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Kevin Firth

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Everything posted by Kevin Firth

  1. Total discretionary expenditure this month is £14 going to southport air show to see the lancs and Vulcan I think I can spare a cpl of ££'s for one add-on..
  2. Dean, I hate you, I am tempted back to FS by this <all in the best possible taste of course> K
  3. Dai, if you had upwards of 60fps it must be something in the video capture or processing that's causing the visible jerkiness. I suspect screencaptureomatic has cut down the frames to reduce the video file size maybe? Never used that so I don't know.... It possibly it's something with WMM which again I have zero experience with? My experiences with videos, limited as it is, is that I captured with FRAPS then used adobe premiere to output the final video to YouTube. That was a long winded way if saying I haven't a clue
  4. Well I said I was giving up FS, and it's true, I've just not had time to touch it in the past week... However, I didn't say I was committed to giving it up forever and a day, or abandoning forums entirely, that's a matter still that could go either way. Going cold turkey like that might be too far, certainly right now I will take a break as recommended by several wise contributors here, but I'm not going to rush back straight into the arms of my performance issues and frustrations especially when I'm powerless through penury to purchase the necessary hardware to improve it... However I am
  5. Do a quick search for undelete, there's a few free utilities that will recover deleted files pretty easily, as long as you haven't done anything to overwrite the original data. deleting the file normally doesn't actually delete the data only the entry in the file allocation table, so it's not difficult usually to reconstruct that and hey presto your hours of work weren't in vain good luck! K
  6. No it was serious Chris, I can't get my head around GMAX at all, its the most user unfriendly program I've ever had the misfortune to try to use. Its impossible to work out how to change simple things without years of research. I'm done with it really, for now at least. I have failed miserably just trying to find out how to set the bloody thing not to snap vertices to the grid in the background, there just doesn't seem to be an option to change it. I've spent hours trying to figure out the materials editor without success, couldn't find any accessible resources that explained how to use it. Wh
  7. As of right now I'm giving up FS, the constant chasing of my tail trying to get FSX and now P3D2 to behave is making me distraught and angry and impacting on my family. the final straw has been trying to model something in GMAX which is nigh on impossible. There is nothing, NOTHING out there in terms of resources which in any way explains any of it in comprehensible detail to me so I am departing to grow vegetables in my spare time, which I hope will be somewhat less stressful....
  8. Nice looking Chris I love how you're striving to get it as real as you can within the sim limitations. Well done! K
  9. Ever flown into there real life BF? I wonder how it looks over there with openLC EU? It might be the only thing in the world that makes me buy that range of OrbX products if it looks any good . Could anyone do a couple of screenshots please? Thx K
  10. Lovely, have spent a bit of time in Former Yugoslavia and would really like to see it get some more attention...even if it were landclass based...
  11. I went around a safari park and lost a windscreen wiper, some trim and 2 indicators to a bunch of boisterous baboons - at least my daughter found it amusing!!
  12. Agreed mostly Chris, but the 'leaps' forward in CPU power since I bought my i5 2500 have been pretty marginal I'm not sure there'll be the order of magnitude leaps forward that out sim will require.
  13. I think there will be a gradual change, some will adapt and survive, some will fall by the wayside. But the opportunities will be there. At some point P3D will hopefully go 64bit, massively widening the scope for add ons, and you only have to look at the development of scenery tools over the past few years to see how they have enabled new products that were unviable not so long ago. The greatest danger I think is that we as individual hobbyists won't be able to afford to keep up with the technology needed to run it!
  14. Best viewed on a large screen in the dark as well
  15. W8 feels awful hate the interface I'm afraid - I'm with BF being a complete dinosaur...win7 works and I dont want anything else! As for P3D I can't get it to run in any way an acceptable performance right now with any autogen buildings so I may take up a less stressful pastime, such as delivering Richard Dawkins impressions and lectures to Islamic militants in the Middle East...
  16. Chris I just assigned the VC view to a key and associated tha key with a button through FSUIPC, worked for me....
  17. Ah I get that, I only bought for P3D...in which case belay that previous comment as I agree
  18. Spot on Joe, it's an absolute must have, great review. Only quibble I'd have is the value for money rating. For the number of hours I'll end up putting on this thing (only 8 so far) it'll easily be the best value for money a/c I'll buy, so I would give it 10/10
  19. Haha Dai, that's no split screen, I just flew down the join where the photoscenery met default
  20. I hope it's not because UK simmers are a bunch of cheapskates GRRR
  21. I don't think anywhere near enough time has passed to say people don't want it Darren . The question I'd ask is, why wouldn't people want it? And I can't think of any solid reason why they wouldn't.
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