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Everything posted by britfrog

  1. excuse my skepticism but just what incredible increase in man's knowledge is the billions spent on this escapade going supply? is it going to cure the worlds pollution? perhaps supply water to those without in Africa, will it remove all religions thus making the world a safer place? no , I fear it will simply confirm that what we already know, it is a piece of rock in an orbit and the small chunk they break off for examination will no doubt give some idea to when the universe was created, the day before adam and eve stepped foot on earth? instead of this little jolly they could have thrust 1%
  2. how many do you want Brett http://www.gillesvidal.com/blogpano/cockpit1.htm imagine this is vastly bigger than the b36 yet look at what computerisation has done
  3. Interestingly Manston is still listed as a MEDA (Master emergency diversion airfield) as was Greenham Common , thiey were declared the places to land an aircraft in the case of a hijack, as they were not easily overlooked and there were army barrachs close by. I do hope common sense plays a part and Manston is re-opened. However I could be wrong, but I believe Fairford was the only UK airport apponted to take a shuttle as it had specialy trained fire and rescue crews who would know how to receive a damaged shuttle. Dai, I admire your stance, however whilst I am the first to say it scares
  4. Here in France both May 8th (VE day) and the 11th of November are public holidays, and quite right too, At every village in the whole of France there are small services at the war memorilas where the mayor reads out a message from the President , thanking the commonwealth for saving them from the Nazi tyrany, and warning the children to learn from the sacrifices of their forefathers, etc it is all quite moving, except somehow the scene loses its solemness when "the marseillaise" is played out to the assembly over a ghetto blaster., which makes me smile a bit.
  5. Hi Lewis, on the face of it , a perfectly logical thing to want to do however,the easiest way is to use windows 8.1 and there in lies the problem fsx does not work as well with win 8 as it does with 7, most people who use 8 for fsx inevitably give up and return to 7 so perhaps Bretts idea is best. I am also using win 10 at the moment however there are memory leaks that stop me using fsx in that. as for a monitor, well i think you will need a fairly large one to make it worthwhile certainly over 24" however you will need to peruse the reviews to see who makes one that gives a good refresh spe
  6. can someone please explain to my simple mind why it is that it takes more p.c. horsepower to make a night scene where 90% of the screen is black and therefore all the little pixels are not being told to do soemthing than it does to create a scene of say heathrow in the day.
  7. Dai, your wish is my command: http://www.pan3sixty.co.uk/portfolio/avro-lancaster-kb889-at-duxford/
  8. whilst the b36 was the largest piston engins a/c it did have some huge problems with engine fires effectively it was one tusk short of being a white elephant, it was so bad that the crews changed the aircraft slogan from "six turning, four burning" into "two turning, two burning, two smoking, two choking, and two more unaccounted for. however have a look at this 360 degree view of the cockpit, i think the pilots had it easy compared to the flight engineer http://www.nmusafvirtualtour.com/media/062/B-36J%20Engineer.html and just for fun i found these to see: http://www.kenmcbride.c
  9. I saw palm springs on a podcast (or whatever they are called now) by AirdailyX the other night, they had Jarrad up for almost 2 hours until nearly 4 am aussie time, I have to say this scenery is incredibly good and i would buy it if I flew in the US.
  10. saturn 5 , the biggest rocket ever created I think, now replaced by smaller rockets propelled by russian engines with twice the power oof the satrurn 5 hasnt life a few queer turns?
  11. i saw this on an AirdailyX podcast (or whatever they are called these days) the other night and for an hour an 45 minutes I have to say I was spell bound, it is simply superb, sadly i wont be buying it as it is out of my sphere of ops but if you are looking at flying in this region this is a must buy !
  12. for me it is how each company perceives the products , DTG talks about a game, LM a simulation. Personally I have never thought of any of the m.s. flight simaltion versions as anything but a simulation. When m.s started talking about FSX as a game , they went out and produced flight. So for me the future will be P3D , but only when it goes 64bit, because at ther moment whilst they have done some small mods p3d is nowhere near as solid as fsx, especially if you use dx10, luckily it now appears from bits of info gleaned , it is not a case of, IF P3D will be going 64 bit but a case of, when.
  13. it makes sense to me especially as there are only 163 houses involved however it wont change anything at Heathrow because that is where the passengers and the airlines want to go. it will only increase gatwicks capacity. The sooner the politicians start working for the majority of the population the better as they pander far too much to the minorities. it is not a case of if heathrow will get another runway just when and the sooner the ministers bite the bullet the better for all concerned
  14. anders you are correct if you change the stock default saved flight it sometimes doesnt register in p3d make sure the little button is coloured in and perhaps after you tell it to be the default flight it will finally agree to do as you want, but i had to tell it more than once. I have simlauncher and find it takes as long as p3d to fire up sometimes so have persevered with the stock p3d intro page
  15. Thanks for the link, It is one of the few countries that I have very little photogen available
  16. spot on guys ! now whats the british aircraft????????
  17. as a certain person guessed far too quickly my last question here is another to ponder: what american aircraft was built and acclaimed as it had no rudder pedals ? they built thousands of them at a rate of 30 odd aircraft a day !!!! and for the real smartypants what was the UK a/c with no rudder pedals?
  18. a nice rdv with a virgin airliner, listen to the pilots announcements, how cool is that? http://www.chonday.com/Videos/jegalctospc2
  19. sadly not possible anymore at heathrow or CDG
  20. i have tried it on the runway at soton in p3d and get some small differences but only a maximum of maybe 5fps and i put that down to it wanting to load the town scenery, so i dont think it is the same as the are all over 50fps== [esit] just tried it in fsx using dx10 and i cannot reproduce it there either--sorry
  21. One has to admire their bravery in going head to head with pmdg, will their being first up to bat, aid their sales?
  23. 26/09/14 European regulator EASA lifted restrictions on the use of Portable Electronic Devices (PED)include any kind of electronic device brought on board the aircraft by a passenger such as a tablet, a laptop, a smartphone, an e-reader or a MP3 player. Due to this decision, European airlines can also allow the use of portable electronic devices (PEDs) throughout the flight, without the need to be in ‘Airplane Mode’. It is up to each airline to decide to allow the use of PEDs. In order to do this, the airline will have to go through an assessment process, ensuring aircraft systems are not a
  24. The French did make some weird a/c at times, mind you I suppose we did as well, look at anything that Blackburn made, especially the whistling wheelbarrow however this one was called the deux ponts (two decks) and was used to transport people and/or freight to the French colonies. it was meant to replace the c54 !! if both decks were used for passengers it could carry 107 passengers or 130soldiers which for the era was pretty good, its climbing ability ,or lack of, was legendary. Some of their pilots maintained that the only reason they took off was because of the curvature of the earth. th
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