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Everything posted by Sabre

  1. Really nice flight Alan, enjoyed it. Some great shots too. Mine's a G&T if your at the bar
  2. Thanks Brett. The combat flying is far more stressful than FSX. It's a case of a couple of times a week getting the excitement of Cliffs of Dover and then have my relaxation flying with FSX. That film is from a few months ago, I'm now with No.111 (Fighter) Squadron but still flying the beloved Hurricane. I'd love it if A2A would make a Hurricane. It's quite a bit of fun with around 80 people flying on the same server undertaking historical missions, a bit of pressure campaign nights as you only get one life - none of this respawn business.
  3. Thanks Ray. Must be my eyes as I didn't see the instructions but that'll just be me. I've done that much reading and tweaking this last week getting back up to speed with FSX and all the addons that my head's a bit battered to put it mildly. Thanks again.
  4. I don't suppose anyone knows how to either upgrade or remove Power Project? Not sure which way to go yet but can't work it out either way up to now
  5. Sabre

    UK 2000 and ORBX

    Thanks Joe, the video was really useful. I was sort of hoping they would be quite a bit of an improvement over Version 1 in terms of blending. One to ponder I think.
  6. Just thought I'd share this for general interest. Hope you like it.
  7. Curtis C-46 Commando http://simviation.com/fsxvintage7.htm
  8. Sabre

    UK 2000 and ORBX

    I have the UK 2000 VFR Airfields volume 1-3 and Newcastle Extreme. I understand that these all work with ORBX scenery but I noticed today there is a VFR Airfileds Volume 1 Version 2 at half price for existing customers. I just wondered if anyone had purchased this updated version with its improved blending and also what the general view is regarding these airfileds and the default ORBX offerings (not their purchased airfileds).
  9. Very nice. I guess we should all have it really given that it's Mutely's spiritual home
  10. What a beautiful trip, superb set of shots. I own the South island but never did buy the North - Just when I thought the ORBX sale couldn't tempt me anymore
  11. Superb shots Matt. It's a really great aircraft
  12. A couple of questions. Does this work with ORBX scenery? If it does how do I change to the new version from Version 4.0?
  13. There's 25% off A2A products today https://www.a2asimulations.com/store/
  14. Thanks James that's good to know - I do like my home at EGNT.
  15. Thank you very much for the input everyone, it really is appreciated. As I suspected each seems to have its plus points and as with most things in life opinions and preferences differ. I guess there isn't a right answer so it's a case of making the choice as to what you wish to invest in and how much you are prepared to spend for your Flight Sim experience. As I mentioned in my first post I do have a lot of the Horizon Photo-Scenery installed anyway. Would it be possible to leave this scenery installed and simply unchceck it from the FSX library if I did decide to invest in the FSX product
  16. Thanks Brian. Indeed I've read your very good review a couple of times. I've bought and downloaded the "Fixer" (see I did read your review ) read the manual and this evening I'm hoping to explore the FSX world in DX10 - fingers crossed
  17. Excellent shots, very detailed scenery.
  18. Very nice scenery indeed
  19. Sabre

    Few latest

    Beautiful shots
  20. As we seem to be at approximately the same place reagrding changing to DX10 and only based on what I've read I'm working on the basis that because you can actually switch back to DX9 that it doesn't change anything in terms of replacing files it just brings the best out of FSX allowing the GPU to do more than the CPU.
  21. When setting this up is there any benefit in allowing FSX to create a new config. file instead of tweaking the current one (which is backed up). I've been away such a long time I'm pretty sure there are changes in there, such as highmemfix, LOD_RADIUS and AffinityMask but I guess I can just add them back.
  22. I'm just throwing out some various thoughts I'm having about my scenery, the direction I should go and whether items are worth the investment (especially since there's an ORBX sale on ) In some respects I think Joe has given me a pointer in another topic and whilst I appreciate that all things FSX are very subjective I really would value input. To set the scene I'm much more interetsed in GA flying - low level admiring the countryside and just looking up to see them big tube things blasting about. To that end I have all of the US ORBX scenery and a large amount of their airfields. At
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