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Kevin Firth

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Everything posted by Kevin Firth

  1. Having moved house towards the beginning of this year I havent had a lot of time to fly..certainly not to really use the 980ti that was last years xmas pressie to its full potential. Today, some 11months later, I managed to reinstall the NGX into my i5-2500K / 980ti... Under my old AMD 7950 with the same CPU, I managed to get 18-22fps on average. With the 980ti I was managing to get 36-38fps this morning Feels like I have an early xmas pressie this year without having to have spent a penny!
  2. I think if I went and purchased a couple of 1080s my wife would shut my zipper tight on something quite different but far more valuable than my wallet!
  3. Is there anyone here running P3D in 4K using SLI please? Considering adding another massively o/c'ed 980Ti but not sure whether it'll be worth it really . Only considering it because Ive got an option on one at £300 coming from soneone upgrading to a pair of 1080s.... Havent come across any GPU limits yet running at 1080p with a single 980Ti but going to go to 4K shortly, hence the question ...?
  4. Installed the hotfix, after updating orbx and gtn stuff...no probs for me
  5. I'll just sit back and wait for that royalty check then like the accugen name...is that what youre going to market it as? There'll be a matchbox truck in the mail to you with a bottle
  6. I have tried the cgi hand controller.. It was very accurate movement wise (and cool to make finger gestures to my daughter with) but I found it difficult to instantly access cockpit controls with any degree of swift accuracy. Maybe that comes with a lot more practice I dont know, or possibly it was partly the setup sensitivity, or maybe it needs some more work still most likely a mixture of everything! Still, it is a very impressive technology that will no doubt find a home in some simming situations...
  7. Perhaps not due to Andrew's rationale but I dont see imagery for the UK getting substantially cheaper You are such a tease though Chris, referencing a potential partner . I wont even ask as I know you wouldnt tell me! and yes, ES did do some very good work, but the processes you are implementing here are an order of magnitude above the general Treescapes product line that ES sold...the other more detailed areas by ES were much much smaller than youre aiming for! If you can come anywhere near to Shawbury Fields kind of quality with autogen autodetected buildings I will
  8. Had a try with a similarly specced machine at Cosford myself. I thought it was a great step forward from the first gen VR I tried 3 years ago, but for me, it's not there yet. The displays are still too low a resolution for me - with a normal monitor I can spot the PAPIs and the relative angle of a runway from a long way out, making positioning for finals quite easy, but with the VR headset only the PAPI was visible and I couldn't make out the relative position of the rest of the airfield until I was right on top of it I'd say it's promising technology, and definitely immersive,
  9. I really like voxatc, with updated airspace it really does operate just like real life for me, the only downside is that the UK enhancement pack isnt comparible with v7 yet I'm told, so it will be updated and released separately. installed the beta into P3Dv3.4 and it does seem to work straight out of the box so far
  10. I'd really like this a/c but slightly concerned about various reports of inop items in the vc and issues under P3D3. What are you running it in Matt please? K
  11. I asked Chris if he could do Spaghetti Junction as a bit of a test...and he came up with this... got to say I'm impressed! K http://forums.nightenvironment.com/topic/207-black-marble/?do=findComment&comment=2106
  12. Didnt need magnetos here, as long as you follow the (not properly documented) start up procedure? Youtube was the best answer to how to start the Hawk correctly
  13. So now we know your resistance time - 11minutes! Let us know what you think?
  14. There is mention of a SP being worked on at the JF forum. As you say its a Hawk, so I picked it up in anticipation of it coming good, even if it isnt 100% there yet. FPS seems fine for me so far on my old 2500K
  15. The manual is long and what is there is very informative. People have commented there are no checklists or tutorial flights, which would really help, although I got started in 2mins via Google and Youtube. It may just be my setup, but a number of gauges/switches in the VC didn't have tooltips so I struggled a bit at first actually mapping out in my head what did what. (Prob age related though!)
  16. I picked this up yeterday, lovely model, manual leaves a bi to be desired and JF are picking up a bit of flak over the flight model, although I havent flown it enough to comment either way yet. Apparently there may be a SP coming shortly? Theres also a pretty good EGOV valley freeware scenery so I'll be looking to do some mach loops in the hawk when I've learned to handle it K
  17. Current Vox manual can be seen at http://voxatc.com/Content/voxATCXHelp.pdf Just had a quick scan and I can't see anything about button control options... However, I do know that Vox can prompt you with a correct bit of speech, and when I've had trouble with the voice recognition in the past I could just press space twice to make Vox think I'd said it Best to wait for a bit more info on the new version as it is not a cheap product.. Cheers K
  18. I don't actually know, I picked up Vox precisely because I wanted something that would work by voice and I've never tried to use it any other way. I've always wondered why more people don't use it as an ATC replacement because I found (especially with the UK radiotelephony pack which fully simulated correct ATC phraseology in the UK!) it was fantastic. There were a few notable bugs in the last version which I hope they've fixed I've recently done a full reinstall but I'' see if I can find out for you... Cheers K
  19. VoxATC v7 will be released shortly - it is in final testing now. Includes many small fixes and full compatibility with P3D v3
  20. Would have liked to go but can't get there now
  21. I'd better get adding extra scenery watchtowers and minefields to EGHI then
  22. Rob Ainscough has indicated that the next iteration of P3D will be a very significant milestone... 64 *cough cough* bit? K
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