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Andrew Godden

Head of Reviews
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Everything posted by Andrew Godden

  1. Nothing new to Australians, we have been doing this sort of non-stop flying for years. Non-stop currently, SYD-LAX is about 14 hrs, SYD-DFW is about 15 hrs, and MEL-LAX is about 15 hrs. Admittedly this PER-LHR extends the non-stop flying to 17 hrs, but really, in the bigger scheme of things, an extra 2-3 hrs is nothing. I was based in New York for six months working on a project and did a return trip between my Sydney office and the New York office every fortnight, about 20 hrs flying time each way with a 1 hr stop over in LAX. Oh, and when arriving in SYD, straight off the plane and into my o
  2. Simon, You seem to be confused between the timing for the Test Flight and the timing for the Flight Legs. As per the Rules, para 13, "...from when the aircraft reaches 35 knots on take-off until it decelerates to below 35 knots on landing..." and if you are using the FTime timer, the timing commences automatically on the take-off roll at approximately 35 KIAS and stops when the speed gets below 35 KIAS on landing. If using a manual timer, you need to be starting and stopping the timer as per the above speeds, or as close to. Hence, all phases of the flight, including th
  3. Guys, The MEBAR route is developed from default installs of flight sims and is then cross checked across all supported flight sim versions. This ensures that all NAVAIDS and airports used in the route exist in all supported flight sim versions. Any minor differences, e.g. KLD in FS9 is not a VOR/DME are accounted for in the navigation instructions. If the NAVAIDS do not exist in your flight sim, it is because you have done something to change that, i.e. use navigraph, or have installed scenery which has removed them. Cheers Andrew
  4. Neil, When using a manual clock, it would be ideal to start and stop it at about 35 KIAS, but not essential, as any small difference in time will have a marginal impact over the course of the Flight Leg. I can guarantee you there will be larger impacts on your overall Flight Leg time than a few seconds manually operating a clock. No, the itinerary is just aligned with the "official" period over which the MEBAR is conducted (see the Rules) and the submission dates for PIREPs. Once the event files are available (later this evening Mildura time), you can fly and submit all
  5. Neil, Given it's recent release, we haven't had a chance to slate it for review, but that is by no means a final indication. Our attention at the moment is focused on the conduct of the MEBAR, and when I can get my head out of that I can have a better look at our review schedule and what opportunity there might be. Having said that though, I already have the aircraft and it is a wonderful improvement on the original Milviz 310. There are some issues, though not show stoppers, and Milviz are good at regular updates so I'd think these will be addressed quickly. The sounds
  6. John, Good to see you again. Flight Leg 5 has the two shortest runways with ENFA at 2,449 ft and ENRA at 2,750 ft. I'd say both of those have more than enough length for a seasoned DC-3 pilot such as yourself. Cheers Andrew
  7. Bob, Apologies, the dates on the Downloads page indicating availability of the subject files is incorrect. They should read 23 Mar 18, as per the Key Dates page. This is being corrected. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Cheers Andrew
  8. Toby, good to have you back again for another MEBAR. Dirk, welcome, and I hope you enjoy the experience of your first MEBAR. Cheers Andrew
  9. This video appears to be a montage of a series of different flights, some of which appear to have a dummy pilot and not a real human. This is evidenced in the contraption having some serious weight and balance issues in several shots, but flying high and smooth in others. Other shots seem to show the head of the dummy sitting at strange angles with the head mounted camera pointing at strange angles that would catch more cloud than anything else. There also appears to be insufficient battery stowage to power the motors for the required lift over the flight duration. All in all a nic
  10. On the Forum Home Page, just above the various Forum sections, there is a LARGE ATWC banner with the words, "Click Here", in the top left corner. If you click on it, it will take you to all the necessary information regarding the ATWC, including links at the bottom to the "Intro". In the "Intro" it explains clearly how simple it is to register. Just in case you still can't find it, click on this link,
  11. Martin, All’s well that ends well, but I think you severely understate the magnitude of the upgrade on your graphics card if the old card had a VGA connection.
  12. That is because the LNM installation process is not a true installation, i.e. it just copies the files into the specified directory structure. You need to create a Shortcut on the Desktop. This Shortcut needs to point to the littlenavmap.exe.
  13. Try a Google search! You might find this, but don't hold your breath. www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_YYSwXn3fQ
  14. Neither the Carenado web site or SVS documentation specifically mention licence renewal. However, the cost of the product is a licence, at approximately US$10 a year, to access the SVS cloud service which provides the 3D terrain data. The SVS uses WebSimConnect, a software framework for developers, to connect to the SVS cloud service. All Carenado G1000 equipped aircraft have been updated on a “fitted for” basis to use the SVS cloud service. As for aircraft by other developers, those individual developers have to enable their products using the WebSimConnect framework for the aircr
  15. Yeah, looking like the forlorn puppy in the window with his sad face, droopy ears, and sloppering, moist tongue hanging out.
  16. So I guess this means you can get to the flight sim show at Lelystad more easily.
  17. I know someone who would love to do a review on that chronograph, but he would also want it given to him for free.
  18. So if I dive feet first, I guess that's called a "jump".
  19. Matt, I'll beg to differ on both the designer and aircraft name. I think you will find the designer was Ottone Baggio and the aircraft is the Baggio Il Gallo. Gallo being Italian for rooster, and the aircraft does the regular airshow circuit in Italy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baggio_Il_Gallo
  20. Considering you had been back on the site multiple times in the 24 hrs since the solution was posted, including reading this thread, and raising yet another detailed problem in another thread (don’t you just hate Forum tracking), I guess work must get real busy for you on Sunday’s too. The posted solution is not a “suggestion”, as you put it, it is a permanent fix, otherwise I wouldn’t have wasted my time. I know this because I spent a good part of that time into the small hours testing it before posting the solution.
  21. I’m so glad I could solve your JF DHC-1 Chipmunk fuel problem for you. No, really, don’t mention it, the pleasure was all mine. I enjoy nothing more than to spend my time solving other people’s problems for them, sitting up into the early hours responding, rather than going to bed and worrying about it in the morning, just so an immediate fix was provided for you. But to not even receive a simple acknowledgement or thanks. Good luck with your next problem, but don’t expect the same level of assistance to be forthcoming. In future you might find more than just a simple f
  22. Obviously, my answer was nothing to crow about.
  23. The JF DHC-1B Chipmunk is meant to supply fuel from both tanks and does not have a fuel tank selector. The only fuel control is the fuel cock, to the left of the control column, which only switches the fuel supply off and on. Such problems as you describe, are normally a simple issue with the [fuel] section of the aircraft config file (the [fuel] section is towards the bottom of the file, just before the [EFFECTS] and [airplane_geometry] sections. In this case, in order to correct the problem, make the following edit: number_of_selectors=2 (on install, it is set to 1).
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