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Everything posted by ddavid

  1. Incomparible - you sure ain't lost your touch, Joe - another impecable ATWC Leg! Thanks for sharing - really enjoyable. BTW, loved the "Big White Telephone" - mind you, you'd need to be amongst friends to use it?!? Cheers - Dai.
  2. Would you like to ride in my beautiful baboon......... "Up, Up and Away" by The Fifth Dimension. Cheers - Dai.
  3. Doing a "Maverick", eh, Stu? Interesting combination of AC's. Oh, and Welcome to the Hangar! Cheers - Dai.
  4. Take a Jumbo - cross the water - you will see America..... Supertramp - "Breakfast in America"? Cheers - Dai.
  5. Brown Eyed Handsome Man - another Chuck Berry song........ "Flying across the desert in a TWA, I saw a woman walking across the sand She been a-walkin thirty miles en route to Bombay - to get a brown eyed handsome man." Cheers - Dai. :biggrin:
  6. Chuck Berry's Promised Land - another Presley hit in '73..... :biggrin: Cheers - Dai. :smile:
  7. Now, John, how did you know I just lurve The King? :biggrin: Listen Up! And, of course, there's BTO's Welcome Home, which starts: I get up early in the mornin' - and rush to catch a plane...... And The Stones Flight Number 505, which starts: I was happy here and now - had everything I need........ and ends with the line: .....He put the 'plane down in the sea, the end of Flight Number 505, The end of Flight Number 505! That from 'Aftermath'. More to come (Aaarrggghhhh!!! - Ed). Nothin' Personal..... Cheers - Dai. :blush:
  8. Hey, Phil - you don't have to be mad to work here - but it helps! :biggrin: Thanks for stepping into the breach, mate..... :blush: Cheers - Dai.
  9. Wot, like this - from the last ATWC (Leeds/Bradford to Cardiff)? Thanks to Terry Shields for his excellent EGFF scenery (see AVSIM file: egff_for_fsx.zip). :great: Cheers - Dai.
  10. You'd better tell Darren to empty the litter bins before release, eh? Those screen shots just get better and better - thanks for sharing, Boss! Cheers - Dai.
  11. Eh! Rosario - that was so obviously THE WINNER - benissima, amico mio! Congratulations - AGAIN.... Cheers - Dai.
  12. Don't fret, just a snapshot of some sea mist rolling into St Bride's Bay this evening: Been a lovely few days - hardly any rain, and that just at night - still light at half past eight too! Spring is coming, thanks be, eh? Cheers - Dai.
  13. Hi Steve and welcome to the mad-house! Although I can't help at all in your quest to build fsim models, I'd be really interested in how you get on. Do keep us informed of your progress - Good Luck! BTW, thanks for the FSDeveloper website HU, Joe - looks useful especially the scenery stuff - I'm still working on CO03, now that I can land there!?! Cheers - Dai ( I'm FEH too!)
  14. Well, April One is only a couple of days away....... Nice try, John! Cheers - Dai.
  15. A concise and well written review, Rob - thanks for introducing this version of the 172 to us. I've been using the default FSX 172 for Air Hauler and the Caranedo looks a much better bet - I'll have to save up for it! Cheers - Dai.
  16. I really like the finishing touch - using 'gaffer' tape on the leading edges, Joe! Seem to remember that trick being used with the Sunderlands out of Milford Haven during WW2....... Thanks for sharing! Cheers - Dai. :smile:
  17. It's funny, Tom, that fireman was washing his car when I did the rescue mission too! :biggrin: Nice shot - and (belatedly) welcome to the mad-house (He means Forum - Ed)..... Cheers - Dai.
  18. When you eventually do get over to 'Bighty', John, it'll be a pleasure to 'escort' you to Bletchley Park. I was there last summer and it was like stepping back sixty years in time - an amazing place. The exhibits are extremely interesting, especially the 'bombes' - I think they've built a working replica. And, Kieran's right about the knobs - well spotted, mate! Cheers - Dai. p.s. There's an excellent 'revue' of the film here
  19. I've got to hand it to you, Joe - you present EarthSimulation's up-coming product in a really excellent way. The screen shot's are mouth watering - I guess a cynic (Who me?!?) might ask why you'd bother going to the Channel Islands with sim-scenery like this! Darren's work is really amazing - I hope this development wins him the respect he clearly deserves - and some "ackers" in the process. Have you any idea when the final product will be available - and an estimate of cost? My only worry about buying it would be that I'd have to go to the real place to check it out - now that's an idea!?!
  20. Hey, Red/Edward - had me laughing out loud with those commentaries, mate - well done, a really enjoyable flight! And I enjoyed the holiday in Aukland - great idea - I really needed it..... :blush: Cheers - Dai.
  21. An excellent summary, Boss - some really good Legs there! Thanks to all who contributed - and here's to the next Section. BTW, really choughed by your comments on Leg 24, Joe - appreciated mate! :blush: Cheers - Dai.
  22. Nice flight, Red - yes, get us back to Sydney! :blush: BTW, where did you down-load the special shadow effects from?!? Cheers - Dai.
  23. ddavid

    Tower: FS9 vs FSX

    There's a fairly detailed discussion here, Flit: http://forums.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?p=1270656 Let us know if you get anywhere - it sounds a good idea.... Cheers - Dai.
  24. I guess you mean JF's Forum ? Mind you, we could have an Air Hauler corner in the Hangar? Cheers - Dai.
  25. Just wanted to say that I appreciated the Air Hauler preview - thanks John! Yes, I know I'm on the beta team, but there are still things that I haven't come across - the Update was particularly useful. Let's hope the launch goes with a bang, eh? Cheers - Dai.
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