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Everything posted by Sabre

  1. I am wanting to maximise the use of my A2A cessna 182T in Airhauler and wondered if anyone could advise of the aircraft.cfg changes I could realistically make to simulate removal of the seats etc. I noticed a 182 referenced on the first page but the A2A version seems to have more stations. I have shown the default A2A Weight and balance below. [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] max_gross_weight =3110.0 empty_weight =1901.00000 // (feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from specified datum reference_datum_position = 0, 0, 0 empty_weight_CG_position = 0.361, 0, -0.6 empty_weight_pitch_MOI
  2. I'm in the Ultimate Traffic 2 camp. I tried Traffic X and didn't much care for it. I have no complaints about the switch and it certianly improves the AI.
  3. Thanks for the replies gents. It's an interesting dilemma with having so many addons for FSX. If I understand things correctly addons like ORBX scenery, ASN and REX 4 work with Prepar3d. My main reluctance with purchasing would be having to pay full price for the A2A aircraft I have in FSX. I'm a little surprised A2A don't have a discounted price for owners of FSX versions of their aircraft. Another $50 for the same aircraft is a little steep IMHO. I've read various views on the version to purchase, Professional or Academic, I understand a lot of people just have the Academic version? Is that
  4. Yes James the Flying Circus has been grounded for some time due to some real life things. I still have Graham on Facebook so I can try and entice him back.
  5. Hi Andy and welcome to Mutley's Hangar Hope you enjoy your stay.
  6. Welcome to Mutley's Hangar Simdown. Nice to have you aboard and hope you enjoy your stay.
  7. Is there a way to use the MH emoticons when accessing the forum using an iPad? Could be just me being dumb but the emoji items from the iPad don't show up and I can't see a way of selecting the site emoticons.
  8. This may set a record for the oldest bumped topic at Mutley's Hangar "SAD Second Coming" A bit like events at my local Football Club there has been a "second coming"! The dust has been shaken from the trusty fleet and the family have been sent back to work. The son has been sent up from 1S2 Darrington to deliver some urgent Courier Documents in the Beaver DHC-2 while the daughter is hard at work further south moving a bunch of Computers from Kemmerer to KJAC Jackson Hole. Meanwhile the Brother is off making a reputation for himself - seems he's become a bit of a "Hauling Legend" and h
  9. Just curious about peoples views on purchaisng Prepar3D at this current time. I've read various articles and like everything with Flight Sims opinions vary greatly. I undertsand there are "plans" for a 64 bit version but this seems a way off at present. I'm pretty happy with my FSX setup especially with the DX10 fixer but just wondered if I'm missing out on Prepar3D?
  10. Wonderful pictures Joe, thanks for posting. Hope you had a great time. It's been a couple of years since we flew from Sanford but I can remember crossing that very road on the way to the car hire.
  11. Hello Cavok and welcome to the forum. It's nice to see another Northener around these parts, I'm just down the road in Washington. I support John's suggestion of the Pilatus PC-12 but I'm a huge fan of A2A aircraft with the Cessna 182 as my current favourite. It's difficult though as it is so much down top personal taste.
  12. Excellent shots James
  13. Is there a way to add an airfield into FSX? There is a very small airfield called Fishburn in Durham near where I live http://www.fishburnaeroclub.btik.com/FISHBURNAIRFIELD which is modelled in ORBX England scenery. However it doesn't appear that it can be selected as a start point in FSX. I've landed there but I would like to use it as a start point, is there a way of doing this?
  14. Sabre

    Fall city

    Out of curiosity what settings are you using for the water? I assume this is the ORBX scenery but are you using REX textures?
  15. Sabre

    Fall city

    Very nice shots, great detail.
  16. Superb trip with excellent shots Dai. Nice bit of planning for the route too, love the use of the maps
  17. Happy Birthday Alan, hope you have a good day
  18. It's certainly a popular aircraft, I have it tucked away in my hangar somewhere. Another lovely shot Jim.
  19. Great shots Jim. I must get the Cherokee out for a trip.
  20. Beautiful set of shots. I agree with Wayne the second one is my favourite too.
  21. Sabre


    Hope you got it sorted Wayne. As the other guys have said the scenery will work brilliantly with your setup.
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