramic view and looks to be the best seat in the house. The biggest thrill is hearing those engines fire up in the begining.
  19. I agree that the tents(LibraryObject) will only be in the mission. Thats not to say that you can't put some in as scenery with the OPT yourself(need the SDK). Not that hard to do and it will be in your addon scenery folder if you wish to turn it on or off. You might even be able too get the information right from the mission xml. If you haven't flown the Denali mission yet, you should give it a try. It was one of the tougher ones IMO with some nice mountain views along the way. If you can land on the ice and keep that Maule in position while things get loaded you can consider yourself a darn
  20. Headline: Hero Pilot Saves a Life Today
  21. If you have fish in the pond it is a good idea to turn the waterfall off in the winter and use an aerator instead. I use one made for inside fish tanks and just put a bucket over it for protection(allow some air intake. A farm trough heater works well too. Your new place is a beauty. Looks like a nice relaxing area to put your feet up. Folks thought I was nuts to buy a place so far from town(about same as yours) but I love it, nice and quite. Good luck with the new homestead and may your lumber always stay solid.(maybe I should rephrase that?)
  22. Scams are on the rise. I never give any info out to anyone, PC or from the phone. The PC I ignore inquierys, the phone is more fun when you turn it around and start asking them a bunch of questions.
  23. New DC6 looks good......watch out that bull don't throw ya
  24. Thanks for all your heartfelt welcomes, I feel at home already. I will, of course, take all comments and advice under consideration. Plans for a new paint are already in the planing stages but are on temporery hold while I sort out some rather nasty logistical nightmares that I have created. Weight restrictions have cost me some money and it is time to buckle down and get serious with my before flight planing. I kept my overhead low for just these emergencys. After a closer look at a picture of Mrs.Sad I can now say that it wasn't her and her virtue is still intact.(Rumors are just that) I wo
  25. brett


    I use ImageShack.com, you just need to put up with the advertisments that can take a few seconds to load when trying to copy the Direct Link URL.
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