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Everything posted by britfrog

  1. a group of friends of mine expressed interest incoming over this year so I contacted the office 3 weeks ago they said it was all sold out , the only tickets left cost £680 each !!!!! I asked the woman if that included an air fare from tristan da cunha, she just laughed. So am currently planning for the TT next June and Goodwood next spetember
  2. Being a retired pilot i would like to think i am above listening to heresay etc, I used to fly Boeing 727's and they were very well made. the point that someone makes in the video that quality/safety has become a secondary consideration to schedule/profits is a scary precedent especially when you combine that with the factual problems of the battery installation. I am very concerned because as a pilot we are taught to be able to cope with one problem when flying even though it increases the work load but if you have say 3 problems that you are nursing, then you are no longer able to aviate cor
  3. I cant take credit for this video m8 however fraps is a thing of the past now that we have nvidia shadowplay
  4. There is no doubt by posting this , i will get a hostile reception from some, but I have to say from my experience Al Jazeera gives a very balanced opinion on a lot of issues that I have seen them report on in the past, Perhaps that is why the likes of David Frost worked for them? I have a friend who has moved from seattle to work in charleston , he was fed up with losing money because the unions were too strong in seattle so he had a very nice handshake to move across the US.. However without putting too fine a point on it he has expressed his unhappiness to me with the situ in NC much al
  5. For me that was by far the best colour scheme ever used by better on a camel ,it was pure class, they could do a lot worse than to return to it again
  6. Do you realise it is 45 years since the beatles played their last gig on top of apple studios? sadly I had the album and rememeber it like it was only yesterday stop the world i want to get off!!
  7. oh they are rugged m8 ,no argument there, however to own one privately will bankrupt you. they are hellishly expensive to ,operate , rather than bore the other persons here i am willing to give you some examples via PM. they do have reasonably benign stall characteristics but they are not benign like a cessna for example , ignore the warnings and abuse the situation and you are in pawn, the islander like any other British a/c will give you a massive wing drop that takes more than a thousand feet to recover from. However like you I do look at them with a soft eye after all they are British
  8. nice vid Al, I defy anyone to do a soft landing at St Mary's there is always a little curler that dumps you uncerimoniously on the terra firma, you can hear the pilot increasing the revs to reduce the rate of descent the closer you got, mind you he was a bit low all the way in but hell thats just being picky, that little airfield has caught lots of pilots out over the years.
  9. For many years as a parachute pilot , i would be asked to stand in for the pilot of the Red Devils Islander, I t was a plane I was checked out on so all was above board. however it was sooooo noisy it became quite well known as 50,000 rivets vibrating in unison, and if they stopped vibrating the plane would not fly. The jokes were legion, as a plane to fly it was quite benign but as a pilot you looked to the left and the prop was about 6 inches away from your ear and no amount of noise cancelling headphone could drown out that row. Whilst researching my father for the Battle of Britain mon
  10. what a collection!! I used to know mike carlton the original owner of g-hunt (hunter one was its call sign) it used to be based at Biggin, perhaps he more than anyone else that brought home to me the message , that no matter how good a pilot you are better pilots than you will ever be will get killed doing something totally mundane. He was sadly killed with his family whilst landing/taking off from a river in Africa in a floatplane whilst on holiday. At the time I was aspiring to be his reserve pilot in g-hunt G-HUNT, G-SPIT and G-FURY all used to be owned by Spencer Flack
  11. the more gizmo's and computers the more that can go wrong and the more expensive it is to put right ,sadly, enjoy it for 3 years whilst it is under warrantee then beqeath it to someone who can afford to pay for it to be repaired Me? I am looking for a 20 year old deux chevaux, 1 carb , 1 set of points, a reliable engine and gearbox, runs on the smell of an oily rag.
  12. Ditto, looks too much like xp10 for my liking
  13. here is a nice video of them over Lincoln https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSJstiIfEsM#t=26
  14. if frame rates are reasonable this is going to be a must have for big plane enthusiasts
  15. yes photoscenery is best seen at 2-3000 feet but it all depends on what you want to fly around an imaginary world (FTX) or a real world it is very difficult to combine the two, so you have to choose one or the other. I have both, on 2 separate drives 1 for vfr stuff the other drive is for europe and airliners so depending on mood, i choose the way that i want to fly and that dictates which drive I use.
  16. ahh vimeo ,, i am an addict a bit like wimp you start watching something and the wife finds you x hours later to go to bed
  17. used to take my kids to lasham to watch the gliders and get a pint or three in the royal oak back in the early 80's and give swmbo the afternoon off. Happy days sorry i digress----
  18. the best photoscenery is made by generation X and is available at a special price from https://earthsimulations.com/ earth sim also does an excellent guernsey , alderney and isle of man, and is now starting to make very high definition UK uk 2000 stuff fits seamlessly into photoscenery which also has less fps hit than ftx stuff so you pays ya money and takes ya choice it all depends if you are a low and slow person or a tubeliner person the ftx airports of Damyns hall, Popham, Elstree, stapleford, Old Warden are all excellent but only work fully with ftx england unless you are prepared to
  19. well worth watching go onto you tube and change it to 1080HD
  20. I have only visited twice but remember we had a drink in a right oldy worldy place
  21. i get it if I resize the screen to certain sizes and have 3d enabled
  22. how do you find them??? when i first saw the title of this thread I expected pictures of this :
  23. yes but an external hard drive is no use if the p.c. wont boot up
  24. I had the same try these guys they are pretty good http://rfinder.asalink.net/free/
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