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Everything posted by brett

  1. I have only flown in a few rallys and was nervous the first time around. It was a new experiance flying from one airport to the next within a fixed time. Flight planning was now not just a line on the GPS but has turned into a path in which now included Time-Speed and Distance. I'm glad I did it. I felt like more of a pilot and have since joined Bluegrass Airlines and plot my own courses and try to fly within the flight plan time that is suggested.(A big thanks to Andrew Godden for all his guidence) Take the plunge and join in, It will add a whole new level to your sim experiance and you can o
  2. Is that a rhetorical question?
  3. Thanks John, really enjoyed that. Would love to get the chance to fly in one for real. It's in beautiful shape. I recently purchased the Aerosoft Beaver and have been flying it almost exclusively, sweet aircraft. The procedures and gauges readings were spot on when compared to how I fly it, which was fun to see. There are some good mods availible for the gauges and popups too. I have it set up with a few other things added also, like a pocket watch for timing flights. I added a AP but hardly ever use it she flies so true. Love the video and song too, you know you have a classic, on hand, when
  4. I can fly, I only had 10 beers. Now if I could only get this stupid key in the ignition.........
  5. I only see two in the air and what looks like one on the ground(unconfirmed guess)
  6. I just did this with ImageShack. The link you need is called a Direct Link(url) in ImageShack but not sure if it's called the same thing in Picasa. It looks like this : http://img109.images...lseacoast06.jpg Also given, with my upload, is a link, the direct link and a widget code. The above link you have given might be just the link address which sents us directly to it's location vs the direct link which the page will pick up to show the image itself. Hopefully someone with acces to your host will be able to provide you with the correct terminology used there. Edit Ok for you, it showed
  7. If you want the image to show in the post you will need to first click on the img buttton on the tool bar and paste the link into the popup that shows up and then click OK. Is this what you are asking. Nice clear pic BTW.
  8. Thanks for that Joe, I'll match it up to the flights once they are posted. I just download the whole OZx airport scenery package and my poor old laptop just about choked but there is always room for a bit more.
  9. I'd be willing to give it a go if you need an extra pilot. Scored around 97% at GAAR, not great but not to shabby either.
  10. Is there any freeware scenery availible for FSX that will improve upon this series of flights?
  11. I know about severe pain, so I feel for you. All you can do is hang in there and keep yourself busy with hobbies and keep an upbeat atitude. Hope the med's reduce your symptoms and my best wishes go out to you.
  12. Sorry to hear about that Jim. Maybe someone knows what to do when that happens so you could save your data.
  13. Nice job, looks really good. Better than the original ads. How do you like the aircraft? The panel looked pretty basic, when I looked on thier site, with not much in the way of nav gear. Still has a certain quality about her that makes you want to give her a spin though.
  14. Close to RW, always getting financally punished somewhere for something. If you don't laugh, you would cry, he he. Even in a fun sim you can't catch a break. If it makes you feel any better, remember you need to spend money to make money. Expansion isn't cheap but maybe after some hard work and dedication there will be bucket loads of cash in your future.
  15. Good luck bringing the company back to speed. I have a feeling you will have more luck than the PM, in this economy. This also brings up a question I have concerning AH. If it sits idle for awhile, do you have a choice of picking up where you left off when last flown/played or does AH just keep running along till the company goes broke?
  16. I won't even read the Avsim Flight forum anymore. I like to hear both sides of a story, not just what they feel is appropriate. There are some new posters there that I would almost swear are plants from MS the way they shoo aside any bad comments and talk against minor flaws of the game or opinions about comparisons between Flight and FSX. After all, even MS calls it a flight simulator. Everyone should be heard, pro or con. JMcynicalO
  17. I stand corrected, looked again and it is not on sale. These old eyes play tricks on me lately. at least I hope it's my eyes and not my mind.
  18. I think it was only about 6-7 bucks off from looking at the original page detail and going through checkout.
  19. Watch out for them cliffs. They sneek up on ya.
  20. Semper Fi Looks great, your attention to detail never fails.
  21. I noticed FSD has a 10 day sale going on right now, for anyone interested..
  22. You are so right, in fact (Believe it or not) I think I just saw MS's own Joshua Howard flying in FSX this morning. He saw me and tried to take off quickly, but I snapped a pic.
  23. Almost sounds like a vacation, best wishes and get well soon Alan.
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