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Bruce (a.k.a. brian747)

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Everything posted by Bruce (a.k.a. brian747)

  1. Hi Carl! Apparently, the standard jetway "mechanism" is built in to FSX (so into SE also), and hence can't be changed, other than by developing something new of your own. (At least, that was the answer I got when I encountered the problem (not with UK2000 scenery), and asked about it on a scenery developers' forum). Just another Micro$oft "feature, I guess.... But you could try asking on Gary Summons's own UK2000 forum, to be sure that it isn't a UK2000 thing? Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  2. Hi Ardy! Really good, if a trifle fuzzy, questions there — although I somehow suspect that they're related. I'm afraid this is likely to be a long answer which tries to cover a lot of ground on the basis of not a lot to go on, but I'll do my best.... > "I have recently noticed that when I'm flying my 737-800," OK, sorry to interrupt so soon but it would have been really helpful to know which one, in order to target my reply more precisely. Are you in the FSX default? The iFly? The PMDG NGX? A.N. Other? They will each model things differently, so the answer to your question could
  3. Hi Martin! If you go to the "Downloads and documents" pinned post in the Aircraft | Commercial Airliners subforum you'll find a link to a document called "Simmers' guide to IFR RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minima) cruise levels". Hopefully, it will give you the information you need. (If not, please give me a yell). Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  4. Confirmed, they are definitely all pdf files. > "...both .bin files, im guessing, due to the size." Weird! Something is obviously either trying to convert them or else trying to guess what they are and getting it wrong. I've just downloaded Simon's "wall-o-text" on my iPad and it's perfectly readable. What tablet and browser are you using, I wonder? 8-) I'm puzzled.... 8-| Cheers, bruce a.k.a. Brian747
  5. Ah, the inimitable wisdom of Mr. Williams. <grin> And, of course, it isn't paranoia if the *really are* out to get you. B.
  6. Of course it was railway equipment! Real cargoes do exist, and if you have a cargo-shifting aircraft such as the Antonov *someone* will want to use it. This place has too many conspiracy theorists.... Nice flight, Chuck, and excellent choice of aircraft. I especially like the fact that the kneeling capability to make front loading easier was modelled — and it looks great in the air. (I'd gently suggest avoiding early landings in that thing, though, or your gear will cut a serious swathe through approach lights and perimeter fences). Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  7. <grin> My pleasure - that's great news! Rather than minimising FSX, how about switching between full screen and the reduced size window by using the Alt-Enter key combination? (Then resize the smaller window so that you can see the EZCA Studio at the same time). If you don't want to make your own, there are several pre-made camera sets available: Google is your friend. Have fun, Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  8. > "I imagine it will be the most current one though..." Well it used to be always the case that buyers were provided with v1.15, and it was then up to them to upgrade. But surely you can ascertain which version you're using? > "I can access the EZCA config .exe no problems at all..." OK, but that's not important right now: can you see the EZCA "Studio" interface, or not? > "The problem comes when FSX:SE has gone into full screen mode..." Did you read my previous comment? "...if you are running fsx full screen, then the "Studio" will be permanently hidden behind fsx so you can't s
  9. Can't help with alternatives, I'm afraid, since I've been running EZCA with Windows 7 for years with no problems — once it has been set up properly. As to the problem you describe: if you are running fsx full screen, then the "Studio" will be permanently hidden behind fsx so you can't see it until you exit — at which point it will, of course, have just lost its connection. EZCA isn't the most intuitive of programs to set up, but having paid for it it seems a shame to junk it simply because (so far) you can't get it working. If you're willing to give it one last try, could you p
  10. Lovely pics, Alan! > "...and the fact that some pillock tried to drive a baggage loader through the side of the aircraft!" Don't take it personally, ijits are everywhere. Oh, except here , of course.... Cheers, bruce a.k.a. Brian747
