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Kevin Firth

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Everything posted by Kevin Firth

  1. Seems changing this value in 2.5 from 0 to 1 (its in the [sIM] section of the cfg) is gaining people between 5-10 fps with no downside... Going to have to give it a go.. K
  2. Yes it was a rather hefty outlay, and hailing from Yorkshire originally I'm sure I don't have to tell you how it felt to actually have to spend even a penny of that... I am anticipating the 64bit P3D a little sooner than everyone else though I think, (due to what I think was a sly hint or a slip in a thread on AVSIM by Rob Ainscough, a little pointer in the P3D NGX documentation and a tip from a friend), so I wanted to position myself ready for that. I thought I'd get in the GPU upgrade now which will help more than anything else on its own, and I can put away for a 5xxx series CPU to
  3. Gulp I pulled the trigger on a 980 that I saw for a steal (scan.co.uk: 4GB Palit GTX 980 Super JetStream, PCIe 3.0, 7200MHz, 1203MHz, Boost 1304MHz, Cores 2048, 1 x DVI, 3 x mDP, 1 x mHDMI @£431 inc VAT) I was going to go for a 970 but what with all the hoo-hah about its VRAM etc I wanted to future proof for a 4k TV in a year or so... It's a collect from site job to save postage and might even mean I don't have to cough.. I now have a ATi Radeon 7950 o/c edition 3Gb VRAM going spare which has served me pretty well for a few years, if anyone wants t make me an offer to offset a few £'s
  4. My first flight was in a near virgin 2.5 install at default Jersey. I am happy to say I later seemed to get up to the mid twenties in places but only by turning down most of my average settings to way less than average, which left a lot to be desired in terms of external scenery I need hardware chaps, so any tips to get significant spending past the wife would be gratefully accepted K
  5. As Nigel says it is addictive once you start! It isnt that difficult technically to get your head round though I dont think, it helps if theres a cpl of people who will point you in the direction of the apps and utilities you will need Not forgetting of course to RTFM (SDK!) as well K
  6. Have to say I havent flown my NGX for nearly 2years having had my daughter and moved over to P3D exclusively. I was quite disappointed this morning when I excitedly fired her up (in default scenery only) and only got 15fps in the VC :S I dont ever remember it being that bad even with heavy airport sceneries in FSX? :S What are other people finding please? K
  7. Thanks Nigel, glad you're getting into scenery development and finding its not that hard after all I'd be happy to help anyone else who wants to get started with SBuilderX and FSET, just ask away...between Chris and I we can cover just about any timezone K
  8. Cant seem to get the info I need now! What number did you come up with please? K
  9. Great glad it worked for you K
  10. Google frequently change the map api number when they update imagery somewhere. It automatically uses the latest one in GE but you will need to find out what the updated number is and update your FSET config file with the current API Sorry I dont know what it is off hand K EDIT A method to find the version of the GE server in your region is:Use Internet Explorer (not another browser) and open google maps of the area you are interested, zoom in-out and change the region quickly and at that moment see the server info that appears very briefly on the bottom status bar, try to catch the V=xx
  11. Chris of course they are They aren't daft! There will be a lot of stuff that works still, some that will just require a 64bit compile and even less that will need more extensive internal coding work. All this fluff about no addons working in a 64bit v3 is wishy washy Ill informed gossip and utter tripe I think... K
  12. Re 64bit I'd refer you to Capt RRs post which answers that q explicitly and his later post today which I referred to above. Dont have the links to hand sorry (on mobile device dodgy connection) but there is a lot of freely available knowledge K
  13. PMDG arent abandoning anything. RR was even more candid in saying earlier last night that they deliberately didnt cater for the academic side of the P3D market because the revenues from such a discounted product line wouldnt justify the licencing and insurance costs associated with it. As with most things nowadays, follow the money, nothing else To be honest, whilst its not cheap, its peanuts for what you get for your money. I'm sorry for those people who feel they have been priced out of the market though
  14. The mistake people are now making is believing that us simmers are still the primary market. Capt RR has been very candid about the strategic direction of PMDG, which is towards professional training, and the big bucks that go with it. Get on board or don't, but disagreeing with the pricing structure is only likely to result in disappointment.
  15. Chris, I've amended the default center data using the file you sent. I found another bug in the bgl compiler and sorted a workaround now. I've replaced the center data with UK FIR region data and divided it into class G and class A. Now you shouldnt get any reference to manchester center!
  16. @Jim also a CIV VFR club member here.... You do need to like Garibaldi biscuits though K
  17. Very nice Chris, its always a balance catering for the 'out of the box install I just want to fly' crowd as well as the 'give me more options I want to control EVERYTHING' set like me . This looks very easy to understand and use. Look forward to trying it out with P3D2.5!!
  18. Chris, I have found where the default center airspace data is now and can see that each FIR is broken down into sectors each of which has a com freq specified. For example, EGHQ Newquay is in sector EGTT0847, which specifies <Com frequency="118.7750" type="CENTER" name="MANCHESTER"/>, hence why you get asked to contact Manchester center.... What we need to do is get this data more accurate, which is relatively easy, what I don't know is how the sim will respond to it, as I never use the default ATC and have no idea how its logic works (I suspect it will be based on US procedures whi
  19. Each radio navaid has its effective range listed in the UK AIP. Its something I was going to check and amend if necessary as part of my airspace project. You can get updated navaid data from Herbe Sors website aready. I havent checked it all but I dip sampled 1 or 2 and they seemed just about bob on. K PS the navaid data is held in bgl files which are not immediately apparent as containing navaid data from their name. Herve Sors has a utility available which allows you to specify the navaid identifier and it finds the bgl file its in for you
  20. Capt RR did make a slight reference a while ago to there probably being a limited time offer upgrade from FSX to P3D licence for existing owners, but that the exact costs wouldnt be worked out until just before release. Dont worry too much. It will be what it will be. If its too much I'll just stick with my Q400....
  21. Surprised you didnt pick up on Capt RR's statement yesterday morning that the NGX was getting a weather radar and was nearly in P3D2 beta Chris? K
  22. Charlie airspace is class C stuff Chris... I never use the default atc so I'm operating in the dark understanding what may be affecting yoyr situation! K
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