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Kevin Firth

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Everything posted by Kevin Firth

  1. Hi Jim, what are you using to produce your photoscenery mate? Cheers k
  2. We're not doomed yet. PMDG have clearly listened, and reading between the lines are making moves to try to sort things out between Boeing, themselves and LM. I've always admired RSR's communication and grasp of issues, so I for one have my fingers crossed for him very tightly on this one. Nuff said.....
  3. It sounded like a great idea when I heard of it a few months ago. I emailed the developers and they didn't get back to me. This might be worth holding off on, as like other commenters I am a bit disappointed by the seemingly poor building alignment in the shot above, and it looks like there are quite a few close up areas where built up places on the photoscenery aren't represented by autogen I'm also a little bit sceptical about this 'revolutionary new design technique', so I'd like to interview this developer to get a feel for what exactly is going on under the hood here.... K
  4. If I may beg to humbly differ... 3pd are very clearly on board and promoting the reality of the situation, which is home simulation users are welcomed! LM fudged their legal restrictions with M$ brilliantly in the creation of their academic licensing, which through nothing other than the invention of language envelops us into the welcoming and fully legal embrace of P3D The only thing that is stopping anyone taking full advantage of that glorious fudge is the erroneous and limiting belief that they are not learning when using P3D, whenever, wherever and howsoever that may be. K
  5. Ah, but may well be useful as a litigation shield in some instances. A developer may be able to limit liability for *something* by not selling it unless you agree to *a condition*. It's not the condition at all that they are interested in, just being able to legally slopey shoulder away any responsibility. This is precisely the problem with PMDG. They could exclude liabilities by just saying unless you go with their professional training licence etc, you can't use it for any rw training, and hey presto, job done! Ergo, there must be other factors in the mix...
  6. It won't be supported by me sorry James, I'll be cuddling up with Mr Lockheed and Mr Martin
  7. Oh Chris, I don't know anyone here who would try and get something to work when an EULA said you couldn't
  8. Cheers for that Brian Had a look for screenshots of the scotflight scenery but couldn't find any that matched the screenshots here, so wondered if it was something different. k
  9. Can anyone tell me what scenery for Stornoway was used in this please? Cheers k
  10. Great story, reminds me of my jumping days and my first jump at Black Knights in Lancashire, with an ex para jump master called Jimmy..the person before me in the stick froze half way out of the aircraft, so was literally shoved out. Needless to say I did NOT want that to happen to me so I went of my own accord k
  11. That is one awesome set of photos, and another good reason if ever any were needed why ppl should wear a poppy at this time of year....
  12. Should be relatively easy to exclude them though chaps, certainly not a showstopper IMHO
  13. Great review. Thanks Couldnt help feeling it was very washed out and bland colour wise for me though. My Treescapes trees just don't look like they fit there because the tree textures are far more realistic. So I don't really fly in Scotland, which is a shame. I'd love to see a mega scenery version done given how much better than GenX their England colours appear to be
  14. Wonder if this is a response to Sim720 doing Catalina as well? A marketing effort for US Cities X - Los Angeles, that just happened to offer the same airport as a competitors release but as freeware......?
  15. I spent two months downloading all this last year, took ages
  16. Hi Chris, I did EGSG Stapleford, EGTR Elstree and EGHI Southampton tonight, (see file uploads), and the same holds true for the EGSG CVX file from VFR Airfields Vol1 v2. If anyone is using the Orbx airfields with photoscenery I would recommend purchasing Gary's VFR airfields product as not only does it upgrade many many default airfields, it appears to solve virtually all of the terrain issues when trying to make OrbX products compatible with GenX. Cheers k
  17. Great write up Joe! I bought it when it came out and just haven't had any time to spend with it, but at least I know it will be a good experience when I do get round to it. One thing you didn't mention though was compatibility with anything other than OrbX..... I expect it will fit seamlessly with FTX England, and I think it will possibly be workable with other photoscenery, the only issues being possibly a slight ground texture mismatch and conflicting seasonal textures at times. Like I said though I haven't had a chance to play with it so those issues may well be fairly minimal! but are
  18. All the UK2000 and many others are already blended to the GenX 5m mesh, so using that shouldn't give us any probs at all Chris, I'm comfortable being the guineapig This looks like a no-brainier to me
  19. Chris, you already have your 5m mesh, just leave that activated and use the 50cm/pixel imagery on top of it?
  20. Colours are subject to the original imagery in parts. Colour correction can be difficult on massive scales, especially if there are lots of variations in the imagery. England and wales are quite good. There are some different patches with different colour, but for the most part, relatively consistent for a large scale coverage area. The imagery on the whole has good contrast with few (if any) washed out areas. Sorry, I should have made it clear the previous volumes I referred to that I wasn't ecstatic about were the Horizon GenX Scotland Vols, that appear very washed out and faded to me, not
  21. Thanks Dean, The colours look great! Will you be planning a release for Scotland in the future? The recently released volumes are IMHO quite poor colour wise and I don't get a very good experience from them Cheers K
  22. Nice...my wife and I each picked up the JustFlight 737, Audio Environment GA edition, and Airport Lugano for X-Plane... Unfortunately none of these really interest me, so there are 2 copies of each for anyone who want them..just drop me a PM Cheers k
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