  11. Great stuff, Micke! (I liked your little Goshawk, too). Congratulations on the landing — I'm thinking that gusty15 kt crosswind sea breezes could constitute a challenge in that aircraft? Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  12. Great pics, Alan, even though a bit 'lump in the throat'-ish at present.. I've done that trip in poor vis RW, albeit with rotary wings... Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  13. Why commercial airliners? This forum in Mutley’s Hangar exists specifically as a place where we can discuss issues relating to the flying of commercial airliners — everything from recommended aircraft through to the operation of the CDU, from Standard Operating Procedures to suitable airport scenery. But its existence does inevitably pose the question — what is meant by the term “Commercial Airliners”? And that question isn’t too easy to answer, when you think about it. I think that most people vaguely assume that airliners are simply the bigger aircraft in the sky, which is fair e
  14. Associated with this forum there is a special area for the hosting of documents and other material specifically related to airliner simming. You can find it here: http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php?/files/category/15-commercial-sim-pilots-centre/ It goes without saying (but I suppose we have to say it anyway) that the material here is by simmers and for simmers, and should under no circumstances be utilised outside the context of simulation. (Surely no one would be so stupid.... but I suppose it's a case of CYA, as ever). &l
  15. Terrific photos, Peter - and many thanks for the memories! Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  16. Tut tut — cynical me! Thank you for the link, Micke. Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  17. Got it, and agreed about the improvement, and the reasonable price. The only snag being that I can't remember the last time I vlew in Alaska or Canada. "But that's not important right now...." However, when they finally get around to releasing the North American chunk of openLC then I have a funny feeling that the price will be slightly different! Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  18. The baton gets through! Well done, Chuck: a great PIREP. Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  19. How about five Airbus A350-900s flying in formation? See the 6½ minute video (from Airbus) here: http://www.chonday.com/Videos/fivebujawe2 (It seems a pity that the site it's on doesn't know the difference between a Jumbo Jet and an A350-900, but hey...). If you can't spare six minutes, you'll find an edited version featuring only the shots of the flight itself here: http://videos.airbus.com/video/94caba54003s.html And if you are really into Airbus videos (including formation flights — there is a search facility) you'll find around a thousand of them here: http://www.airbu
  20. Some seriously good airpersonship on show there, Jess! Congratulations on making it in good shape. Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  21. If you have a 'hog, you may be interested to hear that an "extension mod" is now available which increases the length of the joystick arm and hence the precision of the unit. To quote from the web page: "The goal of this modification is to enhance experience of using TM Warthog HOTAS™. Introduction of the longer joystick arm ensures full usage of joystick excellent precision. Longer joystick throw comes with several benefits which among others include: Increased precision during manoeuvres, in particular, fine adjustments (when flying in formation or during aerial refuelling) Eliminate
  22. Many thanks, Joe! Downloading now.... (Change log appended, for info). Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747 Changelog: Service Pack 3: ——————- – Compatibility adjustments for FSX:SE and P3D – Fixed problem where “No ASConnect Log” error messages could show up repeatedly without ability to press OK and continue normal operation – Added new handling to identify invalid appdata path selection, and notify user during initialization to select the proper path – Added additional handling in as_btstrp_config_manager to further prevent blocking – Fixed issue in Tools->Export l
  23. Hi Kevin! Having just been released from the threat of having to be away with the family that weekend, I'd be delighted to accept your kind offer. So many thanks indeed — I'll PM you regarding the details. Cheers, bruce a.k.a. brian747
  24. Those who fly online with Vatsim will already know about this, and be enjoying the second day of UK ATC coverage all being coordinated from a conference centre in Birmingham. So if you fly with Vatsim, here's your best chance in 2015 to be able to fly in the UK with full coverage! The announcement is here: http://www.vatsim.net/events/vatsim-uk-live-2015 The well-produced video of last year's event (worth viewing if you've ever wondered what things look like from the controllers' viewpoint, too) is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Icw1RMuha_k Cheers, bruce a.k.a. bria
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