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Kevin Firth

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Everything posted by Kevin Firth

  1. I've only installed Norway into P3D 3.3.5 so far but the update process went quickly and smoothly. Probably I'm being paranoid, but I do wonder whether/how much the new OrbX direct will exercise control over how their products are installed and not just how they are delivered to you? I do hope they dont try to cripple installations of airports without associated underlying regions...
  2. I spoke to Bob at RC Sims yesterday, and I think it will be worthwhile popping down there for a day (for me at least!) , and I get free entrance into some seaworld thing down in Weston for my dau as well Cheers K
  3. Thanks captain A most positive contribution, and I'd like to add my halfpennys worth as well having enjoyed the history background like you - very good! . cheers K
  4. Oh so many issues.. Im in the middle of a big house renovation and only have my phone to access the internet on. Consequently the quality I can see on it doesn't lend itself to decision making on visual quality! As the review mentioned some controls are inop, I dont think it unreasonable to ask what they are... so as to make a judgement as to whether it would affect my enjoyment of the product. (Ive bought products before which have subsequently languished unused because they were either v poor texture/modelling quality or lacking systems-wise ) I didn'
  5. In terms of its VC, what parts/controls are inop please? Could you compare its quality/completeness to other major well known brands to give an indication of the mossie's quality level please? Cheers K!
  6. Ah yes, sorry I did see those - assumed they were all sponsors - my bad! Thanks Joe! K
  7. I am significantly closer to WSM now so I may go to this on the way down or back from the out-laws in Devon Anyone else going? Can you get a heads up on who'll be there exhibiting at all Joe? I looked on website but couldnt see a list anywhere... Cheers K
  8. Still busy house renovating, and I didnt really have any ideas for a flying circus theme...sorry I didnt enter. Re JF, there are interesting products there and in the pipeline. But: For me personally I took a decision that I am only going to fly a/c with full systems and max fidelity (ie A2A, Q400, PMDG etc) and I already own a number that I really havent exploited to the full yet. So I'm more interested in scenery products that can bring additional immersion to my limited flight time, than additional a/c K
  9. The new GE imagery is great for the land, but awful for any type of good watermasking. It's easy to see all the areas of sea that have been stitched together from multiple images, resulting in there being no consistency to the water imagery at all What version is the mapserver up to now please?
  10. Hate to say it chris but maybe just either use default P3D textures or invest in Rex4TD
  11. No comment on the texture sets as havent had time to check them in sim, but installing the update certainly eliminated the Win10/MS local DB bug for me
  12. Cherokee out of Liverpool climbing over Runcorn (no editing whatsoever)
  13. orbx objectflow I disabled as it requires an update but will only be a few days and rest of scenery works ok. ASN will be updated in a cpl of days but I use opus so doesnt affect me Carenado I dont use sorry, A2A Q400 etc all work fine no problems with just the client installed
  14. Nope, its all good here, as the latest version of FSUIPC works with v3.2, as does OpusFSI. Have to say even from a quick test it feels better to me The increased autogen building draw distance IS noticeable K
  15. nice shots whats the scenery used please? kev
  16. Justflight 737 Professional (x2) Justflight MD-81/82 (x1) Audio Environment - GA edition (x1) X-plane Airport Lugano (x1) American Champion Aircraft - Citabria, Decathlon and Scout (x1) Also FS2004 VFR Terrain for FS2004 VFR Photoscenery series 1-4 All UK2000 FS2004 titles are now freeware of course! ALL sealed originals Also other games, Full spectrum warrior, Halo, Ghost Recon Gold Edition and expansion pack Free to good home ie someone that will use them! Only ask for a contribution to cover postage please PM me asap please, if they don't find a home in 2 weeks t
  17. I dont have time to mess with it Chris, its 'as is' I'm afraid, if it helps someone great, if not in the bin it goes.
  18. Best of luck, really hope you succeed with it. Is it really necessary to all have such grand sounding titles, seems rather pretentious to me - but hey, if it helps get people on board what do I know
  19. Sounds fun, but I can't find P3D as a flight simulator option on the form to fill in enlisting as new member, can I participate flying in this simulator? Yes if you can connect to vatsim youre good to go, I've flown using P3D
  20. Maybe try looking over at CIX VFR club? http://www.cixvfrclub.org.uk/index.php They do flying training for Vatsim, regular online group flights and have several controllers who do ATC for them.....
  21. I havent used them at all other than to test them. They belonged to the father of a neighbour of mine who has passed away, I never knew he was into simming, but I guess he didn't use them that heavily either as they've not been cleaned at all! I just said I'd test that they worked (neighbour didnt have a clue) and offer them here to people who may be able to put them to good use...
  22. Hmmm I put some new prices in the post but forgot to say £50 secures these 2nd hand puppies...
  23. Chris, yes I am reasonably happy I need a 4k tv to go with it now but Mrs Firth has made it quite clear if that happens before we've sorted our new house out with a new TV then I'll be inspecting under the patio for a good number of years! So I'll be going silent for a few months as I've sold my old monitors to someone already! :OShawbury Fields is excellent as an example of what autogen can look like with photoreal if you try hard enough - maybe someone will do the same for the rest of the UK?? Cheers K
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