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Everything posted by CSoul

  1. First one: The F4U Corsair. If ever there was an aircraft born to be wild, this was it. 2nd one. A MH-53 Pavelow. And an F8F Bearcat
  2. That's it. Irkutsk Airport, near Lake Baikal in Russia. Over to you Dai.
  3. Thanks simi. Okay, here we go. The aircraft is a clue and to find the airport, simply find a big lake.
  4. Get well soon, Alan. I know hospital food did nothing to ease my recovery when I was in hospital. Hope to see you around soon.
  5. Gothca! Lechfeld AB. ETSL. At least I hope I've got it...
  6. Now that is spectacular! Now, we just have to wait for somebody else to top it. Can't wait to see it.
  7. Resolute Bay Airport it is: located near the hamlet of Resolute as well as the waterway of Resolute Bay; Resolute is named after HMS Resolute, a barque converted for arctic exploration duty; the RCAF are considering using it as an artic...I mean arctic, base, and steadfast - a silly clue I know - is a synonym for resolute. As for the aircraft; the PC-6 is rough-field kind of aircraft, and the runway surface is gravel. Over to you, John.
  8. Right county, region and second word. All you need now is the bit in front of the Bay. Be steadfast! (Another clue)
  9. Okay; third clue. A major expansion of this airport is being considered, to turn it into a base for arctic operations.
  10. Slick! And in what looked to be some nasty weather, too.
  11. Second clue: The nearby hamlet is named after a ship that was specially outfitted for a particular kind of dangerous and difficult activity. The airport shares the first part of its name with the hamlet, but its full name with a waterway.
  12. Thanks Joe. Clue: It's cold! (The aircraft is also a clue, albeit a round-about one.)
  13. RJNO? That blue stripe made me think of Japan.
  14. First one. Low and fast in the Grand Canyon. Number two; a Basler BT-67. And another shot of the BT-67.
  15. Okay, second clue. The Via Julia Augusta runs through this city.
  16. Clue: The nearby city, served by this airport, is of (according to wikipedia) celtic origins. Scenery is default FSX.
  17. Waterkloof it is. The Mirage is a clue, in that the SAAF used to operate two Dassault aircraft, the F1 and Mirage 3. Over to you, Joe.
  18. Well, I did nearly crash a DC-10 coming into that airport once. Your clues are: 1) The airport's name when translated literally is; "Water ravine." 2) The aircraft is an indirect clue.
  19. I'll take a wild guess. SFAL?
  20. Bit of a different take on rough weather. A Merlin landing in low visibility. Moody descent into FAJS.
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